Enculturation Is: Understanding According to Experts, Functions, Media, Impact, Process and Examples

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Enculturation Is: Understanding According to Experts, Functions, Media, Impacts, Processes and Examples – What is the meaning of enculturation?, On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss it and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Enculturation Is: Understanding According to Experts, Functions, Media, Impact, Process and Examples

Enculturation is a social process carried out by an individual / someone in learning and adjust their thoughts and attitudes towards the customs, norms, social order, and regulations that live within its culture.

The process of enculturation (English; enculturation), in essence it has started since someone was a child where this process occurs in the family, neighbors, relatives, friends, or even in the environment school.

The process of enculturation can start with learning activities imitating various actions, which are then carried out results from learning are made or manifested in attitudes or behavior or in other words put in personality.

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Through a process that is carried out repeatedly, a person's actions will become a pattern that is fixed, steady and becomes the norm that regulates one's actions.

Etymologically, enculturation comes from the English word institutionalization which means acculturation. The definition of enculturation is the study of values ​​as well as cultural norms that occur in a person during his lifetime.

Enculturation or cultivation is defined as a mechanism of learning and adjustment between one's thoughts and attitudes towards norms, customs and policies that exist in culture surrounding.

The definition of enculturation is an individual's social process in studying and adjusting ideas and attitudes to traditions, norms, social orders and also laws that grow in their culture.

Enculturation is a process that is carried out steadily by someone who then becomes a habit and also a culture in their life. In short, the notion of alculturation is the process by which a person understands the results of his culture that takes place on an ongoing basis.

The result of the enculturation process is the individual's personal identity in a community group where the individual will be made to have a sense of responsibility by the community. Often, this process of enculturation alienates some people in order to make them feel responsible.

There are 2 main aspects in the enculturation process including formal education through educational institutions and informal education through family and friend education.

An enculturation occurs when an individual socializes with society from childhood to old age. With the enculturation process, individuals learn to appreciate and respect the national symbol by singing songs nationality in schools and various other positive things as well as making individuals aware of the rights and obligations of themselves and others.

Definition of Enculturation According to Experts

  • Redfield, Linton and Herskovits (1936)

Acculturation is understanding the phenomena that occur when groups of individuals who have different cultures come into contact directly or continuously, with subsequent changes in the original cultural patterns of one or both groups.

  • Havilland (1988)

The meaning of enculturation is the application of education by someone who originates from community traditions related to protection or shelter and food. The application of this education to children will make children when they grow up have a good personality

  • Koentjaraningrat

The definition of enculturation is a system of learning and adjustment of reason and attitude to the rules, norms and customs that exist in individual culture.

  • Peter Poole (2002)

Enculturation refers to the learning process of a culture which consists of socially distributed and shared knowledge embodied in perceptions, understandings, feelings, intentions, and orientations that inform and shape the imagination and pragmatics of life social.

  • M.J. Herskovits

The definition of enculturation is a process in which a person, consciously or unconsciously, explores all the cultures of society.

  • E. Adamson Hoebel

Enculturation is a situation where individuals consciously or unconsciously can acculturate culture and incorporate these cultural values ​​into people's lives.

Enculturation Function

The benefits of enculturation include:

  • Value Socialization

Namely the function to provide knowledge and introduction to existing cultural values.

  • Social Identity

This will be illustrated by behavior in language both verbal and nonverbal. Language behavior illustrates self-identity and social identity so that one can know the origin of an ethnic group, religion and also the individual's level of education.

Enculturation Media

There are 3 media used in enculturation, including:

  • Family
  • Public
  • Formal education at school.

Enculturation Process

In the process of enculturation, one examines and harmonizes attitudes and reason with customary law, norms as well as policies that grow in culture.

In life, a person often imitates and cultivates various activities after emotions also cultural values ​​that give impetus to exemplary activities and are instilled in personality hers.

In early life, the individual spends his childhood with his family and reflects on the values ​​and behavior of his family. Small children learn the norms that exist in society from their family and playmates, they will participate in all activities in society. Sometimes parents encourage their children to act in accordance with the will of society by praising and giving punishment if their behavior deviates.

Sometimes a person learns only fragments of the norms that apply in society because he hears from different people in different environments. Actually, norms are not only taught in the family and community, but also taught in formal schools.

Impact of Enculturation Failure

If there is a failure in the enculturation process, an individual will appear awkward and stiff in socializing in society, he will avoid the norms and rules that apply in society so that his life is full conflict.

Example of Enculturation

The following are some examples of forms of enculturation in people's daily lives as well as in culture and education, including:

  • Examples of Enculturation in Society

Some examples that can be cited or taken in enculturation, such examples are as follows what a child does in adjusting to time is like doing breakfast every day the morning.

With the process in the form of teaching that has been taught before, which explains the benefits of breakfast that must be obtained by someone.

Because there is an activity in the form of breakfast that is carried out by someone in giving views and also explanations, then a habit like that will be embedded in a person, this habit is called enculturation.

  • Examples of Enculturation in Everyday Life

Examples of this enculturation can also occur in everyday life, for example, such as the regularity that someone does, such as sleeping during the day.

That regularity will slowly become a habit that someone will continue to do, even after someone The person is already married, and does not rule out the possibility that the new family will also carry out this habit earlier.

Enculturation Is: Understanding According to Experts, Functions, Media, Impact, Process and Examples
  • Examples of Enculturation in Culture

Not only occurs in everyday life, examples of enculturation can also occur in culture, for example, like the behavior of the Baduy Dalam tribe who "close themselves" from development and influence globalization.

They think a lot that the influence of the outside world can have a bad impact, there won't even be a good impact that can be obtained.

This assumption is continuously instilled from generation to generation, so it is not surprising that culture does not accept the development of the times, this is what has become a major influence in the formation of enculturation, Baduy society In.

  • Examples of Enculturation in Education

An example of enculturation in education, for example, is when a person receives education from a young age on the ideology of Pancasila, as the ideology of the Indonesian state which cannot be contested.

This introduction is then carried out continuously, until finally someone can understand the ideology of the Indonesian nation.

From the explanation of enculturation and the examples above, we can understand that enculturation is a process that is carried out continuously by a person continuously, and this behavior forms habits and culture that are inherent in his life in the family, social, and community environment etc.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Enculturation, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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