√ Definition of the Five Senses, Types, Kinds and Functions

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Definition of the Five Senses, Types, Kinds and Functions - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss the meaning of the five senses. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of the five senses, their types, types and functions briefly and clearly. For more details, please refer to the article understanding the following five senses.

Definition of the Five Senses, Types, Kinds and Functions

If you look at it as a whole in the human body there are five senses which function as sensors. According to Sanskrit experts, the five senses are called the five senses and in Indonesian they are usually called the five senses.

The five senses are the final organs that are specialized to receive all kinds of certain types of stimulation where the nerve fibers are the tools an intermediary to be able to serve it in order to bring the impression of taste (sensory impression) from the sense organ to the brain, where the feeling is interpreted.

The nervous system must receive and also process information about the outside world in order to react, communicate, and keep the body healthy and safe. Most of this information comes from the sense organs, namely: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin and special tissues inside these organs receive raw stimuli and then translate them into signals that the nervous system can use.

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These nerves transmit signals to the brain, which then interpret them as sight, sound (hearing), smell, taste (gustation), and touch (tactile perception).

Humans have five senses or are called the five senses which are the types of the five human senses, namely: taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing.

When looking at the type, the five senses have functions including:

Eye senses

The eye is the senses whose function is to be able to see the surrounding environment in form images, so that the eyes can identify objects around them fast.

The eye is the sense of sight that receives a stimulus in the form of light (photoreceptor) which is composed of eye attachments, eyeballs, eyeball muscles, and optic nerve II.

The eye enhancement has a function, namely to protect the eye from disturbances around it. The function of the eyebrows is to protect the eyes from sweat, the eyelids to protect the eyes from sweat there is an impact and on the eyelashes it functions to be able to protect the eyes from strong light, dust as well as dirt.

Understanding the Five Indras Types and Functions

Eye part

In the eye there are several parts, namely the cornea, iris, lens, clear body, retina, and eye nerve. The explanation is as follows:

  • Cornea (clear membrane), serves to continue the light that enters the eye. The light will end up on the retina or retina.
  • Iris (rainbow membrane), located behind the cornea of ​​the eye in the middle of the iris there is a gap called the pupil or pupil. The iris functions to regulate the amount of light that enters the eye.
  • The lens, serves to focus so that the light that enters the eye falls right on the retina. Thus the object seen will appear clear and have the ability to bulge and flatten. This is called the power of accommodation, namely the ability of the eye lens to change the convexity.
  • Clear body, serves to continue the light that has passed through the lens.
  • Retina (mesh membrane), serves to capture the light that enters the eye.
  • Ophthalmic nerve, serves to continue the stimulus of light to the brain.

How the Eyes Work

The eyes sit in the orbits of the skull, protected by bone and fat where the whites of the eyes are the sclera serves to protect the interior structures and surrounds the circular portal formed by the cornea, iris, and the iris pupils.

The transparent cornea allows light to enter the eye, and bends to direct it through the pupil behind it. The pupil is actually the opening on the colored disk of the iris where the iris widens or narrows which adjusts how much light passes through the pupil and into the lens.

The curved lens then focuses the image onto the retina, the inner lining of the eye. The retina is a delicate membrane of nerve tissue that contains photoreceptor cells, namely rods and cones, translating light into nerve signals. The optic nerve carries signals from the eye to the brain, which interprets them to form visual images. This is what makes the eye the five sense organs of sight.

The five senses of the ear

The ear is a sensory organ that has a function to hear sounds that are around us. The ear is a hearing sensory organ that receives a stimulus in the form of sound (fonoreceptors) as well as other functions of the ear, namely as a means of balance.

Ear Section

The ear consists of three parts, namely the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

  • The outer ear consists of the auricle, ear canal, and outer ear canal which are useful for capturing sound vibrations.
  • The middle ear consists of the eardrum, ossicles, and the Eustachian tube. The ossicles consist of the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. When sound enters, the eardrum and ossicles vibrate, where the Eustachian tube connects the ear cavity and oral cavity.
  • The inner ear consists of parts called the cochlea and cochlea. The inner ear is used to transmit sound stimuli to the brain.

How the Ears Work

The outer ear feeds a wave into the ear canal (external acoustic meatus) to the tympanic membrane (“eardrum”) and sound waves pulse against the tympanic membrane creating mechanical vibrations within membrane. Then the tympanic membrane transfers these vibrations to three tiny bones, known as the auditory ossicles, found in the air-filled cavity of the middle ear.

These bones the malleus, incus, and stapes carry vibrations and knock against the opening to the inner ear. The inner ear is made up of fluid-filled canals, including the spiral-shaped cochlea. When the ossicles jump, special hair cells in the cochlea detect pressure waves in the fluid. They activate nerve receptors, then send signals through the cochlear nerves to the brain, which interprets the signals as sound. This is why the ear becomes the five senses of hearing.

Skin Senses

The skin is one of the sensory organs that is able to receive a stimulus of temperature, touch, pain, pressure, texture, and others. On the skin there is a receptor that is sensitive to a physical stimulus called a mechanoreceptor.

Skin Section

On the skin there are touch nerve endings where not all on the surface of the skin are touch devices that are equally sensitive. Meanwhile, the most sensitive parts are the fingertips and lips. The skin can distinguish rough, smooth, hot, cold, and sick.

The skin consists of 3 (three) main tissue layers, namely the outer epidermis, middle dermis, and inner hypodermis.

How the skin works

Special receptor cells in these layers detect tactile sensations and then send signals through the peripheral nerves to the brain. The presence and location of various receptors makes that particular part of the body more sensitive. Merkel cells, for example, are found in the lower epidermis of the lips, hands, and external genitalia.

Meissner corpuscles are found in the upper dermis of the hairless skin of the fingertips, nipples, soles of the feet. These receptors detect touch, pressure and vibration. Other receptors for touch include the Pacinian corpuscles, which register pressure and vibration, and specialized free nerve endings that feel pain, itch, and tickle. This is why the skin becomes the five senses of touch or touch.

Nose Senses

The nose is one of the senses that we use to be able to recognize an environment or something from the aroma it produces.

The fibers in the olfactory nerve are located at the top of the mucous membrane of the nose. The olfactory fibers have the function of being able to detect chemical stimuli in the form of gas in the air (chemoreceptors).

Nasal passage

  • Air filter hair
  • Fine hair that is sensitive to odors
  • Collection of olfactory nerve endings
  • Nerve fibers to send odor stimuli to the brain

How the Nose Works

It starts with specialized nerve receptors located on hairlike cilia in the epithelium at the top of the nasal cavity where when we sniff or inhale through the nose, some of the chemicals in the air bind to the receptors This. In that case it triggers a signal that travels up the nerve fiber, through the epithelium as well as the skull above, to the olfactory bulbs.

The olfactory bulb contains the cell bodies of neurons that transmit information along cranial nerves to extensions of the olfactory bulbs. They send signals to the olfactory nerves, leading to the olfactory area of ​​the cerebral cortex which is why the nose is the organ of smell.

The Five Senses of the Tongue

The tongue is the five senses that have the function of being able to feel the taste stimulation of food or drink that enters the mouth. In this case the tongue will respond to various types and various tastes such as examples of sweet, bitter, sour and salty tastes.

On the tongue there are two groups of muscles, namely intrinsic muscles (performing a smooth movement) and muscles extrinsic (making a rough movement when chewing and swallowing and hooking the tongue on the surroundings).

Tongue Section

  • The tip of the tongue is sensitive to sweet tastes
  • The sides of the tongue are sensitive to salty and sour tastes
  • The base of the tongue is sensitive to bitter tastes

How the Tongue Works

In this case not all the small protrusions on the top of the tongue are called papillae. Many of them, including the circumvalve and fungiform papillae, contain taste buds. When we eat, chemicals from these foods enter the papillae. These chemicals (or taste buds) stimulate specialized gustatory cells in the taste buds, which in turn activate nerve receptors.

These receptors send signals to facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerve fibers. These nerves carry signals to the medulla oblongata, which relay them to the thalamus as well as the cerebral cortex in the brain. This is why the tongue is the five senses of taste.

Thus the explanation about Definition of the Five Senses, Types, Kinds and Functions, hopefully it can be useful and add to your insight.

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