√ Definition of Fairy Tales, Characteristics, Structure, Elements and Examples

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Definition of Fairy Tales, Characteristics, Structure, Elements & Examples - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about Fairy Tales. Which in this case explains the meaning of fairy tales according to experts, meaning, characteristics, structure, elements and types briefly and clearly. For more details, please refer to the following.

Definition of Fairy Tales, Characteristics, Structure, Elements & Examples

Even though it is fictional, it is not uncommon for fairy tales to be inspired by events that happened in the real world or based on things that have happened. Fairy tales generally contain moral teachings, describe the truth and there are some fairy tales that contain satire.

The definition of fairy tales is

In general, a fairy tale is an old literary work that contains extraordinary stories and is full of fantasy (fiction) which the general public perceives as stories that did not really happen.

Another opinion says, fairy tales are traditional stories that are passed down from generation to generation where the aim is to entertain and teach moral values. Fairy tales are often used to help children learn to imagine and shape and build their characters.

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Definition of Fairy Tales According to Experts

In order to better understand what fairy tales are, we can refer to some of the opinions of experts as follows:

  1. James Danandjaja

The definition of a fairy tale according to James Danandjaja, the definition of a fairy tale is a folk story that is not considered to have really happened by the owner of the story. Fairy tales are also not bound by a place or time, because fairy tales are told to entertain.

  1. Agus Triyanto

The definition of a fairy tale according to Agus Triyanto, the meaning of a fairy tale is a simple fantasy story that does not exist actually happened which serves to convey a moral teaching (educational) as well entertain. So, a fairy tale is a form of literary work whose story does not really happen/fictional.

  1. Poerwadar Minta

The definition of a fairy tale according to Poerwadar Minta, the definition of a fairy tale is a story about strange past events or stories that did not happen. Fairy tales are told mainly for entertainment although many also depict the truth, contain lessons (moral) and even satire. The storytelling of fairy tales contains implicit and explicit hopes, wishes and advice.

  1. Liberatus Tengsoe

According to Liberatus Tengsoe, a fairy tale is an imaginary story whose truth is hard to believe because it is presented with magical, strange and unreasonable things.

  1. Charles Perrault

The definition of a fairy tale according to Charles Perrault, the notion of a fairy tale is a short story about an imaginary adventure with situations and characters that are supernatural and extraordinary.

  1. Wikipedia

The definition of a fairy tale according to Wikipedia states that a fairy tale is an old literary form that tells a story an extraordinary event full of fantasy (fiction) which is considered by the public as something that is not real happen. Fairy tales are a form of traditional stories or stories that are passed down from generation to generation from ancestors. Fairy tales have a function to convey moral teachings (educate), and also entertain

  1. Thursday, 1997: 144

The definition of a fairy tale according to Kamisa states that a fairy tale is a story that is told or written that is entertainment in nature and usually does not really happen in a life. Fairy tales are a form of literary work in which the story is not really true/fictional which is entertaining and contains moral teachings contained in the fairy tale.

  1. Nurgiantoro, 2005:198

The definition of a fairy tale according to Nurgiantoro states that a fairy tale is a story that doesn't really happen and in many ways often doesn't make sense.

  1. KBBI. web. id

The definition of a fairy tale according to a fairy tale is a story that doesn't really happen (especially about past events what is strange, sayings (news etc.) that are nonsensical or untrue: he considers the long descriptions to be just stories mere

  1. Ministry of National Education (2010:1)

The definition of a fairy tale according to the Ministry of National Education states that a fairy tale is a story that is original or factual.

  1. Badrun (1983:29)

The definition of a fairy tale according to Badrun states that a fairy tale is a prose story produced by living folk art fertile in the imagination of society, dreams, and a reality mixed together in the world of fantasy.

  1. Spring (1988:29)

The definition of fairy tales according to Semi states that fairy tales usually tell about the origin of a place or a country, or about some strange and amazing events about human life or animal.

  1. According to Woolfson (in Puspita: 2009)

The definition of fairy tales according to Woolfson states that research results show that fairy tales are traditional activities that are effective for the learning process and train the emotional aspects of children's lives. Because when a person is still a child, his psychological state is still easily shaped and influenced. Therefore, when the influencing factors are positive, the child's emotions will be positive too.

  1. According to Handajani (2008: 14)

The definition of fairy tales according to Handajani suggests that fairy tales are packed with a combination of elements of entertainment and elements of education. The element of entertainment in fairy tales can be found in the use of funny vocabulary, the character of witty characters, and the depiction of the experiences of witty characters, while fairy tales have educational elements when the fairy tale introduces and teaches children about various noble values, spiritual experiences, intellectual adventures, and social problems in public.

Characteristics of Fairy Tales

Fairy tales have their own characteristics that distinguish them from other types of literary works. The characteristics of fairy tales are as follows:

  • Stories in fairy tales have a very simple plot.
  • Fairy tales are usually short and fast-paced.
  • Characters in fairy tales are usually not conveyed in detail.
  • Fairy tales are usually passed on orally as entertainment or bedtime stories.
  • In general, fairy tales contain a moral message to listeners/readers.

Fairy Tale Structure

In general, fairy tales consist of three important parts. The fairy tale structure is as follows:

  1. Introduction

Is the introductory part in a fairy tale. This section is usually made to briefly explain the contents of fairy tales.

  1. Contents (Events)

Is the main and most important part of a fairy tale where the contents tell each incident sequentially.

  1. Closing

Is the final part of a fairy tale that usually contains a moral message and closing words.

Fairy Tale Example

Here is an example of a fairy tale about the story of the goose and the golden egg.

Definition of Fairy Tales Characteristics of Structure, Elements & Examples

Children's Fairy Tales: The Story of the Goose and the Golden Egg

It was said in ancient times, there lived a poor farmer who had a very beautiful swan. The farmer took good care of the goose until one day when the farmer came to the goose pen, the goose had laid a shiny golden egg.

The farmer took and brought the golden eggs to the market and sold them. The same incident was repeated for the following days, so that in a short time the farmer started to get rich. But soon the farmer's greed and impatience with the Goose emerged because the Goose only gave one egg every day. The Farmer felt he would not get rich quickly that way.

One day, after counting his money, an idea popped into the farmer's head, the idea that he would get all of the Goose's golden eggs at once by butchering the Goose. But when the idea was implemented, there was not an egg that he could find, and his precious goose was cut to death.

So the lesson that we can learn from this fairy tale of the goose and the golden egg is

Whoever has had something in abundance, but is greedy and wants more, will lose all he has. So be grateful with everything we have.

Intrinsic Elements in Fairy Tales

In every fairy tale contains intrinsic elements that complement each other. There are several intrinsic elements of fairy tales as follows:


Is the main idea or idea that underlies a fairy tale. There are two types of themes in a story, namely the explicit theme and the implied theme.


Is a description of space, time, and atmosphere when an event occurs in a literary work.


Is a sequence of events in a fairy tale that are interconnected based on a cause-and-effect relationship. Understanding the plot will make it easier for us to understand the events in a story.


It is the actors in the fairy tale who experience various events in the story.


Is the way the author displays the characters and their characteristics in fairy tales, be it the character, nature, and physical condition of the characters.


Is the way the author places himself against fairy tales or from what angle the author views the story.

Figure of speech

Is a style of language used in fairy tales with the aim of providing certain effects so as to make fairy tales come alive.


Is the moral message that the fairy tale writer wants to convey to the reader.

Types of Fairy Tales

There are several types of fairy tales that can be recognized based on the characteristics of the contents of each story. The following are several types of fairy tales, namely:


Mites or myths are a type of fairy tale that tells about things related to spirits, such as jinns, demons, or gods. Some examples of myths: Nyi Roro Kidul, Joko Tarub, Laweyan, and others;


That is a type of fairy tale in which the story tells the history of certain figures who have courage, heroism, supernatural powers, kindness. Examples of sage: Calon Arang, Ciung Wanara, Airlangga, and others.


That is a type of fairy tale that tells about the life of animals where these animals can behave like humans. fable examples; Kancil and Crocodiles, Ants and Grasshoppers, and others.


These are the kinds of fairy tales that some locals believe actually happened, but are not considered holy or sacred. Examples of legends: Lutung Kasarung, Lake Toba, Crying Stone, and others.


That is a type of fairy tale whose story contains educational values, whether moral education, religion, or other education which is conveyed implicitly. An example of a parable: Malinkundang.

Thus a brief description of Definition of Fairy Tales, Characteristics, Structure, Elements & Examples. Hopefully it can be useful and increase knowledge for you. Thank You.

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