Protected Forest: Definition, Function, Legal Basis for Protection and Examples

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Protected Forest: Definition, Function, Legal Basis for Protection and Examples –What is meant by protected forest? On this occasion About the will discuss it and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Protected Forest: Definition, Function, Legal Basis for Protection and Examples

A protected forest is literally a form of forest that had existed before, and was formalized by the government as a protected area. Protected forest itself is an area designated by the government and is usually located in the upstream area of ​​the river.

According to Law no. 41 of 1999 concerning forestry, the definition of protected forest is:

“Forest areas that have the main function of protecting life support systems to regulate water management, preventing floods, controlling erosion, preventing seawater intrusion, and maintaining fertility land."

Currently, the population of the protected forest itself is a cause for concern, because many are in a state of disrepair, and are prone to decay. Currently, protected forests are scattered in various regions in Indonesia, consisting of various types of forests, one of which is tropical rain forest.

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Even though currently it has experienced a lot of damage and is not well maintained, basically protected forests have many benefits, both for space and for human life.

Protected Forest Status Determination System

Forest areas that are designated as protected forests can be decided by the Government through the relevant Minister based on proposals that meet certain conditions. Determination of forest status is technically regulated in a Ministerial Decree including scoring arrangements in determining forest areas.

Three main factors in determining the scoring, among others:

  • Land Slope
  • Susceptibility to Erosion
  • Rainfall Intensity

The scoring method is generally applied to production forest areas that have areas that must be protected. The scoring method cannot be used in forests that have been designated as conservation forests. such as nature reserves, wildlife reserves, national parks, grand forest parks, nature tourism parks and parks hurry.

The criteria for determining a protected forest can also be carried out if it meets the requirements in PP No. 44 of 2004, as follows:

  • Forest area with slope class, soil type, and rainfall intensity after each multiplied
  • with the weighing number having a total score of 175 or more.
  • Forest areas have field slopes of 40% or more.
  • The forest area is at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level.
  • Forest areas have soils that are very sensitive to erosion and have field slopes of more than 15%.
  • The forest area is a coastal protection area.
  • Friends of the forest is a water catchment area.

Protected Forest Function

What are the benefits and functions of protected forests? The following are some uses of protected forests:

  • As an Ecosystem Balance

The benefits of the original protected forest are like the balance of the ecosystem. As a place of residence for animals as well as plants, protected forests serve to enhance their lives. Protected forests provide a variety of ecosystems which are of course very useful and also useful for the flora and fauna that are located in protected forest residential areas.

Not only that, the protected forest also plays a role as a natural balancer, where everything in this world needs it balancing, so of course the benefits of protected forests are one of balancing the ecosystem and also the balance of life in nature this universe.

  • Home to various fauna

Not only for humans, protected forests also have very vital benefits for animals. Many animals or fauna depend on this ironwood for their lives. In protected forests, all life for animals exists, from shelter to the food needs of animals and animals will be fulfilled in protected forests.

This is also proven by the presence of invasions from animals that enter people's homes when the protected forest where they live is damaged. With this situation, of course it is very convincing that the existence of a protected forest has very significant benefits for animal life as well as wild animals.

  • A place where flora and plants live

Not only animals and also wild animals, protected forests are also places of refuge for plants or plants. There are lots of flora and plants that live in protected forests, perhaps even many more species of flora which has never been touched by humans, so that it could be research material from humans to create plant species new.

  • Water Catchment Place

One of the main benefits of having a protected forest is as a water catchment position. The position of the water catchment in this protected forest is supported by conditions where there are many trees with large bases, so they can absorb water. With the expertise of protected forests in absorbing water, protected forests are very good at helping increase water absorption in the surrounding area.

This is of course very profitable for those who live near protected forests. It will be easier for them to find water sources, so they will not run out of water again, because protected forests can be a source of water absorption.

  • Avoid natural disasters, such as floods and landslides

The next function of protected forests is as a deterrent to the formation of natural disasters, such as floods and landslides. With the large number of plants in the protected forest, this will be very good to help maintain the contours of the land so that it becomes stronger and stronger.

Not only that, the use of the base of the plant is also very good for absorbing water, so that rainwater that falls doesn't fall it just flows right away, but will enter and absorb into the ground and of course be able to prevent its formation flood.

  • Source of Life for the Surrounding Communities

Forests always provide a variety of life, not only for plants and animals, but humans can also benefit from protected forests. Humans can get food ingredients and get life from protected forests.

Although not all animals and plants can and may be taken from protected forests, nevertheless, humans can use it, such as looking for water in the river, pieces of twigs for firewood, and some animals that are not protected are also allowed to make hunted. Thus, all the needs of human life can be fulfilled and there are quite a lot of them in a protected forest.

  • Ecotourism place

The position of ecotourism is also one of the benefits and uses of protected forests. The position of ecotourism combines the concept of tourism area and also education. That way, not only can they have fun in carrying out tours, tourists also want to Get another benefit, namely being able to study the diversity of flora and fauna found in protected forests the. This will make tourists appreciate the natural wealth of Indonesia itself.

  • Oxygen provider for the surrounding environment

This is also the meaning of a protected forest. Yes, protected forests can provide oxygen supply for the world. Very much more than 70% of the oxygen supply in the world or the universe is provided by protected forests. So, you can imagine if protected forests face destruction, it means we will face a shortage of oxygen supply.

  • Supplying Clean Air

Not only supplying oxygen, the need for clean air is also very large, especially for humans. Not only oxygen, clean air can also help improve the human respiratory system, so it can reduce the occurrence of various respiratory health problems.

Currently, the air has become increasingly dirty, with the presence of air pollution that continues to grow. However, to help balance the climate in the area, the use of protected forests is very important. Protected forests are able to provide a supply of clean and fresh air, so that it can balance the climate in the area so that it doesn't only have bad contents and cause problems health.

  • Reduce global warming

The issue of global warming is one of the problems that has plagued planet earth for a long time. One effort to reduce global warming is to increase protected forest areas which can help protect the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere.

  • Avoid extinction

In general, protected forests can also be useful for preventing the formation of extinction of certain species, both flora and fauna. With this function, the existence of protected animals will be maintained and it won't be easy facing extinction, bearing in mind that many flora and fauna have faced extinction due to destruction ecosystem.

  • Protecting Endangered Animals

The use of protected forests to protect very rare animals is absolute, many very rare animals live in protected forests. Why in a protected forest? because in this forest it is prohibited from hunting to enter it without permission for individual interests, so it is certain that no one will "dare" to search here.

Methods for Protecting Protected Forest Conservation

Protected forests of course have many benefits for humans, and also have very important functions to protect and also support ecosystems so that they remain intact. Therefore, we must also be able to participate in protecting the existence of this protected forest so that it can be sustainable and always function as it should. The following are some of the ways we can do to help preserve protected forests:

  • Do not carry out illegal logging in protected forest areas
  • Protecting the cleanliness of protected forests
  • Do not carry out hunting of protected animals in protected forests
  • Reduce the amount of use of air pollution

The government has actually distributed support for the preservation of protected forests. Many regulations, such as the MPR Decree and also the President's decision lead to policies to help protect and preserve protected forests.

However, many of the citizens may not recognize the policies made by the government, so that in In conclusion, government policies are of no use at all to help protect the survival of the forest protect.

Government Policy Concerning Protected Forests

The following are several government policies that support the preservation and management of protected forests:

  • Tap MPR No. IX of 2001

This tap contains agrarian reform and natural resource management, which discusses the optimal and fair use of land, as well as being environmentally friendly for the people's prosperity.

  • Laws regarding the environment

There are many laws as well as Perpu that take part in regulating the management of the natural environment and also protected forests, such as Laws on mining, environmental management, biodiversity, spatial planning, water resources, and many more

  • Government regulations

Several government regulations or PPs also mention sustainability and environmental cleanliness. such as forest protection, environmental impact analysis, nature reserve and preservation areas, and planning forestry.

  • Presidential decree

The Presidential Decree also contributes to helping maintain the contents of protected forests and diversity from a legal and bureaucratic standpoint. This Presidential Decree contains many things, such as environmental management, tourism management, ecosystem management, and protected area management.

  • Ministerial Regulations and Regional Regulations

Apart from that, the ministerial regulations and local regulations also contribute to the legal protection and preservation of protected forests.

With so many legal bases and regulations that apply, therefore, it is certain that protected forests are one of the important elements in our lives, whether we realize it or not.

Even though the government has issued a policy regarding protected forests, we as residents of the universe is also obligated to assist the government in promoting forest protection programs protect. If we can do simple things to preserve protected forests, then it will surely will have a big impact on the sustainability and survival of the protected forest Alone.

Protected Forest: Definition, Function, Legal Basis for Protection and Examples

Examples of Protected Forests in Indonesia

  • Baning Protection Forest

Located in the middle of the city of Sintang, West Kalimantan. The 215 hectare forest is dominated by flat land and green trees. Baning Forest is a natural tourism facility that can be enjoyed by the community because it provides cool air in the middle of the city.

  • Betung Kerihun Protection Forest

This forest area is also a national nature reserve that has been established by the government. The forest that stretches from Mount Betung to Mount Keihun is a habitat for various kinds of flora and fauna.

  • Sungai Wain Protection Forest

Balikpapan, East Kalimantan has a Sungai Wain Protected Forest (HLSW) area which is a mainstay of the wizarding object. This 9,782.8 hectare forest is a habitat for various native Kalimantan animals, such as orangutans, proboscis monkeys, semar pouches and endemic plants, such as Eltingera Balikpapanensis.

  • Wehea Protected Forest

Forest land area of ​​38,000 hectares in East Kutai, East Kalimantan became a protected forest area in 2004 by the Dayah Wehea community which began with a forest logging concession.

In 2005, the East Kutai district government established the Wehea Management Body which consists of stakeholders, such as the government, indigenous peoples, environmental institutions and organizations. The Wehea Protection Forest received the Kalpataru award from the central government in 2009, as the highest environmental award.

Wehea Forest is a support for three sub-watersheds, namely the Seleq, Melinyiu and Sekung rivers, all of which empty into the Mahakam River.

  • Alas Kethu Protection Forest

Located in the Wonogiri area, Central Java is a protected forest which is mostly grown by trees, such as teak, mahogany, eucalyptus and acacia. The area of ​​this forest is quite small, only about 30 hectares. However, it is useful for protecting the Wonogiri environment which often experiences water supply difficulties during the dry season.

  • Bung Hatta Botanical Garden Protection Forest

The 70,000 hectare forest which has natural conditions in the form of slopes and hills is a habitat for 352 species of flora and 170 species of fauna. Located in Padang, West Sumatra, which has the uniqueness of growing the giant Rafflesia Arnoldi byngai.

  • Langsa Protection Forest

Langsa Forest, Aceh is a favorite holiday destination for local and foreign people. This forest is located in Paya Bujok Seulemak Village, Langsa Baro, Langsa, Aceh. Actually, this forest is an urban forest which is used as a forestry tourism spot in the middle of the city.

Thus the review from About the about Protected forest , hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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