13 Kidney Functions for the Human Body (Full Discussion)

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13 Kidney Functions for the Human Body (Full Discussion) – On this occasion, we will discuss kidney function for our body, why do we need to know kidney function? because the kidney is the most important and very vital organ that must be really cared for and treated properly, in order to avoid various diseases caused by disorders of the kidney.

13 Kidney Functions for the Human Body (Full Discussion)

If known early on, we try to always maintain the health of our body, especially kidney health by maintaining a healthy diet. What is the actual function of the kidney? We will discuss it in the following, hopefully after knowing it, we can take better care of it. Here's the discussion.

Before entering the function of the kidney, it would be nice for us to know in advance about the meaning of the kidney.

Definition of Kidney

The kidney is an excretory organ that is included in vertebrates and has a shape similar to a bean. The kidneys themselves are part of the urinary system, the kidneys also have a function to filter impurities (especially urea) from the blood and then dispose of them together with water in the form of urine.

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Another definition of the kidney is a pair of urinary tract organs that are located in the back cavity of the intestine and slightly above. The kidneys themselves have a bean-like shape and have a concave side facing towards the central axis of the body. On the side facing the axis of the body there is a renal hilum, which serves as a location the entry of a blood vessel, as well as lymph vessels, nerves, and also the ureters that enter and exit from kidney. Every human being normally has a pair of kidneys on the left and right sides of the body.

Kidney Function in Humans

Here are some of the functions of the kidney for the human body, including:

1. Forming urine and removing toxic substances

This is the main function of the kidneys, where the kidneys form urine to remove various toxic substances found in the body. This released substance is the result of metabolism which is excreted along with urine. In the formation of urine itself needs to go through 3 stages, here is the explanation:

  • Filtration
    Namely which is the process of filtering the blood contained in the glomerular capillaries. The resulting filter is in the form of primary urine which still contains salt, potassium, amino acids, sodium and glucose.
  • Reabsorption
    Materials that are useful and contained in the primary urine will later be reabsorbed. This reabsorption process occurs in 2 ways, namely through glucose and amino acids then it will be absorbed by diffusion, while water will be absorbed by passing osmosis process. Here the substances that are still needed will be returned to the blood, as well as to substances that are no longer needed As with chemical residues, salts and ammonia substances will then be excreted with the urine secondary.
  • Augmentation
    That is a process in which there is an addition of waste substances and urea that occurs in the convoluted tubules distal to the kidney. After this process is done, then this urine will then go to the bladder through the channels in the kidneys. From there we will feel the urge to urinate when the bladder in our body is filled with urine.

2. Filtering or Cleaning the Blood

Remaining substances or toxins contained in the body will be excreted through the kidneys, if these substances are not removed then this will be very dangerous for our body. The nephron is one of the parts in the kidney where it performs this function. The kidneys themselves filter approximately 200 liters of blood and 2 liters of waste products and water every day.

3. Keeping Blood Not Too Acidic

Kidneys themselves have a very important role in maintaining blood pH so that it is not too acidic. The kidneys maintain the pH of blood plasma around 7.4 which is through an exchange of hydronium and hydroxyl ions. So this is what makes the urine produced acidic at pH 5 or alkaline at pH 8.

4. Hormone Producer

The hormone produced is a type of erythroprotein hormone (abbreviated as EPO) which functions as a stimulant to increase the rate of red blood cell formation by the bone marrow.

5. Regulates the balance of blood chemical content

That regulates the level of salt contained in the blood.

6. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

The kidneys also function to regulate the deficiency and excess of sugar contained in the blood by using the hormones insulin and adrenaline. This is very important in avoiding a disease that is called diabetes. The insulin hormone itself has a function to lower blood sugar levels when excess sugar levels are produced in the blood. While the adrenaline hormone has a function to increase the sugar level in the blood if the sugar level produced in the blood is insufficient or lacking.

7. Maintain Water Balance

The kidney also has a function to assist in maintaining water balance in the body by maintaining extracellular osmotic pressure. If the kidneys are not functioning, the body will experience dryness and excessive dehydration will occur lack of blood fluids or even vice versa, the body will sink because the flood of fluids contained in the body accumulates and not wasted.

8. Regulating Potassium Levels In The Blood

If the level of potassium in the blood decreases, the kidneys will reabsorb the potassium later. And if the amount of potassium in the blood is excessive, the kidneys will get rid of it.

9. Maintaining a balance of Acid & Base Levels

In this case the kidneys function very important in maintaining the balance of acid-base levels against body fluids which is done by removing excess acid or base through urine.

10. Excreting Substances That Harm The Body

Substances that can harm the body such as urea, ammonia, creatinine, uric acid, bacteria, inorganic salts, as well as drugs will later be excreted by the kidneys. If these substances are not removed, they can cause disease and become poisons that can harm the health of the human body.

13 Kidney Functions for the Complete Human Body

11. Maintain Osmotic Pressure

The kidneys will also maintain osmotic pressure in the body which is by regulating the balance of salts in the body.

12. Regulating Blood Volume

The kidneys can also regulate the amount of fluid dissolved in the blood so that blood volume can be maintained to remain balanced in the body.

13. Substance Returns

The purpose of returning substances is that the kidneys will return substances that are still functioning for our bodies back to the blood. There are also substances such as salt, water, glucose etc.

So, those are some of the functions of the kidneys in our body, I hope we can take better care of this organ before it's too late. And hopefully an article about 13 Kidney Functions for the Human Body (Full Discussion), can help you and useful for all of us. That is all and thank you.

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