√ Definition of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances, Examples, Benefits & Impacts

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Definition of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances, Examples, Benefits & Impacts – In this discussion we will explain about Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances. Which includes the meaning of narcotics, psychotropics, addictive substances, examples, benefits and effects of use with complete and easy-to-understand discussion. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances, Examples, Benefits & Impacts

Let's discuss starting from the meaning of narcotics first.

Definition of Narcotics

According to Law No. 22 of 1997, Narcotics are substances or medicines derived from plants or non-plants, either synthetic or semi-synthetic. which can cause a decrease / change in consciousness, loss of feeling, reduce to eliminate pain, and can cause dependency.

The term narcotics or narcotics and dangerous drugs/substances. In addition to the term narcotics, other terms that are permitted in particular by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Drugs, which stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances.

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The several terms above refer to a group of compounds that often have a risk of addiction for their users. In 2015 there were 35 types of drugs consumed by drug users in Indonesia, from the cheapest to the most expensive, such as LSD. In the world there are about 354 types of narcotics.

Narcotics are divided into three groups, including:

  • Narcotics Category I: Is the most dangerous narcotics. Because the addictive power is the highest. This group is used for research and science. Examples are Heroin, marijuana, cocaine, morphine, and opium.
  • Narcotics Category II: Is a narcotic that has strong addictive power, but is useful for treatment and research. Examples are: Benzethidine, pethidine and betamethadol
  • Narcotics Category III: Is a narcotic that has a mild addictive power, but useful for treatment and research. An example is codeine and its derivatives.

Definition of Psychotropics

Psychotropics are substances or drugs, natural or synthetic, which are not narcotics, which have psychoactive properties selective influence on the central nervous system resulting in characteristic changes in mental activity and behavior.

Psychotropics can be classified into four groups, including:

  • Psychotropic Class I: Is a psychotropic with the strongest addictive power, the benefits for treating it are not yet known and its benefits are being studied. Examples: LSD, MDMA, STP, and Ecstasy.
  • Psychotropics Group II: Is a psychotropic with strong addictive power and is also useful for treatment and research. Examples are: Methamphetamine, amphetamine, and mequalone.
  • Psychotropic Group III: Is a psychotropic with moderate addictive power and is also useful for treatment and research. Examples are: Lumiball, Fleenitrazepam, and buprenorsina
  • Psychotropic Group IV: Is a psychotropic that has a mild addictive power and is also useful for treatment and research. Examples are: Nitrazepam (BK, modadon, dumolid) and diazepam.

Definition of Addictive Substances

Addictive Materials, namely substances or other non-narcotic and psychotropic materials that have an influence on the work of the brain and can cause dependence, such as:

  • Cigarette
  • Group of alcohol and other drinks containing enthyl ethanol, inhaled or sniffing (solvent) in the form of organic matter (carbon) which cause an effect similar to that produced by alcoholic beverages or anesthetic drugs when the aroma is inhaled it will be intoxicating and cause addicted
  • Thinner and other substances, liquid erasers such as wood glue, and acetone, paint, gasoline which when inhaled will make you drunk (Alifia, 2008).

Benefits of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances in the Health/Medical Sector

The benefits of Narcotics, Psychotropics and Other Addictive Substances in the health or medical sector are as follows:

The kinds of narcotics that are useful in the field of health or medicine include:

  • Morphine: Is a processed product of raw opium or opium. Morphine has a bitter taste, looks like fine powder with a white color or white liquid. Morphine, mainly used to relieve severe pain that cannot be treated with non-narcotic analgesics. If the pain is getting worse, the dose used is also higher. All narcotic analgesics can cause addiction (addiction). Morphine is also used to reduce the feeling of tension in patients who are about to be operated on.
  • methadone: Currently Methadone is often used by someone in treating opium dependence. Opioid antagonists (narcotic analgesics) have been developed to treat opioid overdose and opioid dependence and are used as analgesia for pain sufferers.
  • Heroin: Is a drug that is very easy to make someone addicted because the effect is very strong. This drug can be found in pill, powder, and liquid form. Heroin has twice the strength of morphine and is often abused by people. Heroin is also known as putaw.
  • Codeine: Is a weak analgesic. Its strength is about 1/12 of morphine. For this reason, codeine is not used as an analgesic, but as a strong anti-cough.
  • Cocaine: Used as a pain suppressant in the skin, used for anesthesia (anesthesia), especially for eye, nose, and throat surgery.
  • meperidine: Also called pethidine, demerol, or dolantin used as analgesia. This drug is effective for diarrhea. The working power of meperidine is lower than morphine.

Various other addictive substances that are useful in the field of health or medicine, including:

  • Alcohol: Can kill disease germs, so it is often used to clean medical instruments in the sterilization process.
  • Nicotine: At certain doses of nicotine in cigarettes can be used as a drug to restore one's memory. This is because nicotine can stimulate sensory receptors in the brain.

Positive Impact of Drug Use

According to health experts, drugs are psychotropic compounds that are often used to anesthetize patients when they are going to have surgery or drugs for certain diseases.

The gana plant has been known to humans since ancient times and is used as a material for making bags because the fiber it produces is strong. Cannabis seeds are also used as a source of oil.

In a number of countries the cultivation of cannabis is completely prohibited. In several other countries, the cultivation of cannabis is permitted because of the importance of utilizing the fiber. The condition is that the varieties grown must contain very low or no narcotic substances.

Before there was a strict ban on cannabis cultivation, in Indonesia, especially in the Aceh region, cannabis leaves were a vegetable component and were commonly served.

This plant is found in almost every tropical country. Even some countries with cold climates have started cultivating it in greenhouses.

Morphine is a very strong analgesic alkaloid and is the main active agent found in opium. Morphine also acts directly on the central nervous system to relieve pain, stimulate coughing, reduce hunger, and make constipation. Morphine gives rise to high dependence than other substances.

Cocaine is a synthetic compound that triggers cell metabolism to be very fast. Cocaine is an alkaloid obtained from the Erythroxylon coca plant, which originates from America South, where the leaves of this plant are often chewed by local people to get the "effect stimulant”.

At this time Cocaine is still used as a local anesthetic, especially for surgery on the nose, eyes and throat, because its vasoconstrictive effect is also helpful. Cocaine is classified as a narcotic, along with morphine and heroin because of its addictive effects.

Definition of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances, Examples, Benefits, Impact of Use

Negative Impact of Drug Use

Here are some of the negative effects of drug use, including:

The effects of drugs can cause a person to hallucinate by seeing an object that doesn't really exist or isn't real when consumed in certain doses. For example cocaine and LSD.

The effects of drugs can cause organs such as the heart and brain to work faster than usual make people who consume it more energetic and also tend to make people happier and happier for temporary.

The effect of drugs can depress the central nervous system and reduce the functional activity of the body, so that users feel calm and even fall asleep and are unconscious. An example is Heroin or putaw.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Narcotics, Psychotropics, Addictive Substances, Examples, Benefits & Impactshopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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