√ 17 Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts, Theories, Aspects and Factors

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17 Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts, Theories, Aspects and Factors – In this discussion we will explain the meaning of Job Satisfaction. Which includes the notion of job satisfaction according to several experts which have been summarized from various sources, theories, aspects and factors of job satisfaction which will be discussed in full and easy to understand.

17 Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts, Theories, Aspects and Factors

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts

The following is a definition of job satisfaction according to experts.

1. Robbins (1996: 179)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Robbins is a general attitude of an individual towards his work. Work demands interaction with co-workers, superiors, organizational rules and policies, performance standards, working conditions and so on. A person with a high level of job satisfaction shows a positive attitude towards the job, whereas someone who is dissatisfied with his job shows a negative attitude towards his job.

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2. Stephen P. Robbins (1996: 26)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Stephen P. Robbins is a general attitude toward one's work, the difference between the amount of reward an employee receives and the amount they believe they should receive.

3. Hasibuan (2001: 202)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Hasibuan is a pleasant emotional attitude and loves his job. This attitude is reflected by work morale, discipline and work performance. Job satisfaction is enjoyed in work, outside work, and in and out of work combinations.

4. Davis (1995: 105)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Davis is employee satisfaction with their work between what employees expect from their job/office.

5. Blum (1956) in Moch. As'ad (1995: 104)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Blum is a general attitude which is the result of several specific attitudes towards work factors of adjustment and individual social relations outside of work.

6. Tiffin (1958) in Moch. As'ad (1995: 104)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Tiffin is closely related to the attitude of employees towards their own work, work situations, cooperation between leaders and employees.

7. Susilo Martoyo (1992: 115)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Susilo Martoyo is one of the psychological aspects that reflects one's feelings towards his job, he will be satisfied with the match between his abilities, skills and expectations with the job he is facing.

8. Handoko (2001: 193)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Handoko is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state with which employees perceive their work. Job satisfaction reflects a person's feelings towards his work.

9. Luthans (2006: 243)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Luthans is the result of employees' perceptions of how well their work provides things that are considered important.

10. Robbins And Judge (2008: 107)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Robbins and Judge is a positive feeling about one's work which is the result of an evaluation of its characteristics.

11. Setiawan and Ghozali (2006: 159)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Setiawan and Ghozali is a pleasant or emotionally positive condition that comes from a person's assessment of his work or work experience.

12. Q Hani Handoko (2000: 193-194)

The definition of job satisfaction according to T. Hani Handoko is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state with employees looking at their work. Time / length of completion is a reflection of one's feelings towards his work. This can be judged by the positive attitude of employees towards work and everything in their environment.

13. Brayfield and Rothe (1951) in Istijanto (2006: 254)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Brayfield and Rothe is the level when employees have positive feelings about the work offered by the company where they work.

14. Wexley And Yuki (2003)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Wexley and Yuki is the way a worker feels his job.

15. Robert Hopped Newhope Penshuania in Panji Anoraga (2001)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Robert Hopped Newhope Pensyuania is an assessment of workers, namely how far their work as a whole satisfies their needs.

16. Newstrom

The definition of job satisfaction according to Newstrom is the feeling of support or non-shamanism experienced by employees at work.

17. Mila Badriyah (2015)

The definition of job satisfaction according to Mila Badriyah is the attitude or feelings of employees towards these aspects pleasant or unpleasant about the job in accordance with their respective assessments worker.

Job Satisfaction Theory

There are several theories of job satisfaction which are explained below:

Two Factor Theory

Two factor theory is a theory which suggests that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are part of a group of unequal variables, namely motivators and hygiene factors. Dissatisfaction is related to the conditions surrounding the job, for example working conditions, pay, safety, quality of supervision and relationships with other people and not with the work itself. Because the factors preventing negative reactions are called hygiene or maintenance factors. And conversely satisfaction is taken from factors related to the work itself or direct results such as the nature of work, achievement in work, promotion opportunities and opportunities for self-development and acknowledged. Because this factor is associated with a high job satisfaction index called motivators.

Value Theory

Based on this theory, job satisfaction occurs at the level where work results are received by individuals as expected. The more results received, the more satisfied and vice versa. The key to satisfaction with this theory is the difference between the aspects of the job one has and one's desire. If the greater the difference, then the lower one's satisfaction.

Incongruity Theory

Is the theory that was first put forward by Porter (1961), this theory suggests that everyone wants so that a number of jobs that have been donated to employers will be valued as much as they are received reality.

Justice Theory

The theory of justice was first put forward by Zaleznik (1958) and then developed by Adams (1963). In this theory, showing a person feels fasting or dissatisfied depends on feelings of fairness or unfairness. The feeling of fairness and injustice in a situation is obtained by everyone by comparison himself with other people at the same level and type of work, at the same place or different

Aspects of Job Satisfaction / Job Satisfaction Factors

Check out the description below.

According to Levi (2002)

There are several aspects in job satisfaction, namely:

  • The work itself (work it self)
    Is that each job requires a certain skill in accordance with their respective fields. Difficult or not a job and also a person's feeling that his expertise is needed in doing the job, will increase or decrease job satisfaction.
  • Superiors (Supervision)
    A good boss means being able to appreciate the work of his subordinates. For a subordinate, the boss can be considered as a father/mother/friend figure and at the same time his boss.
  • Worker (Workers)
    Namely factors related to the relationship between employees and their superiors and with other employees, both the same and different types of work.
  • Promotion
    Is a factor related to whether or not there is an opportunity to get career advancement while working.
  • Salary/Wage (Pay)
    That is the factor of meeting the needs of the employees who are considered worthy or not.

According to Sutrisno (2009: 82-84)

Job satisfaction is influenced by several factors, namely:

  • Wages
  • job security
  • Opportunity to advance
  • Management and company
  • Supervisors and superiors. Poor supervision can result in absenteeism and turnover
  • job intrinsic factor. Difficult or easy and also pride in the task can increase or decrease work
  • Working conditions which include canteens, ventilation, parking lots and broadcasting
  • Social aspects at work
  • Communication
  • company facilities
17 Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts, Theories, Aspects, Factors

According to Blum (1956) in Moch. As'ad (1999)

There are several factors that affect job satisfaction, as follows:

  • Personal factors, which include age, level of health, character and expectations
  • Social factors which include family relations, community views, opportunities to react, the implementation of trade unions, political freedom and relations with the community.
  • The main factors in employment, including salary, supervision, work security, working conditions and opportunities for advancement.

According to Mangkunegara (2009: 120)

There are two factors that can influence job satisfaction, namely:

  • Employee Factor
    Includes intelligence (IQ), special intelligence, age, gender, physical condition, education, work experience, years of service, personality, emotions, ways of thinking, perceptions, and work attitudes
  • Occupational Factors
    Covers the type of work, organizational structure, rank or class, position, quality of supervision, financial security, promotion opportunities, social interaction and work relations.

Thus has been explained about 17 Definition of Job Satisfaction According to Experts, Theories, Aspects and Factors. Hopefully it can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting, don't forget to read our other articles.

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