Examples of Scientific Work: Functions and Rules of Language

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Examples of Scientific Work: Functions and Rules of Language – What are examples of good and correct forms of writing scientific papers? Previously About the knowledge.co.id have discussed Scientific Work: Definition, Characteristics, Benefits, Forms, Types, Systematics and Writing Stages, this time we will give some good and correct examples of writing scientific papers. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Examples of Scientific Work: Functions and Rules of Language

Scientific work is an essay that describes opinions, results of observations, reviews, and research in certain fields arranged according to a certain method with systematic writing, polite language, and contents that can be correct be held accountable.

Scientific work written and published reports presenting the results of research or studies that have been carried out by an individual or a team to comply with the rules and ethics of science confirmed and adhered to by the community scientific.

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Functions of Scientific Writing

In essence, the function of scientific work is as follows:

  • Explanation, this writing can be explained as something that was previously unknown, unclear, and uncertain.
  • Forecast (prediction), this paper can help anticipate things that might come in the future.
  • Control, this writing can function to control or supervise whether a statement is true or not.

Linguistic Rules of Scientific Work

  • The choice of words used in scientific work must be impersonal.
  • Many scientific works use the passive voice.
  • The language used in scientific work must be reproductive.
  • The variety of language used in scientific work must be clear and denotative in meaning.

What is meant by the choice of words used in scientific work is impersonal in nature are words Pronouns used in scientific work must be general in nature, such as using the author's pronoun or researcher.

While the use of reproductive language is in conveying information in scientific work, one must avoid using words and sentences that have multiple meanings.

The variety of language used in scientific work must be straightforward and have denotative meaning, namely the meaning contained in his words must be expressed explicitly to prevent the emergence of meaning giving other. For this reason, in scientific work we often get definitions or limitations of the words or terms used.

Examples of Scientific Work About Health

How to Maintain Health



1. Background

Health is something that must be maintained by every human being. A person will not be able to do any activity if his body is not healthy.

There are many ways to keep our bodies healthy. One of them is by maintaining the nutritional intake eaten

In addition, exercise is also very necessary to do. In addition, sleeping during the day also has several benefits.

2. formulation of the problem

What can we do to maintain health?
How do naps affect your health?

3. Research purposes

To find out how you can take care of your body and understand the effect of napping on your health



1. How to Maintain Health

Maintaining health is something that must be done. Ways that can be done to maintain health include the following:

Meet the needs of minerals and vitamins in the body
Consumption of foods that meet the four healthy five perfect
Regular exercise
Enough sleep
Stay away from alcoholic drinks* l

2. Effects of Napping

Naps are often done by someone at an early age. However, these activities are also mostly done by adults. The effect of napping on body health includes:

Can lower low blood pressure
It can reduce feelings of anxiety and sadness
Eliminate fatigue.




Napping is one of the things you can do to keep your body healthy. This activity has several benefits. However, naps must be done according to the right time.

If the activity is done in excess it will cause other bad effects. Thus, all activities must be carried out in accordance with their respective portions. Don't let it reduce your fitness.

Examples of Scientific Work on Free Association

The Dangers of Free Association Among Teenagers


1. Background

Adolescence is a vulnerable age, especially in association. Advances in technology also trigger the breadth of association. At present, promiscuity is the main danger faced by teenagers. Not only that, promiscuity also raises concerns for parents. Adolescents who are unstable are indeed very easy to be "fooled" by society.

2. Formulation of the problem

How dangerous is promiscuity for teenagers?

3. Research purposes

Knowing what dangers threaten as a result of promiscuity.


The Dangers of Free Association

Association does not always give a good effect. Bad association or commonly called promiscuity is one example of association with bad effects. The negative impact of promiscuity, namely:

a. Moral decay of children

Free association is one of the causes of moral decay of the nation's children. They feel free without being noticed by their parents. So that they lose the good morals that they should have. They can do various negative things to fulfill their happiness. Free association causes children to lose their polite attitude and only follow the times.

b. Use of narcotics and alcohol

As has been widely reported, many teenagers are now "caught up" partying with alcohol and drugs. In fact, not only teenagers, early childhood also smoke cigarettes. These illegal drugs are easy to find if someone has entered the zone of promiscuity. This is because liquor and narcotics are sold freely everywhere.

c. Accident before marriage

The negative impact of promiscuity that has a big impact on yourself and your family is getting pregnant first. Lack of sex education for teenagers is the main cause. Accidents before marriage have even occurred in elementary school (SD) children. They don't know what they are doing and also the impact after they do it.



Today's association has entered a dangerous zone. The negative impact of promiscuity has taken many prey. Starting from moral damage and drug use as well as accidents before marriage. Free association that occurs among adolescents can be reduced through the main intermediaries, namely parents. Parents must provide adequate education and supervision to children.

Example of Scientific Writing on the Environment

Pollution in the Environment



The environment is a mix of biotic and abiotic. Abiotic is a collection of non-living things, while biotic is a collection of living things. Which includes abiotic components include water, air, soil, sunlight, temperature, and so forth.

While the biotic components include producers, consumers, and decomposers or decomposers. Between abiotic components and biotic components have a very close relationship, so they can not be separated. While the environment has a variety of meanings.

Based on the Ecology Dictionary, the environment is referred to as the environment. Environment has the meaning of unity between living or biotic things and non-living or abiotic things that exist on earth. Then according to Law no. 32 of 2009 the environment means the unity of space for all objects.

Whether it's living things like humans, their circumstances, to human behavior. From some of the descriptions above, it can be concluded that the environment is a combination of all living things and the components that surround them.

The existence of living things on earth is one of the factors for the success of an environment. For humans themselves are perfect creatures created by the Creator in a complete state. Therefore, various failures that occur in the environment are actually the result of human activities.

Human behavior today has actually exceeded reasonable limits. One of them is human behavior littering, thus polluting the environment which should be clean becomes full of garbage. A place that should be shady and clean turns into a dry and hot place.
Formulation of the problem

What types of pollution occur in the environment?
What is the explanation of pollution in the environment?


A Type of Pollution
1. Air pollution

Air pollution itself is actually not always caused by human activities. Air pollution can be caused by natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions. The volcanic eruption brought with it dangerous metal particles.

However, the cause of air pollution that occurs a lot in Indonesia is actually due to motorized vehicle pollution, be it two-wheeled, three-wheeled or four-wheeled.

Air pollution is caused by several things, namely as follows.

Smoke Rok*k

As is well known, if most of the rich people in Indonesia are the owners of cigarette companies. With so many cigarette factories, the biggest cause of pollution is from cigarettes.

The content of harmful substances in cigarettes such as nicotine and tar. With the presence of harmful substances, the smoke generated by cigarettes also becomes dangerous.

Ozone (03)

Now many people know that the ozone layer is starting to thin. This layer of barrier to the bad effects of sunlight is actually a boomerang for the earth itself.

The pollutant produced by ozone is a dangerous type of pollutant. This is because ozone pollutants are a type of pollutant that can cause lung damage.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide or CO gas is also a type of pollutant that is very dangerous. If someone inhales carbon monoxide for a long time it will cause death.

An example of a CO gas pollutant is when we sleep in a car that uses air conditioning. Various CO gases produced from motorized vehicles will enter an air-conditioned car, so it can be deadly.
2. Water pollution

The characteristics of clean water are water that is odorless and colorless. If there is water that smells, is colored, and has dead biota in it, it indicates that the water has been polluted. Pollution that occurs in water can be caused by the following things.

Factory, Nuclear and Industrial Waste

Waste from factories, nuclear and industrial actually contains a variety of hazardous chemicals. One of the hazardous chemicals to watch out for is radioactivity.

Disposing of various hazardous wastes into rivers can actually be very dangerous. This is because it will threaten the existence of river biota and the surrounding environment.

Explosives for Catching Fish

Actually, catching fish using explosives has been banned by the government. However, there are still irresponsible persons who use these explosives to catch fish.

This is because catching fish using explosives is considered more effective, because it doesn't take long but the results can be abundant. However, the use of explosives is one of the causes of detrimental water pollution.


Actually agricultural waste is not harmful. What is dangerous is the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in excessive amounts, causing water pollution.

Agricultural waste containing excess pesticides and chemical fertilizers will follow the flow of water, resulting in water pollution which is detrimental to the biota in river water.


The amount of garbage that is scattered and piled up everywhere is a separate problem that is difficult to solve. Currently, various objects and food are always wrapped in plastic or paper, thus causing more and more waste pollution in the environment.

Currently, many people no longer pay attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. This can be seen from the amount of household waste that is disposed of in any place.
3. Soil Pollution

Polluted land is land that is no longer used for human needs. Human needs in question such as farming. Polluted land can no longer be used for farming.

Land that looks arid is also an indication of contamination of a soil. Causes of soil pollution are usually caused by the following:

Acid compounds
Chemical fertilizers
Excessive use of pesticides
Industrial, nuclear and factory waste
Household waste, for example detergent.



Pollution is actually divided into three types, namely water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution. Each pollution that occurs has certain characteristics that are different.

Every pollution that occurs also has certain different causes. However, the causes of pollution from one to another are not much different. An example is the excessive use of pesticides.

Therefore, humans as intelligent beings who live on earth, it is obligatory to start reducing their use various types of materials that can pollute the environment, so that environmental conditions can always be awake.

Examples of Scientific Work on Character Education

Traditional game



1. Background

Games or also known as traditional games have characteristics that have a positive impact on children's development. The word play for children is a reflection of the soul's liberation from attachment to parental rules.

When children play, they will express their joy and communicate with their peers. So, children can learn to socialize and also get along with the surrounding environment.

2. Formulation of the problem

What is the meaning of traditional dolanan?
What is the influence of traditional games in shaping children's character?

3. Research purposes

To find out the meaning of traditional dolanan and also its influence on children's character.



1. Traditional Play

The word dolanan is a word taken from the Javanese language. The word dolanan means toy or game.

While the word traditional is a way of thinking and behavior that is in accordance with custom and has existed since ancient times.

Children's play is also known as a symbol of knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation and also has various functions in it.

2. Character building

In simple terms, character education is all efforts that can be made to influence the character of students. This effort is made so that someone can understand the importance of positive character within.

Character education according to Thomas Lickona is education about attitudes that include knowledge to action. Not only that, feelings are also included in character education.




Traditional dolanan is not just a game that will give a happy effect. There are many benefits in traditional games. Among the benefits is to make the brain smarter and smarter.

Traditional children's games can also shape children's character such as increasing cooperation with the people around them.

Examples of Scientific Work: Functions and Rules of Language

Examples of Popular Scientific Writing

Positives and Negatives of Canned Food


1. Background

Canned food is included in the category of instant or fast food (junk food). According to research conducted in Japan, canned food contains the chemical Stannum (Sn). This substance is actually not dangerous if consumed as needed. However, Sn substances will be dangerous if consumed in excess of fourteen milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

2. Formulation of the problem

What is the impact of canned food on the health of the body?

3. Research purposes

To know the positive and negative impacts of canned food.


Impact of Canned Food on the Body

Canned food is one type of fast food that is in great demand. Canned food is synonymous with animals such as fish or commonly called sardines. However, not only sardines, canned food can also contain vegetables, fruit, and drinks. Canned food is not always bad for the body. It also has advantages. The positive and negative impacts of canned food, namely:

1. Positive impact

a. Save serving time
b. Cans protect food from contamination by disease-causing organisms
c. Canned food is not lacking in nutrients

2. Negative impact

a. Make mothers lazy to cook
b. If consumed in excess can cause dangerous diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol
c. If cooked at high temperatures, the nutrients in it will be reduced or even lost.



The conclusion that can be drawn is that canned food has positive and negative impacts. A negative impact will occur if the canned food consumed exceeds the limit. In addition, how to cook also affects the good and bad of canned food on the health of the body. Besides the unpleasant impact it has, canned food also has a positive impact as discussed.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Examples of Scientific Work, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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