Moral Intelligence: Understanding According to Experts, Purpose, Aspects, Components and How to Develop It

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Moral Intelligence: Understanding According to Experts, Purpose, Aspects, Components and How to Develop It – What is meant by moral intelligence and how to build it? On this occasion About the will discuss it and of course about other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it

Moral Intelligence: Understanding According to Experts, Purpose, Aspects, Components and How to Develop It

Moral intelligence or moral intelligence is a person's ability to distinguish right from wrong based on a strong belief in ethics and apply it in action.

Moral intelligence is the mental capacity to determine and understand what is right and wrong and apply it values, goals and behavior that should be so that individuals have strong, right and ethical beliefs dear. Moral intelligence is built from seven main virtues such as empathy, respect, tolerance, conscience, self-control, kindness and justice.

The term moral intelligence was introduced by a child psychiatrist and researcher from Harvard University named Robert Coles in his book entitled The Moral Intelligence of Children: How to Raise a Moral Child in 1997. According to Coles, the concept of moral intelligence is more appropriate to provide a clear understanding of the extent to which a child's capacity to think, feel and behave in a moral or solid character manner.

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Moral intelligence can also be interpreted as a person's ability to distinguish between right and wrong things in thinking, behaving and acting according to the norms apply.

Understanding Moral Intelligence According to Experts

  • Robert Coles (2003)

The definition of moral intelligence according to Robert Coles is intelligence related to relationships with fellow human beings and the universe of this intelligence directing someone to act well, so that other people feel calm and happy about him without feeling hurt, jealousy, revenge, envy and haughty.

  • Lennick and Kiel (2005)

The definition of moral intelligence according to Lennick and Kiel is the mental capacity to determine how universal human principles can be applied to one's values, goals and actions. These universal human principles are summarized in four aspects of moral intelligence, namely: integrity, responsibility, compassion and forgiveness.

  • Michele Borba (2008)

The definition of moral intelligence according to Michele Borba is the ability to understand right and wrong, meaning have strong ethical beliefs and act on those beliefs, so that people behave properly and dear.

  • Syahril (2010)

The definition of moral intelligence according to Syahril is the mental capacity to determine how human principles should be applied to the values, goals and behavior of individuals.

The Purpose of Moral Intelligence

  • Develop empathy (feel what is happening to others deeply) by building emotional awareness and vocabulary, increase sensitivity to others, and be able to understand things from other people's point of view other.

  • Cultivating a conscience (referring to someone who made a mistake) by educating someone who moral, benefits, reinforces the teachings of conscience, and helps one distinguish what is right from what is Wrong.
  • Develop self-control, where what is considered right comes first. Try to always be a motivator for yourself, and think carefully before making a decision.
  • Developing respect for others (respect) is an example of how to respect others and offers an educational courtesy.
  • Maintaining kindness (taking care of other people's feelings), teaching the value and importance of kindness, developing tolerance and encouraging people to always do good.
  • Develop an attitude of tolerance by respecting the rights and obligations of others, by recognizing diversity, and not easily having prejudices about certain things.
  • Develop justice by developing an open and balanced mind and non-discrimination.

Aspects of Moral Intelligence

According to Lennick and Kiel (2005), there are four aspects of moral intelligence that are connected to each other, including:

  • Integrity

When a person acts with integrity, he can align his behavior to suit universal human principles. A person can do what he thinks is good, his actions remain on the right track based on the principles and beliefs he adheres to.

The characteristics or characteristics of people with integrity include:

    • Act consistently on principles, values ​​and beliefs.
    • Tell the truth or be honest.
    • Hold fast to the truth.
    • Fulfill a promise.

  • Responsibility

A person can be said to have a responsibility if:

    • Take responsibility for personal choices.
    • Admit mistakes and failures.
    • Committed to serving others.

  • Compassion

Compassion is an important attitude because caring for others does more than show respect someone to other people, but also make other people also respect him and care when he is need. A person is said to have feelings of compassion if he cares about others actively (actively caring about others). This means someone does something that actively supports the personal choices of others and cares about that person's goals.

  • Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an important principle because without tolerance for mistakes and compromise, a person will become a rigid, inflexible person and give a bad impression to others. A person is said to be forgiving if:

Accept your own mistakes. Accepting one's mistakes does not mean looking for excuses or justifications for mistakes made, but one has to stop the bad self-judgment that will disturb the mind when one is dissatisfied with oneself Alone. This is because when you are busy blaming yourself with frustration, anxiety and regret, there is no room for one's mentality to learn from mistakes.
Accept other people's mistakes. Forgiving others does not mean that a person justifies other people's mistakes nor does it mean that he changes his perspective on justice. When someone forgives, he makes anger and disappointment go away. Without forgiveness, human life will not go well. Close relationships with friends, family, and co-workers don't exist because of forgiveness.

Components of Moral Intelligence

According to Borba (2008), moral intelligence is built from seven main virtues such as:

  • Empathy

Empathy is a core moral emotion that helps children understand the feelings of others. This virtue makes the child sensitive to the needs and feelings of other people, encourages them help people who are in trouble or pain, and guide them to treat people with love Darling. Strong moral emotions encourage children to do the right thing because they can see other people's troubles so they prevent them from doing things that can hurt other people.

  • Conscience

Conscience is the conscience that helps children choose the right path over the wrong path and stay on the moral path; makes himself feel guilty when deviating from the proper path. This virtue shields the child from bad influences and enables him to act rightly even when tempted to do otherwise. These virtues are the foundation for the development of high levels of honesty, responsibility, and integrity.

  • Respect

Respect encourages children to be kind and respect others. This virtue directs the child to treat others as he would like others to treat him, thus preventing the child from acting harshly, unfairly, and being hostile. If a child is used to being respectful towards others, he will pay attention to the rights and feelings of other people, as a result he will also respect himself.

  • Kindness

Kindness helps children show concern for the welfare and feelings of others. By cultivating these virtues, children are more compassionate and less self-conscious and aware of good deeds as the right action, showing concern, providing assistance to those in need and protecting those who are in trouble or pain.

  • Tolerance

Tolerance makes children able to appreciate differences in quality in others, open themselves to views and new beliefs and respect for others regardless of ethnicity, gender, appearance, culture, beliefs, abilities or sexual orientation. These virtues make children treat others kindly and understandingly, oppose hostility, cruelty, bigotry, and respect people based on their character.

  • Justice

Justice guides children to treat others well, impartially and fairly, so that they comply the rules are willing to take turns and share and listen to all parties openly before giving an assessment whatever. Because these virtues increase a child's moral sensitivity, he will also be motivated to defend those who are being treated unfairly and demand that all people regardless of ethnicity, nationality, culture, economic status, ability, or creed be treated equally.

Methods of Building Moral Intelligence

Increasing empathic behavior (to feel what others feel deeply), is to form understanding as well as emotional vocabulary, increase sensitivity to other people, and be able to master something from another person's point of view other.

Improving conscience (reprimand in a person when he makes a mistake), that is by building a person's morale, share the teachings of goodness to strengthen the conscience, and help someone to distinguish between what is right and what is not Wrong.

Increasing self-control, namely by prioritizing what is considered right, always try to be a motivator for himself, and think carefully before taking decision.

Improving the behavior of respecting others (respect), is by setting an example of wanting to respect others and sharing learning manners.

Maintaining kindness (showing concern over other people's feelings), is by directing values as well as the meaning of kindness, increasing tolerant behavior, and urging someone to always do it kind.

Increasing tolerance behavior, namely by respecting the rights and obligations of others by instilling appreciation of diversity, and not easy to have prejudice about things certain.

Increasing justice, namely by increasing open behavior and behaving in a balanced manner, without discriminating against something.

Moral Intelligence: Understanding According to Experts, Purpose, Aspects, Components and How to Develop It

How To Develop Moral Intelligence

Moral intelligence can be developed through character-based education. This is based because character is a way of thinking and behaving that characterizes each individual to live and work together, both within the scope of the family, community and country. Individuals with good character are individuals who can make decisions and are ready to take responsibility for the consequences of the decisions they make.

According to Lickona (1991), values/moral education that produces character, contains three components of character which are: both namely knowledge about morals (moral knowing), feelings about morals (moral feeling) and moral actions (moral actions)

Moral knowing is knowledge about moral awareness, knowledge of moral values, foresight, moral reasoning, decision making and self-knowledge. While moral feeling which includes conscience, self-confidence, empathy, love of goodness, self-control and humility. The last component, namely moral action, is the motive for encouraging someone to do good, seen in the aspects of competence, desires and habits that are displayed.

Thus the review from About the about Moral Intelligence: Understanding According to Experts, Purpose, Aspects, Components and How to Develop It, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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