√ 40 Definitions of Economics According to Experts (Complete)

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40 Understanding of Economics According to Experts (Complete) - In this discussion, allow it Regarding Knowledge. Co. id explaining economics. Which explanation here is the understanding of economics according to experts. World economists have found this understanding and we as the next generation must know it.

40 Understanding of Economics According to Experts (Complete)

The word economy comes from the Greek word i.e oikos And nomos, oikos which means family or household and nomos which means rules. So that the economy is also called household rules. For more details about this material, see the full review below.

Understanding of Economics According to Experts

Let's discuss the meaning of economics according to experts the results of their respective research.

1. Mill J.S

Economics according to Mill J.S: Economics is a practical science or knowledge of the ins and outs of spending and billing.

2. Mogertern and Von Neumann

Economics according to Mogentern and Von Neumann: Economics is a scientific discipline which would be a shame if it were not treated in an unscientific way.

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3. Abraham Maslow

Economics according to Abraham Maslow: Economics is one of the fields of study where this science tries to solve problems of necessity human beings through various economic sources that already exist based on certain theories and principles in an economic system that has been considered effective and efficient.

4. Alfred Marshall

Economics according to Alfred Marshall: Science that studies human everyday life

5. Alfred W

Economics according to Alfred W: Economics is a science that is divided into 3 groups, namely the science of economic theory, the science of applied economics, and the science of descriptive economics.

6. J. Van Zwijnregt

Economics according to J. Van Zwijnregt: Economics is a branch of knowledge or study of knowledge that studies every human effort to achieve prosperity.

7. J. M Keynes

Economics according to J.M Keynes: Economics is a thinking technique that has the utility of considering a number of costs as well as a share of the profits.

8. J. B Say

Economics according to J.B Say: Economics is a branch of science that is considered as a study of science regarding all the rules that can determine a person's wealth.

9. Oscar Langen

Economics according to Oscar Langen: Economics is a science that studies administration from various sources both small and large and analyzed in such a way that it can be used optimally for human life and the best.

10. Mel Vilye J Ulmer

Economics according to Mel Vilye J Ulmer: Economics is a science that discusses the main activities of the economy, namely production, distribution and consumption.

11. Hennipman

Economics according to Hennipman: Economics is a science or study whose job is to analyze humans and the reactions they give in economic life.

12. Frank Knight

Economics according to Frank Knight: Economics is a branch of science that provides knowledge and views for everyone about an economical way of life.

13. Gunnar Myrdal

Economics according to Gunnar Myrdal: Economics is a branch of social science, so economics is not regardless of its relation to other social sciences, such as politics, psychology, geography, anthropology and others etc.

14. J. L Mey Jr

Economics according to J.L Mey JR: Economics is the science of efforts or steps taken by humans to obtain and feel prosperity in their lives.

15. Albert L. Meyers

Economics according to Albert L. Meyers: Economics is a science that discusses and studies what needs must be had and needed by humans and how to satisfy these needs in what way humans can meet these needs his life.

16. Adam Smith

Economics according to Adam Smith: Economics is a branch of science that discusses and studies human behavior in an effort to allocate or process all resources that have limited use to achieve a goal certain. This is often referred to as classical economic theory.

17. Rosyidi

Economics according to Rosyidi: Economics is a branch of social science which focuses its object on individuals and society.

18. Lionel Robbins

Economics according to Lionel Robbins: Economics is a science that multiplies human behavior relate to their unlimited will with limited resources by maximizing utility or utilities.

19. Edwin Cannan

Economics according to Edwin Cannan: Economics is a study that aims to explain the general factors that determine material virtues.

20. A C Pigou

Economics according to A.C Pigou: Economics is a study to increase the amount of expenditure in order to increase the standard of living.

21. Louis Cantori

Economics according to Louis Cantori: Imnu economics is a matter of guaranteeing the circulation of property among humans, so that humans can maximize their life functions as servants of God to achieve falah in the world and the hereafter or hereafter.

22. William Beveridge

Economics according to Wilian Beveridge: Economics is a study of how humans work together to obtain material needs

23. Amwal

Economics according to Amwal: Economics is a branch of science or study that explains how determine effective decisions in managing existing resources in order to meet individual needs or public.

24. M. Akram Khan

Economics according to M. Akram Khan: Economics is a science that aims to study human welfare or falah which is achieved by organizing the earth's resources on the basis of cooperation and participation.

25. Khursid Ahmad

Economics according to Khursid Ahmad: Economics is a systematic effort that tries to understand economic problems and human behavior in relation to these problems from the point of view Islam.

26. Aristotle

Economics according to Aristotle: Economics is a branch that can be used in two ways, namely the possibility of being used and the possibility of being exchanged for goods. Usage value and exchange value.

27. M. Manullang

Economics according to M. Manullang: Economics is a science that studies society in its efforts to achieve prosperity or prosperity in a situation where humans can meet their needs, both in the form of goods as well as services.

28. Case and Fair

Economics according to Case and Fair: Economics is the study of how individuals and society take the choice to use the scarce resources that nature has provided with generations previously.

29. Jack Hirschleifer

Economics according to Jack Hirshleifer: Economics is the study of decisions in choosing among various possible actions, or economics is also used to study what happens when the decisions of various people influence one another.

30. Indonesian Encyclopedia

Economics according to the Indonesian Encyclopedia: Economics is a science that studies about human endeavors to achieve prosperity and the phenomena and relations arising from those efforts the.

31. Suherman Rosyidi

Economics according to Suherman Rosyidi: Economics is a branch of science that seeks to provide knowledge and understanding of the symptoms of society that arise due to human actions in an effort to meet needs or to achieve prosperity..

32. Robert B. Ekelund Jr. and Robert D. Tollison

Economics according to Robert B. Ekelund Jr. and Robert D. Tollison: Economics is the study of how individuals and society have wants unlimited and choose to allocate limited resources to satisfy wants they.

33. N. Gregory Mankiw

Economics according to N. Gregory Mankiw: Economics is the study of society managing scarce natural resources.

34. Richard G. Lipsey

Economics according to Richard G. Lipsey: Economics is a science that studies the use of scarce resources to fulfill unlimited human wants.

35. Paul A. Samuelson

Economics according to Paul A. Samuelson: Economics is a study of how people and societies make choices, with or without the use of money, in uses limited production resources but can be reused in various ways to produce various types commodity from time to time and distribute it for present or future consumption needs, among various people or groups in Indonesia in society.

40 Understanding of Economics According to Complete Experts

36. Samuekon

Economics according to Samuekon: Economics is a study that analyzes the disadvantages and advantages of increasing certain patterns in the use of resources.

37. Wikipedia

Economics according to Wikipedia: Economics is a science that studies human behavior in choosing and creating prosperity.

38. KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)

Economics according to KBBI: Economics is the science of production, distribution and consumption goods, as well as various issues related to it, such as labor, financing, and finance. The science of human social activities in fulfilling their life needs is obtained from their environment.

39. Van Der Valk

Economics according to Van Der Valk: Economics is a branch of the study of knowledge which always studies about every action economic activities carried out by every human being, which is also included with the consequences that could have arisen because of every economic action That.

40. Penson

Economics according to Penson: Economics is a science that always explores the material well-being of every human being.

Thus the explanation about 40 Understanding of Economics According to Experts (Complete)I hope this can add to your insight and knowledge about economics. Thank you for visiting.

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