Spermatogenesis Process: Definition, Function, Factors And Abnormalities In Sperm

Spermatogenesis Process: Definition, Function, Factors, Abnormalities in Sperm – What is the Spermatogenesis Process? On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss what it is Process Spermatogenesiss and other elements about it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Spermatogenesis Process: Definition, Function, Factors, Abnormalities in Sperm

Semen and sperm are 2 different substances or substances. Semen cells are part of the sperm. Usually it can only be seen using a microscope. Meanwhile, sperm is a whitish and thick liquid that is secreted by the penis. It is this semen in the sperm that will later meet the egg (ovum) to form a zygote, the forerunner of the child. Before it becomes a sperm cell that is ready to fertilize an egg, sperm takes quite a long time to be made by the testes. The process of making sperm cells in the testes is called spermatogenesis.

What is Spermatogenesis

Spermatogenesis is the process of making and maturing spermatozoa. Spermatogenesis takes place in the seminiferous tubules. The transition from prospective sex cells that are actively dividing to mature sperm and involves various kinds of structural changes that take place sequentially. Spermatogenesis takes place in the seminiferous tubules and is regulated by gonadotropin and testosterone hormones.

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Spermatogenesis takes place in the testes. Inside the testes are the seminiferous tubules. The chambers of the seminiferous tubules consist of epithelial tissue and connective tissue, in the epithelial tissue there are spermatogonia cells and Sertoli cells which play a role in providing nutrition to spermatozoa. Not only that, in the seminiferous tubules there are also Leydig cells which secrete the hormone testosterone which functions in the process of spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenesis includes the maturation of germinal epithelial cells through the process of cell separation and differentiation, which aims to form functional sperm. Cell maturation occurs in the seminiferous tubules which are then deposited in the epididymis. The walls of the seminiferous tubules are composed of connective tissue and germinal epithelial tissue (seed epithelial tissue) which play a role during spermatogenesis.

The spools of the seminiferous tubules are in the testicular spaces (testicular lobules). One testis usually has about 250 testicular lobules. The seminiferous tubules consist of a large number of germinal epithelial cells (germ epithelial cells) called spermatogonia (spermatogonia = single). Spermatogonia are located in 2 to 3 outer layers of seminiferous tubular epithelial cells. Spermatogonia always divide to multiply themselves, some of the spermatogonia differentiate through certain growth stages to form sperm.

In the seminiferous tubules there are spermatozoa or spermatogonia stem cells, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells. Sertoli cells play a role in feeding spermatozoa, while Leydig cells, which are between the seminiferous tubules, play a role in creating testosterone.

Spermatogenesis function

The function of spermatogenesis is to produce aged male gametes which can efficiently fertilize female gametes to form organisms single-celled cell called a zygote, which in turn will lead to the process of separation and multiplication of cells to form prospective children.

Spermatogenesis also plays a role in having generations. To have a healthy generation, the number of chromosomes must be maintained in a constant number in the body. Because failure can cause several disorders such as Klinefelter's syndrome, Down's syndrome, or abortion of the unborn child. Spermatogenesis works to avoid this.

Spermatogenesis Process: Definition, Function, Factors, Abnormalities in Sperm

Spermatogenesis Factor

There are several factors that influence the formation of spermatogenesis, including:

  • The process of spermatogenesis is very sensitive to changes in temperature
  • The presence of disease can affect the rate of sperm production, such as when you are deficient in food, exposure to strong drugs and alcohol.
  • The process of spermatogenesis is very sensitive, and can be affected by changes in hormone levels such as testosterone produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and Leydig cells.
  • Oxidative stress can cause damage to the DNA in the semen, leading to problems in conception and pregnancy.

Spermatogenesis Session

The process or Spermatogenesis session that occurs in humans is also similar to that in animals, including:

  • Session 1

The native diploid spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules have twice the number of chromosomes which replicate mitotically at the interface before meiosis 1 to form 46 pairs of chromatids. These cells are influenced by Sertoli cells which will provide nutrition to the spermatogonia which grow into spermatotids.

  • Session 2

In this session, chromatids will exchange genetic data by synapsing through meiosis to become haploid spermatocytes.

  • Session 3

The next stage is the division of meiosis, in which 2 new daughter cells will further divide so the 4 spermatids that have unique chromosomes, have half the number with the original spermatogonia.

  • Session 4

In this session the cells will move through the lumen of the testis to the epidimis, where the cells naturally develop into 4 seminal cells by increasing microtubules on the centrioles, forming the axoneme, is the basal body, and some of the centrioles elongate to form the seminal tail facilitated by testosterone.

Abnormalities in Sperm

Mani really needs to be researched, why? Because if someone's semen is good or healthy, it will fertilize the egg. Which will give you generations or pregnancies for your partner. However, if your semen has abnormalities, it means that your semen is not normal which will cause you it's hard to have a generation or even not a generation or a man can be said barren.

The ejaculated semen is collected in a clean container and does not react to anything against the semen, which is usually used is a 50 – 100 ml or glass response tube. After that the place is closed so as not to be contaminated. Therefore, abnormalities in semen are as follows:

  • Sperm count abnormalities

The normal amount of sperm for a man is a minimum of about 39 million sperm per ejaculate. A person who has a lower than normal number of sperm is sometimes referred to as oligospermic. If no sperm cells are found, this is known as azoospermia. On the other hand, the sperm cell itself is the seed needed to fertilize the female egg.

Azoospermia arises due to various things, one of which is the fact that the testes cannot produce sperm cells or it could also be because there is a blocked seminal duct which causes the sperm cells to not be immersed in the water sperm.

The trigger for this disorder can come from a blockage in the seminal ducts (Vas deferens) or due to congenital abnormalities. If the cause is a blockage in the seminal tract then it can still be treated surgically to clear the blockage and maybe pregnancy can still occur. Unless it is caused by a congenital abnormality that causes the testicles to be unable to produce sperm cells, handling will be more difficult.

  • Abnormalities of seminal shape (morphology)

This seminal disorder refers to abnormalities in the shape of the seminal cells. At least, semen is said to still be able to function properly if it has 4% sperm which is normal. To see this abnormality of semen, the semen must be viewed under a microscope. The natural form of semen is as follows:

    • It has an oval shape with a length of 5-6 micrometers and a width of 2.5-3.5 micrometers.
    • Has a defined cap (acrosome), which covers 40% – 70% of the seminal head.
    • There were no visible abnormalities of the neck, midsection, or tail.
    • There are no fluid droplets on the seminal head that are larger than one and a half dimensions of the seminal head.

Teratospermia is a condition in which there are very many abnormal sperm and the number of normal sperm morphology is less than 30%. This abnormality is not known for certain, but hormonal abnormalities occur in the testes which cause inflammation and tumors which can affect the morphology of the semen. The main problem with teratospermia lies in the shape and size of the sperm cells.

Men with seminal abnormalities tend to have more difficulties in pregnancy, but we can't say for sure it is uncertain whether the trouble was caused only by the seminal form itself or by some other alibi, which gave rise to the seminal form different. At least to get a successful pregnancy, at least 50% of all sperm cells must have a reasonable shape, below that value it is said to be teratospermia, in the sense that it continues to be a small amount of sperm whose appearance is normal until the chance of pregnancy is very high small.

  • Disorders of seminal movement (motility)

Motility is the percentage of moving sperm. In order for fertilization to occur, sperm must swim into the female reproductive tract to fertilize the egg. The ability to swim towards the goal is important. Total motility refers to each movement, whereas progressive motility refers to the sperm continuing to move either in a line or in a great circle. Movement or sperm motility is also a determining factor in the formation of fertilization, because sperm can only survive for a short time.

Therefore, sperm cells must have fast and agile movements to reach the egg. Males may have normal motility if 40% of the total semen moves and at least 32% must swim in forward motion or in a large circle. The movement of the sperm cells themselves actually varies depending on their structure. Some of them may have abnormalities such as a shorter tail shape, which causes their movements to be less agile when they go to the uterus.

There are also many triggers for abnormalities in the number of sperm that cause abnormalities in the movement of semen. Motility disorders can occur even though the number of sperm one has is quite large, and this can cause fertility problems.

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Spermatogenesis Process, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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