Khulafaur Rasyidin: Definition and Short Biography

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Khulafaur Rasyidin: Definition and Short Biography – As a Muslim, of course we have to know about the history or struggles of the Prophet's caliphs. Well, here's what What will be discussed about the Rashidun Khulafaur? and who is included in the Rashidun Khulafaur group? Who are they? Let's read in full below.

Khulafaur Rasyidin: Definition and Short Biography

Let's discuss the meaning of the Rashidun khulafaur first carefully.

The definition of Khulafaur Rashidun

The word Khulafaur Rasyidin consists of two words, namely Khulafa' and Ar-Rasyidin. Khulafa' means jama' and khalifah means "substitute". And for the word Ar-Rasyidin it means "getting guidance." So the meaning of the Rashidun Khulafaur is the successors who receive guidance.

Khulafaur Rasyidin, namely leaders who are in charge of replacing the tasks of Rasulullah SAW. as head of state, head of government and as leader of the people. The prophetic task cannot be replaced.
Allah SWT. says in the Qur'an Surah Al-Ahzab verse 40:

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Mā kāna muḥammadun aba aḥadim mir rijālikum wa lākir rasụlallāhi wa khātaman-nabiyyīn, wa kānallāhu bikulli syai`in 'alīmā

Meaning: "Muhammad is never the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah is All-Knower of all things.”

The Rashidun Khulafaur were caliphs who were very wise and also wise. They are the four companions of the Prophet who were chosen to become leaders of the Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad died.

Short Biography of Khulafaur Rashidun

The four caliphs are:

1. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq ra. (11-13 AH / 632-634 AD)

The real name of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq ra is Abdul Kaaba. Then the apostle replaced it with the name Abdullah. So that his full name is Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah at-Tamimi. Born to Usman (Abu Quhafah) bin Amir and Umm Khair Salma bint Sakhr who came from the Taim tribe, which is the tribe that gave birth to respected figures.

Since childhood, he was known as a gentle, honest and patient person. Thus, by the time he was a teenager, he had become friends with Rasulullah SAW. he is known by the nicknames Abu Bakr, and "As-Siddiq" which this title was given by his friends, because he really trusted and justified Rasulullah SAW. in all respects.

He was appointed caliph through deliberations between the Ansar and the Muhajirin at Saqifah Bani Sa'idah (meeting hall in the city of Medina). In the era of his leadership, the caliph Abu Bakr had achieved extraordinary efforts and achievements.

2. Umar bin Khattab ra. (13-23 AH / 634-644 AD)

Umar was 13 years younger than the Prophet Muhammad. At a young age, he was already known for his brave and intelligent nature. He was never afraid to state a truth in front of anyone. So, it is not surprising that when Umar bin Khattab embraced Islam, he was included in the ranks of the Muslims who were feared by the Quraysh infidels. Before he embraced Islam, he was the bravest in opposing Islam. But after he converted to Islam, he was very brave to face the enemies of Islam. So that he was known as the "Lion of the Desert" which was highly respected.

Because he has a firm personality and he is also very strong in fighting for the truth, so that the people gave him the title "al-Faruq" that is to firmly distinguish between what is right and what is wrong Wrong.

During the reign of Umar bin Khattab, the Islamic territory became wider and wider, reaching Egypt, Iraq, Sham and other Persian countries. Umar bin Khattab was the first to form a judiciary and perfect the government. Umar bin Khattab also continued the efforts of Abu Bakr in recording the Koran.

Umar bin Khattab died at the age of 63. He ruled for 10 years and 6 months. Umar bin Khattab died when he was stabbed by the sword of Abu Lu'lu'ah, a slave belonging to al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah during the Fajr prayer.

3. Usman bin Affan ra.

Usman bin Affan was a wealthy merchant and a very famous revelation writer. He is five years younger than the prophet Muhammad. Usman is known as a quiet person and also has commendable manners. Usman bin Affan always did a lot of good deeds, so he received the title "Ghaniyyun Syakir" which is a rich man who is very grateful to Allah SWT.

Even though he is known as a wealthy man, he also does not hesitate to join the war and never keeps his distance from people with lower-class economies. Because of the many good things he had done, he was married off to the Prophet Muhammad's daughter, Ruqayyah. After Ruqayyah died, he was married again to the Prophet's daughter, Umm Kullsum. Therefore, he was nicknamed "Dzun Nurain" (The one who has two lights).

The following are the services of Usman bin Affan including: copying and recording the Al-Qur'an into several manuscripts. And he also stipulates that the recitation of the Qur'an is uniform and also simultaneously, there is no difference. Because the great work of Usman bin Affan was very beneficial for Muslims, the manuscript was named "Mushaf Usmani" in appreciation of his services. Not only that, he was also the one who formed the navy, in order to expand Islamic territory, and renovate the Prophet's mosque, and there are still many services from Usman bin Affan.

Definition and Brief Biography of Khulafaur Rasyidin

4. Ali bin Abi Talib ra. (36-41 AH / 656-661 AD)

Ali bin Abi Talib was born in the city of Mecca on the 12th of Rajab, 30th year after the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. His mother's name was Fatimah bint Asad. His mother gave him the name al-Haidah which means Asad (lion), then his father changed him to Ali.

He was raised and educated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He converted to Islam after Siti Khadijah. Because of his extraordinary courage, Ali bin Abi Talib received the titles "Lion of Allah" and "Karamallahu Wajhahu" (may Allah glorify his face).

Ali bin Abi Talib was the son of the Prophet's uncle as well as the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. He converted to Islam at a very young age and helped a lot in the cause of the Prophet. After six days of Usman bin Affan's death, he was appointed caliph as a substitute for the struggle of Usman bin Affan.

Ali bin Abi Talib was instrumental in replacing incompetent officials, he also fixed the state finances (Baitul Maal), he also advancing the field of linguistics, advancing development, and quelling rebellions among Muslims and many more Again.

The four caliphs were not only successful in continuing the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad in upholding the teachings of monotheism, and were successful in expanding the spread and in making the name of Islam proud. In carrying out their duties, the Rashidun Khulafaur always imitated the leadership of the Prophet. His character and character as a community leader, head of state and head of government are reflected in the main characteristics he has. The characteristics of Khulafaur Rashidun include:

  • wise and prudent
  • Authoritative and disciplined
  • Broad and deep religious knowledge
  • Dare to act and strong willed.

That's a brief summary, description and brief explanation of Khulafaur Rasyidin: Definition and Short Biography, hopefully it can help friends in adding knowledge for those who don't know it yet and remind again if you forget. Thank You.

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