21 Definition of Tax According to Experts (Full Discussion)

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21 Definition of Tax According to Experts (Full Discussion) – Talking about taxes, of course we have done it once a year, once a month or even every day. Like paying vehicle tax once a year, income tax, building and land taxes or what we often do do it like VAT (value added tax) every time you shop at a department store or supermarket, and so on etc.

21 Definition of Tax According to Experts (Full Discussion)

What is meant by tax? In my opinion, tax is a form of business that is useful for assisting the state government in carrying out its duties in the form of money and goods in nature mandatory and can be enforced in accordance with the regulations, without any reward that is obtained directly but we can feel it over a period of time long. However, for more details, let's take a closer look at the notions of tax that have been put forward by the experts.

Definition of Tax According to Experts

In addition to the notion of tax that has been explained above, there are several other broader notions regarding the notion of tax put forward by some experts in their fields, including:

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1. According to Law No. 28 of 2007 Article 1 concerning General Provisions and Taxation

Tax is one of the obligatory contributions to the state owed by every person or entity that is coercive but permanent according to the Law, and do not receive compensation directly and the tax is used for the needs of the state for prosperity the people.

2. Prof. Dr. MJH. Smeeths

Belaiau argues that tax is an achievement owed by the government within the norms that can be imposed without any counter-performance on each individual. means to finance the entire expenditure of the government or the country.

3. Prof. Dr. Rochmat Soemitro, SH.

Belaiu is of the opinion that the definition of tax is the contribution of the people to their country based on the law or the transfer of wealth by the private sector in the public sector and can be enforced which can be directly appointed to be used to finance needs or interests general.

4. Prof. Dr. PJA Andriani

He was once a professor at a College of the University of Amsterdam. He argues that taxes are contributions of the people and society to the state that can be imposed and owed to those who are obliged to pay them accordingly with the provisions of the law without receiving a reward that can be directly appointed and used for the necessary financing government.

5. Dr. Soeparman Soemahamidjaya

He explained that the driver of taxes is a mandatory contribution for citizens, whether in the form of money or goods collected by the authorities based on applicable legal norms to cover all production costs of goods and services in order to achieve public welfare in general.

6. Anderson Herschel M, et al

They argue that taxes are a transfer of resources by the private sector to the government sector and are not a result of violations but a obligations that are in accordance with the applicable provisions without any compensation and are carried out to make it easier for the government to carry out his job.

7. Cort Vander Linden

He explained that taxes are contributions to the general finances of a country that do not depend on the special services of a ruler.

8. Prof. Dr. Djajaningrat

He argues that the deduction of taxes is an obligation to provide a portion of wealth to the state due to events, circumstances and actions that give a certain position where the levy is not a punishment, but an obligation based on regulations that have been set by the government and can be forced. Which is intended to maintain the welfare of society in general.

9. Dr. N.J. Fieldman

He explained that taxes were an achievement that was coerced unilaterally by the authorities norms that are set without any contravention and are useful for covering all general expenses in a country.

10. R.R.A. Seligman

He explained that Tax is a collection that is coercive against the government or authorities for costs all expenses related to the community and without being appointed and there are no special benefits obtained.

11. Leroy Beaulieu

He explained that tax is a form of assistance, either directly or indirectly, which can be forced by the government to its citizens to cover all costs that have been incurred by a government country.

12. According to the National Tax Law

Taxes are compulsory contributions of the people to the state based on the provisions of the law without receiving compensation directly used for financing with all expenses in general and expenses development.

13. According to Rifqhi Siddiq

Belai is of the opinion that taxes are levies imposed by the government of a country within a certain period on taxpayers and their nature is mandatory and must be paid to the state by the taxpayer but the form of remuneration is not direct

14.According to Sommerfeld Ray M, Anderson Herschel M, Brock Horace R.

They explained that Tax is the transfer of resources from the private sector to the government sector which is not due to a violation of law but is mandatory to implement. This is based on the demands of the rules that have been determined and without getting compensation proportionally and directly, so that the government can carry out and carry out its duties well

15. According to Waluyo (2013:2)

He explained that taxes are public contributions to the state (which are forced in nature) owed by those who are obliged to pay them according to the provisions of the law by not obtaining return achievements that can be directly appointed and used, namely to finance general expenses related to the state's task of organizing government.

16.According to Prof. Dr. Djajadiningrat

Belai is of the opinion that Tax is an obligation to surrender part of the state's wealth due to a condition, event, and action that gives a certain position. This levy is not only as a punishment, but according to regulations set by the government and can be forced. Therefore, there is no return service from the state directly, such as maintaining the general welfare.

12 Definition of Tax According to Complete Experts

17. According to Anderson, W.H.

He argued that tax is a coercive payment against the state which is charged to the income of a person's wealth which is prioritized to finance state expenditure.

18. According to Sugiyanto

Belaiau is of the opinion that Taxes are mandatory levies or contributions made from individuals or entities to an area without any direct reward. balanced, and can be enforced based on the applicable laws and regulations which are then used to organize government and for development area.

19. According to Rimski Kartika Judisseno

He explained that taxes are an obligation in the field of statehood in the form of dedication and the active role of citizens and members of the public to funding various state needs in the form of national development whose implementation is regulated by law with the aim of national welfare and country. This means that the definition of tax can also be interpreted as remuneration provided by the community to the government with various kinds of facilities in a country.

20.According to Wikipedia

Quoted from wikipedia which explains that Tax (from Latin taxo; "rate"), namely a contribution of the people to the state based on the law, so this can be forced, without receiving direct remuneration.

21.According to Charles E.McLure

He argues that tax is a financial obligation or levy imposed on taxpayers (individuals or individuals). Agency) by the State or institutions that have functions equivalent to the state which are used to finance various kinds of expenditures public

Those are some of the meanings put forward by experts, hopefully the article will be about 21 Definition of Tax According to Experts (Full Discussion), hopefully it can provide benefits to readers. Thank you very much 🙂

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