√ Definition of Particle Dynamics, Types of Forces and Mass Relations

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Definition of Particle Dynamics, Types of Forces and Mass Relations – In this discussion we will explain about particle dynamics. Which includes the understanding of particle dynamics, the types of particle dynamic forces and the mass relationship of particle dynamics which are discussed in detail and lightly. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Particle Dynamics, Types of Forces and Mass Relations

Let's discuss the notion of particle dynamics first carefully.

Understanding Particle Dynamics

Particle dynamics is a science that discusses the forces that make a particle that was originally stationary to move, or that speed up or slow down the motion of a particle.

Types of Particle Dynamics

The types of particle dynamics are:


If we push or pull an object, it can be said that we exert a force on the object. But force can also be exerted by inanimate objects. A spring on a stretched spring will exert a force on the objects it is connected to ends, or a locomotive will exert force on the middle row of cars he pulled.

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A force has both direction and magnitude, so it is a vector which obeys the rules of vector addition. Force can be expressed by a line that has an arrow at the end as the direction of the force, while the length of the line indicates the magnitude of the force. In International Standard units, the unit of force is Newton (N) or kg.m/s2.


Objects dropped near the surface of the earth will fall with the same acceleration, namely the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2 = 9.8 N/kg in SI units), if air resistance is negligible. The force that causes this acceleration is called the gravitational force (FG). So it can be said that the gravitational force is the force exerted by the earth on every object around it

The law of gravity states that the force between two particles having mass m1 and M2 and separated by a distance r is an attractive force along the line connecting the two particles and has a magnitude:


F = The force of attraction between the two objects (N)

G = Gravity constant (6.673 x 10-11 Nm2/kg-2)

m1, m2 = Mass of object 1 (kg)

r = distance between the two objects (m)
particle dynamics

If M1, is represented by the mass of the earth (M) and m2 as the mass of an object m that is around the earth and has a distance r from the center of the earth, then the gravitational force by the earth on the object is:
earth's gravity

Gravity acting between the earth and objects. The direction of gravity is always downward towards the center of the earth (looks like the picture above). The force of gravity on an object of magnitude:

W = mg

So the acceleration due to gravity g can be expressed as:
g =gravitational acceleration

Normal Style

The normal force (N or FN) is a force that arises when two objects touch each other. The direction of the normal force remains perpendicular to the surface in contact (the tangent plane) with the object (see figure below). The size of the normal force depends on the magnitude and size of the pressure force on the contact surface (the tangent area). So if our hands press the surface of a table with a large compressive force, the normal force generated will also be large. Meanwhile, if we press gently, the normal force generated will also be small.
Normal Style


An object launched from above a horizontal or flat surface, its speed will decrease and eventually stop. It is very clear if a force in the horizontal direction acts on the object, which direction is opposite to the object's motion. This force is often called the frictional force (f) acting on the object and is caused by the surface.

Friction can occur when two objects rub together, that is, the surfaces of the two objects touch each other when one object moves with respect to another object and is parallel to the surfaces that are in contact with each other the.

The direction of the frictional force is always opposite to the direction of motion of a moving object (can be seen in the image below). So if a block moves from left to right over a floor, then a frictional force with a direction to the left will act on the block.

A frictional force acting between two surfaces that are at rest relative to one another is called the static frictional force (Fs). The maximum static frictional force is the smallest force that makes an object move. For dry, unlubricated surfaces, it is found that the maximum static frictional force between the two surfaces does not depend on the area of ​​the contacting surfaces that rub against each other. But it is proportional to the magnitude of the normal force between the two objects that touch each other (note in figure c above).

fs ≤ μs N

With μs = static friction coefficient. The same sign as on the surface above applies if s reach maximum size. Once an object begins to move, the frictional force acting on it will decrease so that a smaller force is required to maintain uniform straight motion. The force acting between two surfaces that are moving relative to each other is called the kinetic frictional force (fk).

For dry and unlubricated surfaces, it is found that the kinetic frictional force does not depend on the contact surface area or on the velocity relative between the two rubbing surfaces, but proportional to the magnitude of the normal force between the two rubbing objects (see fig on). Where is µk = kinetic friction coefficient.

fk = μkN

In figure a it can be seen that a beam of a beam is at rest on a horizontal surface in a state of equilibrium under the influence of the weight W and the upward force P exerted on the surface against him.

If a rope is tied to one side of the block (as in picture b above), then a force is applied to the rope but not too large so that the block remains still. The force P exerted by the surface on the block is inclined to the left. Because the forces P, T, and W must be concurrent, the component of the force P that is parallel to the surface is called the static frictional force fs) and the component perpendicular to the surface is called the normal force (N) that the surface exerts on the beam (see figure b on).

Based on the equilibrium conditions, then fs equals t and N equals W. If T continues to be enlarged, then the beam will start moving at a certain T value and in other words fs is located at the maximum value (see figure c above). If T is enlarged again so that the beam is no longer in balance, but is already moving. Then the frictional force will decrease (see figure b above).

μ constants and µk is a unitless quantity. Generally µs > μkb for two specific surfaces. The value of each of the two coefficients depends on the properties of the two friction surfaces. The rougher a surface, the greater the coefficient value and the smaller the value if the surface is smooth. Often the value is less than 1, although it may be greater than 1.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Particle Dynamics, Types of Forces and Mass Relations, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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