√ Definition of Frequency Distribution, Type, Composition and Parts thereof

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Definition of Frequency Distribution, Type, Composition and Parts – In this discussion we will explain about the Frequency Distribution. Which includes the meaning, types and arrangement of the frequency distribution with a complete and easy-to-understand discussion. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Frequency Distribution, Type, Composition and Parts

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of Frequency Distribution

The frequency distribution according to Hasan (2001) is an arrangement of data according to class intervals or according to certain categories in a list

Types of Frequency Distribution

The types of frequency distribution include:

Frequency Distribution by Type

  • The Numerical Frequency Distribution is an arithmetic series that stands alone.
  • Categorical Frequency Distribution, is data that has been grouped.

Frequency Distribution According to Real or No Frequency

  • Absolute frequency distribution, is a number that describes the amount of data in a particular group.
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  • Relative frequency distribution, is a number of percentages that explain the amount of data in a particular group.

Frequency Distribution According to Unity

  • The unit frequency distribution is a frequency that describes how much data is in a certain group.
  • Cumulative frequency distribution, is a frequency distribution that describes the number of frequencies in a group of certain values ​​starting from the previous group up to that group.

Hasan (2001) states, the frequency distribution can be divided into three, including:

Ordinary Frequency Distribution
Is a type of frequency distribution that contains the number of frequencies from each data group. There are two types of frequency distributions, namely numerical frequency distributions and event or category frequency distributions.

Relative Frequency Distribution
Is a type of frequency distribution that contains the value of the quotient between the class frequency and the number of observations. The relative frequency distribution describes the proportion of data that lies within a class interval, the frequency distribution The relative value of a class is obtained by dividing the frequency by the total data available from observations or observation.

Cumulative Frequency Distribution
Is a type of frequency distribution that contains cumulative frequencies or summed frequencies. The cumulative frequency distribution has a curve called the ogif. There are two types of frequency distributions, namely the cumulative distribution less than and more than the cumulative distribution.

Arrangement of Frequency Distribution

To carry out the arrangement of the frequency distribution or the stages are as follows:

  1. Sort the data first according to the large value in the data.
  2. Determine the range (range) of the data. The reach formula is:
    Range = largest data-smallest data
  3. Determine the number of classes (k). The number of classes can be determined by the Sturgess formula:
    K = 1 + 3.3 log n; k
    k = the number of classes
    n = amount of data
  4. Determines the length of the class interval. To determine the length of the interval, you can use the formula:
    Length of class interval (i) = Number of classes (k) / Range (R)
  5. Defines the lower bound of the first class. The lower edge of the first class is often chosen from the smallest data or data that comes from widening range (data smaller than the smallest data) and the difference must be subtracted from the interval length class.
  6. Write down the class frequency in the straight or tally column according to the amount of data.
  • Definition of Frequency Distribution, Type, Composition, Section

Frequency Distribution Sections

The parts of the frequency distribution include:

  1. Class (class) is a group of data values ​​or variables from random data
  2. Class limit (class limit) is a value that becomes the boundary between classes. The class boundary is the apparent limit of each class, because between one class and another class there are still holes for certain numbers. There are two class limits for sorted data, namely lower class limits and upper class limits.
  3. Class edges or class boundaries that do not have holes for certain numbers between one class and another. There are two classes, namely the upper class edge and the lower class edge.
  4. The class midpoint or class sign is the number or data value that is right in the middle of the class. The class midpoint is the value that represents its class representative in the data. To determine the class midpoint, you can find the formula:
    Class Midpoint = ½ (class upper limit + lower class limit)
  5. The class interval is the interval that separates one class from another class.
  6. The class interval length or class area is the distance between the upper edge of the class and the lower edge of the class
  7. Class frequency is the amount of data that belongs to a certain class of random data.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Frequency Distribution, Type, Composition and Parts, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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