√ History of Amendments to the 1945 Constitution (Full Discussion)

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History of Amendments to the 1945 Constitution (Full Discussion) - In essence, all laws that apply in Indonesia must be in accordance with and have the essence of the 1945 Constitution. However, the 1945 Constitution is a law created by humans and cannot be said to be perfect.

This also marks the history of 4 amendments to the 1945 Constitution. Before the amendment of the 1945 Constitution had differences. There are 3 types of UUD that have been used in Indonesia. What these three mean is the 1945 Constitution, the 1949 RIS Constitution, and the 1950 Constitution.

History of Amendments to the 1945 Constitution (Full Discussion)

Luckily, today we still use the product of our nation's founders as the state constitution, the 1945 Constitution. In the development of the nation's journey, Indonesia has even more diverse needs.

This can be seen in the 1945 Constitution which is positioned as the foundation of the state, but it has several weaknesses. This seems reasonable because in the process of drafting the 1945 Constitution it was carried out in a precarious situation, the same as in the process of formulating Pancasila.

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History Amendments to the 1945 Constitution

The history of amendments to the 1945 Constitution has been recorded as having experienced 4 amendments. Amendment itself is interpreted as a change but not intended as a replacement. After 4 amendments, 25 items were not changed, 46 items were changed or added with other provisions.

Overall, there are currently 199 provisions, 174 new provisions. Why must it be amended? The following are several reasons why it is necessary to make amendments to the 1945 Constitution, including:

  1. Start weak system checks and balances in state institutions.
  2. There is executive heavy, too dominant power is in the hands of the President or the prerogative and power of the legislature.
  3. The implementation of an arrangement that is too flexible.
  4. Limited guarantee arrangements for human rights

Of the four reasons for the need for amendments, four histories emerge in the process of amending the 1945 Constitution in Indonesia, including:

Amendment I

The first amendment was ratified on October 19, 1999 on the basis of the MPR General Meeting of the People's Consultative Assembly on October 14-21, 1999. This amendment consists of 9 articles, namely: Article 5, Article 7, Article 9, Article 13, Article 14, Article 15, Article 17, Article 20, Article 21. The essence of this first amendment is a shift in the power of the President which is seen as too strong (executive heavy).

Amendment II

The second amendment was ratified on 18 August 2000 and passed through the general session of the MPR 7-8 August 2000. Amendments were made to 5 chapters and 25 articles. The following details the changes made in the second amendment.

There are also articles that have been amended, namely Article 18, Article 18A, Article 18B, Article 19, Article 20, Article 20A, Article 22A, Article 22B, Article 25E, Article 26, article 27, article 28A, article 28B, article 28C, article 28D, article 28E, article 28F, article 28G, article 28H, article 28I, article 28J, article 30, article 36B, article 36C. Chapter IXA, Chapter X, Chapter XA, Chapter XII, Chapter XV, Ps. 36A. The existence of this second amendment process is the Regional Government, the DPR and its Authorities, Human Rights, the State Emblem and the National Anthem.

Amendment III

Right on 10 November 2001 this third amendment was ratified through the ST MPR 1-9 November 2001. The changes that occur in this third amendment consist of 3 Chapters and 22 Articles.

The following details the third amendment. Article 1, article 3, article 6, article 6A, article 7A, article 7B, article 7C, article 8, article 11, article 17, article 22C, article 22D, article 22E, article 23, article 23A, article23C, article 23E, article 23F, article 23G, article 24, article 24A, article24B, article24C. Chapter VIIA, Chapter VIIB, Chapter VIIIA. The core of the changes made in this third amendment are the Form and Sovereignty of the State, the Authority of the MPR, the Presidency, Impeachment, State Finances, Judicial Power.

Complete History of Amendments to the 1945 Constitution

Amendment IV

Amendment IV was carried out on 10 August 2002 through the ST MPR 1-11 August 2002. The changes that occurred in the 4th amendment consist of 2 chapters and 13 articles including; Article 2, Article 6A, Article 8, Article 11, Article 16, Article 23B, Article 23D, Article 24, Article 31, Article 32, Article 33, Article 34, Article 3 and CHAPTER XIII, CHAPTER XIV.

Changes from the fourth amendment are the DPD as part of the MPR, replacement of the President, declaration of war, peace and agreement, currency, central bank, education and culture, national economy and social welfare, change Constitution.

The essence of being History of amendments to the 1945 Constitution which was carried out based on an agreement not to change the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, and still maintain it composition of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), as well as strengthening the presidential system of government.

Thus our discussion this time about History of Amendments to the 1945 Constitution (Full Discussion), I hope the article above can be useful for all of us. Thank you 🙂

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