Examples of Industrial Waste: Definition of Waste, Types, Characteristics and Impacts

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Examples of Industrial Waste: Definition of Waste, Types, Characteristics and Impacts - What are some examples of industrial waste? At this time About the knowledge.co.id will discuss what industrial waste is and other elements about it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Examples of Industrial Waste: Definition of Waste, Types, Characteristics and Impacts

This industrial waste is a type of waste generated from all types of industrial activities. Here are some examples of industrial waste that you need to know, namely:

Liquid Industrial Waste

This one industrial waste is a type of waste or pollution that is usually issued by factory, which is in liquid form and will usually be disposed of directly into waterways, rivers or even drain. Examples include residual liquid clothing dye, liquid preservatives, iron content in water, oil leaks at sea, and so on.

Solid Industrial Waste

Solid industrial waste is the result of waste from industrial activities in the form of solids, sludge or slurry comes from a processing process, or waste that has been produced from industrial activities and from public places other. Examples are plastic, bags, leftover clothing or cloth, leftover electronic waste, paper, wires, iron and others.

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Gas Industry Waste

The definition of gas industrial waste is waste caused by natural sources or the result of human activities. Which is in the form of gaseous molecules and in general gives a bad impact on the life of living things and also the environment. For example burning in factories, gas leaks, smoke, and many more.

Definition of Industrial Waste

Waste is waste generated from a production process, both industrial and domestic (household). whose arrival at a certain time and place is unwanted in the environment because it has no value economical. From a chemical perspective, waste consists of organic and inorganic chemicals.

With a certain concentration and quantity, the presence of waste can have a negative impact on the environment, especially for human health, so that waste must be handled. “The level of poisoning hazard posed by waste depends on the type and characteristics of the waste itself.

Types of Industrial Waste

There are several types of industrial waste, the following are:

Types of waste based on their sources

Based on the source, the types of waste are divided into 2, namely industrial waste and domestic waste.

 Industrial waste

Industrial waste is waste generated from industrial processes.

Example: industrial waste is mining waste, factory waste, radioactive waste from nuclear power plants, hospital waste etc. Industrial waste is generally taken seriously by the government because there is a mechanism for each industry (company).

Domestic waste

Domestic waste is waste generated from household consumption activities.
Example: from domestic waste, namely washing water (detergent), used cans, used cardboard, plastic bags etc.

Agricultural Waste

Agricultural waste is agricultural waste originating from agricultural or plantation activities.
Example: agricultural waste is liquid fertilizer that is washed away in rivers or irrigation canals.

Types of Waste Based on Their Compounds

Based on the compound content, the types of waste are divided into 2, namely organic waste and inorganic waste.

Organic Waste

Organic waste is waste that contains organic compounds or is derived from the products of living things (plants and animals). In general, organic waste is easier to handle because it can be decomposed into organic compounds through biological processes quickly.

Inorganic Waste

Inorganic waste is waste that contains more inorganic compounds. Inorganic waste will generally be more difficult to handle.
Example: inorganic waste is plastic, heavy metals, glass, scrap metal etc.

Types of Waste Based on Their Characteristics

Based on its nature in affecting the comfort of human life, the types of waste are divided into 3, namely ordinary waste, hazardous and toxic waste (B3 waste).

Ordinary Waste

Ordinary waste is a type of waste that does not cause serious damage on a small scale and in the long term.
Example: from ordinary waste is organic waste.

Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3)

Hazardous and toxic waste (B3) is waste that can cause serious damage, even on a small scale, in the short or long term. Examples of B3 waste are: waste that is corrosive, explosive, causes infection, poisoning, flammable etc.

Examples of Industrial Waste: Definition of Waste, Types, Characteristics and Impacts

Characteristics of Industrial Waste

There are several characteristics of waste, the following is an explanation below

  • Micro-sized, the particles that make up the waste are micro-sized so that they can be said to be invisible or difficult to detect.
  • Dynamic, waste is dynamic, meaning that this waste does not stay in one place, but always moves and changes according to the conditions or circumstances of the environment.
  • Widespread Impact, The spread of waste can reach a wide area because of its micro (small) size so it spreads easily and is not easily detected directly. In addition, the impact of waste is not only focused on one factor, but can affect other factors.
  • Long-Term Impact, Problems with the impact caused by waste cannot be overcome in a short time short, but takes a long time and even requires collaboration between generations to get over it.

Impact of Waste on the Environment

Besides having a bad impact on humans, waste also has a bad impact on the environment. The most visible bad impact is the damage to the environment, thereby reducing the aesthetic value of the environment.

Liquid Waste

Waste in the form of liquid that enters the drainage system or river will cause water pollution. if this has happened then many organisms such as fish will die of poisoning. If this happens, there will be changes in the aquatic ecosystem which will disrupt the balance of the ecosystem as a whole.

Example: Liquid industrial waste, namely: oil leaks at sea, liquid clothing dye residue, liquid preservative residue, iron content in water, tempeh waste, tofu waste and other chemical residues.

Solid waste

Solid waste that is dumped into rivers in large quantities can clog the flow of river water which can cause flooding.

Example: solid industrial waste, namely: plastic (bottles of mineral water or others), bags, cloth or clothing, electronic waste, paper, cables, iron, sludge from industrial residues, residual cement slurry etc.

Air Pollution Waste

Air pollution by waste will also occur, such as the unpleasant odor caused by the decomposition of organic waste. Smoke emitted from motorized vehicles, burning waste and large industries can also cause air pollution.

Example: solid industrial waste, namely: factory burning, factory smoke left over from production, gas leaks etc.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Example of Industrial Waste, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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