Hydrolysis: Definition, Benefits, Types and Factors That Influence It

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Hydrolysis: Definition, Benefits, Types and Factors Affecting It – What is meant by hydrolysis? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss it and of course other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Hydrolysis: Definition, Benefits, Types and Factors That Influence It

Hydrolysis Is a chemical reaction in which H2O (Molecules from water) will be decomposed or broken down into the form of H+ (Hydrogen) cations and OH- (Hydroxide) anions through a chemical process.

The process is generally used to break down a particular polymer, in particular the polymer from which it is made by going through a gradual process of polymerization or what is known as "Step Growth". Polymerization“. The term hydrolysis itself comes from the Greek word "Hydro" which means water and "Lysis" which means separation.

In simple terms the meaning of hydrolysis is a process of cleavage of chemical bonds with the addition of water. An example is a process of saccharification of sucrose. Saccharification is a breakdown of carbohydrates into components of sugar molecules through a process of hydrolysis.

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For example, sucrose is broken down or broken down into fructose and glucose. In general, hydrolysis or saccharification is a step in the degradation of a substance.

The condensation reaction is a reverse reaction from hydrolysis in which there are two molecules and they will join together by removing water molecules during the process. So that a difference in hydrolysis and condensation is in the condensation of two different types of molecules will combine by removing water whereas hydrolysis adds water to break down molecules that are merges.

Usually hydrolysis is a chemical process in which water molecules are added to a substance. Sometimes these additions will cause both substances as well as water molecules to split into two parts. In this reaction, a fragment of the target molecule or parent molecule gains a hydrogen ion.

Benefits of Hydrolysis

A hydrolysis reaction is a chemical reaction used to neutralize a mixture of acids and bases which produces water and salt. The hydrolysis process has a big contribution in carrying out various important processes and needs in everyday life.

The following are the benefits of hydrolysis:

Hydrolysis reactions that occur between acid and base molecules which are reacted with water will form salts with the formula NaCl chemistry. NaCl is salt that is used in the kitchen by housewives as a salty taste food.

In the agricultural sector, the hydrolysis reaction is utilized in an adjustment of soil pH to the plants planted. Through a hydrolysis reaction process, a type of fertilizer that is not too acidic will be obtained or The chemical molecules that are often used to lower the pH of fertilizers are solid pellets (NH4 )2SO4. If the salt is reacted in water, the NH4+ ions will be hydrolyzed in the soil and will form NH3 and H+ which are acidic in nature.

The hydrolysis reaction that occurs between the salt formed from HOCl which is a weak acid and NaOH which is a strong base with water HOCl hydrolysis will occur so that it will produce OH- ions which have alkaline properties. While NaoH as a strong base is not hydrolyzed. The salt formed through the process of combining the two acids and bases is NaOCl. The salt is wrong a material used in the manufacture of bayclin or sunklin which can be used to whiten clothes.

Hydrolysis reactions have an important role in breaking down food into nutrients that are easy to absorb. Most of the organic compounds in food are not easy to react with water, so a catalyst is needed to allow this process to continue. Organic catalysts that help with the occurrence of reactions in living organisms are known as enzymes. The enzyme works by applying the concept of hydrolysis.

Hydrolysis reactions have an important role in a rock weathering process. These processes are important in soil formation processes, as well as making essential minerals available to plants. Various silicate minerals, such as feldspar, will undergo a slow hydrolysis reaction with water, forming clays as well as silts, together with compounds

The hydrolysis reaction has a role in the water purification process. The purification of drinking water carried out by PAM applies the principles of hydrolysis, namely by using aluminum phosphate compounds which will undergo total hydrolysis.

So, it can be concluded that hydrolysis reactions occur when some ionic compounds, such as acids, bases, and also salts di dissolves or is broken down in water molecules which can produce varying properties, be it acidic, alkaline, or neutral. These differences in properties become a benchmark in analyzing the important role of hydrolyzed salts in the life of living things.

Types of Hydrolysis Types

When viewed from the salt-forming components and also how much or not the salt can be used described when it is reacted with water, then the hydrolysis reaction can be distinguished as follows :

  • Partial Hydrolysis

Partial hydrolysis, namely when salt is reacted with water, only one or some of the ions undergo a hydrolysis reaction, while the others do not experience a reaction. The constituent components of salts that undergo a partial hydrolysis reaction are weak acids and strong bases or vice versa.

  • Total Hydrolysis

Total hydrolysis is a reaction of decomposition of all salts which is carried out by water, where the components of the salt consist of weak acids and also weak bases.

Based on the type of ions produced when salt dissolves in water, the hydrolysis process can be divided into the following types.

  • Anion Hydrolysis

If a salt consists of a weak acid molecule component and also a strong base which is reacted with a water molecule, then these salts will only be partially or partially hydrolyzed in water and will produce alkaline ions ( OH-). In other words, it can be said that hydrolyzed is the anion from a weak acid, while the cation is from a strong base and is not hydrolyzed.

Example :

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The example above explains that CH3COO– which acts as a weak acid anion which hydrolyzes and forms OH– when reacted with water molecules (H2O) while for Na+ which acts as a cation from a strong base and does not hydrolyze when reacted with molecules water. The conclusion is that salts with components form a weak acid and a strong base, if di react with water molecules it will be partially hydrolyzed and will produce ions that are base.

  • Cation Hydrolysis

Similar to a hydrolysis reaction that occurs between a salt and a weak acid and strong base molecule component which is reacted with a water molecule, if the salt with the constituent components of strong acids and weak bases dissolved in water molecules too, will undergo a partial hydrolysis which will produce ions that are acidic (H+ ). This happens because only cations from weak bases are hydrolyzed, whereas the anions from strong acids do not undergo a hydrolysis process.

For example :

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Based on the example above, it can be concluded that NH4+, which acts as a weak base, has been hydrolyzed and produces ions that are acidic, namely H+. Whereas in Cl- which is a strong acid anion it is not hydrolyzed.

  • Hydrolyzed Cations and Anions

If a salt with weak acid and weak base components is reacted with water molecules, it will experience total hydrolysis. This can happen because the cations from weak bases and anions from weak acids have been completely hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis reaction will produce H+ or OH- ions.

Example :

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From the example above, it explains that the two constituent components are the salt CH3COO– (Anion from a weak acid) and NH4+ (Cation from a weak base) can be completely hydrolyzed, each successively producing basic ions (OH-) and acidic ions (H+ ).

It is important to know that salts with strong acid and strong base components are reacted with water molecules will not undergo a process of hydrolysis, in other words the reaction has properties neutral. This event can occur when salts containing alkaline metal ions or alkaline earth metal ions (except Be2+) and bases conjugates of a strong acid such as Cl –, Br –, and NO3 – ) which are reacted with water molecules to produce a solution that is neutral.

Hydrolysis: Definition, Benefits, Types and Factors That Influence It

Factors Affecting Hydrolysis

The speed of the hydrolysis reaction is influenced by intrinsic factors such as molecular structure, and environmental factors including temperature (if the temperature rises 100°C then hydrolysis doubles), the pH of the solution (H+ and OH– is catalytic or accelerates breaking chain. The stable pH of a drug is at the minimum point when log K is minimum), type of buffer, ionic strength, light, oxygen, moisture and additives (Yoshioka, 2002).

Ways to Prevent Hydrolysis and Solutions

  • How to Prevent Hydrolysis

    • Knowing the pH where stability is maximum
    • The use of buffer solutions at a minimum constant
    • Storage is carried out at room temperature
    • Using water as a solvent (Yoshioka, 2002).

  • Hydrolysis Solution

    • Drug formulation at optimum pH stability
    • Addition of non-aqueous solvents
    • Control water content
    • Drugs are made in solid (solid) dosage forms (Yoshioka, 2002).

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Hydrolysis, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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