Local Content: Understanding According to Experts, Foundation, Purpose, Scope and Terms of Development

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Local Content: Understanding According to Experts, Foundation, Objectives, Scope and Development Requirements – What does local content mean? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss what is local content and other things about it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Local Content: Understanding According to Experts, Foundation, Purpose, Scope and Terms of Development

Local content is the content of a subject to develop regional potential as part of efforts to improve the quality of education in madrasas or schools. Besides that, local content is also an effort to preserve the language and culture of the area where the school develops.

Besides that, local content is a curricular activity to develop competencies that are tailored to their characteristics and regional potential, including regional excellence, whose material cannot be grouped into different subjects There is. The substance of local content subjects is determined by educational units, not limited to skills subjects.

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In addition to the above, some experts define local content, which researchers can describe as follows:

Supriadi (2005:204)

According to Supriadi, local content in education refers to consciously local characteristics or weights and systemic giving style to how the curriculum is implemented in accordance with capabilities, carrying capacity, interests local.

Curriculum Center (2007:4)

According to the Curriculum Center, local content is curricular activities to develop competencies that are tailored to characteristics regional characteristics and potential, including regional advantages, whose material cannot be grouped into different subjects There is. The substance of local content subjects is determined by the education unit which is adapted to the characteristics of each area.

Haromain (2009: 43)

According to Haromain, local content is content to develop regional potential as part of efforts to improve the quality of education in schools. Besides that, local content is also an effort to preserve regional languages ​​based on culture and arts in the areas where the school is developing.

Mulyasa (2009:272)

According to Mulyasa, local content is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content of learning materials determined by the region in accordance with the conditions and needs of each region and the methods used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities teach.


The Local Content Curriculum is subject matter and the introduction of various regional characteristics, not only which consists of skills, crafts, but also cultural manifestations of regional legends and customs customs.


Local Content Curriculum is a program and education whose content and storage are related to the natural environment and cultural environment as well as regional needs and must be learned by students in that area. 4 From the several definitions above can

Local Content Legal Basis

  • UU no. 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Government.
  • UU no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education system Article 37 paragraph (1) and Article 38 paragraph (2).
  • Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards.63.
  • The basis of the local content curriculum is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 79 of 2014 concerning Local Content of the 2013 Curriculum.

According to Suyitno (1999: 175), there are three main objectives for implementing the local content curriculum (KML), including:

  • Familiarize students with socio-cultural values ​​and their environment.
  • Develop functional skills that can support life.
  • Growing student awareness of environmental issues.

Local content destination

Local content subjects aim to provide students with knowledge, skills, and behavior so that they have solid insights about environmental conditions and community needs in accordance with the values ​​/ rules that apply in their area and support the continuity of regional development and development national. More specifically, so that students can:

  • Get to know and become more familiar with its natural, social and cultural environment.
  • Have the provision of abilities and skills as well as knowledge about the area that is useful for himself and the community in general.
  • Have attitudes and behaviors that are in line with the values ​​/ rules that apply in their area, as well as preserving and developing noble local cultural values ​​in order to support national development.
Local Content: Understanding According to Experts, Foundation, Purpose, Scope and Terms of Development

Scope of Local Content

The scope of local content consists of several types, among others, the researcher can describe as follows (Jogjakarta: Bening, 2010, p. 159-160) :

Scope of Conditions and Regional Needs

It is everything that is found in a certain area basically related to the natural environment, socio-economic environment, and socio-cultural environment. The purpose of regional needs is everything that is needed by the community in an area, especially for the survival and improvement of the standard of living of the community. Regional needs, for example the need for:

  • Preserving and developing local culture.
  • Improving abilities and skills in certain fields, according to conditions and the regional economy.
  • Improving mastery of English for daily needs, and supporting individual empowerment in carrying out further learning (lifelong learning).
  • Improve entrepreneurial skills.

Scope of Content/Local Content Type

This scope can be in the form of regional languages, English, regional arts, regional skills and crafts, customs, and knowledge about the various characteristics of the surrounding natural environment, as well as matters deemed necessary by the region concerned concerned.

Local Content Development Requirements

The development of local content must at least fulfill several conditions. Among others:

  • The development of local content must reflect the achievement of the vision, mission and objectives of the madrasa.
  • The development of local content must reflect the development of competencies that are tailored to the characteristics, regional potential and madrasah.
  • The development of local content must reflect the rationale for the importance of local content to madrasah competitiveness.
  • The development of local content must explain that the resources available at the madrasa meet the requirements to organize this local content.
  • For the development of local content, there must be clear formulation of SKL, SK, and KD from the various types of local content being developed.
  • The development of local content must describe the syllabus of the local content being held.
  • The development of local content must have a clear implementation and evaluation model.

Steps for Developing Local Content Subjects

The steps for developing local content subjects consist of several types. Among others:

Identify regional conditions and needs

Activities examine and record various conditions and needs of the area concerned, covering aspects: social, economic, cultural and natural wealth. Regional needs can be known from:

  • The regional development plan concerned includes regional development priorities, both short term and long term
  • Employment development includes the types of abilities and skills needed
  • Community aspirations regarding nature conservation, regional development and special abilities needed by the community

Identifying the Functions and Composition of Subjects.

  • Preserving and developing local culture.
  • Improve skills in certain areas of work
  • Increase entrepreneurial ability
  • Increase mastery of local languages

By taking into account the functions above, then determine the types of local content study subjects/materials, and the composition of the program with a rationally determined time.

Determining Local Content Study Materials

Local content to be developed takes into account regional conditions and regional needs. (Abdullah, "Theory & Practice CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT", print 1, Jogjakarta: AR-RUZZ MEDIA, 2007.) and of course meet the criteria for study material:

  • Regional conditions are everything that exists in the area based on its relationship to the environment: natural, socio-economic & socio-cultural
  • Regional needs are everything that is needed by the people of a region, especially for survival and development standard of living, which is in accordance with the direction of regional potential development, everything that is needed by the region can be in the form of: regional language, foreign languages, regional arts, customs and knowledge about the characteristics of the surrounding environment and various things deemed necessary by region. Regional needs can be in the form of:
    • Preserving and developing regional culture that is positive and beneficial to society
    • Increase the ability to develop the regional economy
    • Mastery/increase mastery of foreign languages ​​Life skills that can support the empowerment of individuals to carry out the learning needed to maintain their lives
    • Increasing the ability of entrepreneurship to develop the economic capacity of the community, both individually, in groups and in the region
  • The criteria for determining local content study materials are:
    • Appropriateness with the level of development of students
    • The ability of teachers and the availability of educators needed
    • Availability of facilities (learning resources) and infrastructure
    • Not contrary to the noble values ​​of the nation
    • Does not cause social and security vulnerabilities
    • Feasibility of implementation in schools
    • According to the situation and condition of the area

Look for sources of both written and unwritten materials

In developing a local content curriculum, attention must be paid to the availability of learning resources and local content materials.

Local content sources and materials consist of: resource persons, software, hardware, environment, various results of discussion of various relevant experts.

  • Source person: Teachers who have experience and various skills. Learners who have expertise and innate skills. Community members who have certain expertise and skills that can be used as learning resources.
  • Software, sources of learning materials in the form of writing: books, newspapers/magazines, and maybe in the form of documentaries that are deliberately made as sources of local content learning materials.
  • hardware, teaching materials can be touched and observed: golden carriages, keris, various ceremonial tools, agricultural equipment, arts, workshops, carpentry.
  • Environment, sources of local mutant materials that are around: customs, museums, historic sites, tourism sites.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Local content, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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