√ Definition of Recycling, Benefits, Purpose, Process and Kinds

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Definition of Recycling, Benefits, Purpose, Process and Kinds - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about Recycling. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of recycling, its benefits, purposes, processes and types briefly and clearly. For more details, see the following article.

Definition of Recycling, Benefits, Purpose, Process and Kinds

Recycling is a method or method of managing solid waste into new useful goods. So that in modern times where everything is instantaneous and also the use of natural resources that are not needed or without calculations is needed as a solution.

Definition of Recycling

Understanding Recycling is a process which turns a used material into a new material the purpose of preventing the accumulation of garbage or also garbage or waste can turn into something that is useful. It also aims to reduce the use of new raw materials, reduce energy use, reduce pollution, land damage, and also greenhouse gas emissions.

Recycling Benefits

As for some of the benefits of Recycling Used Goods, including the following:

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  • Opening new jobs.
  • Increase people's income.
  • Prevent and also overcome environmental pollution.
  • Prevent disease.
  • Increase the power of creativity and also the skills of the community.
  • Help create a clean and healthy environment.
  • Help save energy.
  • Uty recycling management does not require large space and land.
  • Help suppress and also reduce pollution in the environment around you.

Purpose of Recycling and Recycling Utilization

The following are the objectives of recycling and the use of recycling, including the following:

  • Reducing natural resources, so that survival remains stable.
  • Reducing the amount of new waste, so that it will be able to reduce environmental damage and environmental pollution.
  • Get new items that can be sold, thereby generating and increasing income.
  • Preserving creature life.
  • Maintaining the balance of the ecosystem of living things.
  • Reducing waste or inorganic waste.

Recycling or Reusing Steps

The following is the recycling process and the utilization of recycling, including the following:


The separator is the first stage by separating the waste that will be recycled and also reused from the waste that must be disposed of.


Storage is the second stage, namely storing separated waste.

Delivery or sale

At this stage by selling goods to factories or places that need it.

Kinds of waste that can be recycled

The following are types of waste or materials that can be utilized by the recycling process including the following:

  • Paper
  • Metal Waste
  • Glass Waste
  • Battery Waste
  • Electronic Waste
  • Used cups, bottles and plates
  • Aluminum
  • Steel

Plastic Waste

Plastic is one of the most common solid wastes and is easy to recycle. Common types of plastic codes include the following:

(Polyethylene terephthalate)

Generally it is found in drink bottles or other liquid consumption materials.

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)

Usually it is found in the detergent bottle.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

These wastes are usually found in pipes, furniture, and so on.

LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene)

This waste is usually found in food packaging.

PP (Poly Propylene)

This waste can be found in drink bottle caps, straws, and some types of toys.

PS (Polystyrene)

This waste can be found in lunch boxes, meat packaging boxes, cups, and other kitchen utensils

Waste that can be utilized without recycling process

Here are some wastes that can be used or also used directly, including the following:

Dregs tofu

This tofu dregs can be used as animal feed ingredients.

Water hyacinth

Water hyacinth can also be used to make handicrafts, for example bags.

Organic trash

Organic waste can be used as a natural or organic fertilizer for plant growth and development. The advantage of using organic fertilizers is to increase the level of soil fertility.

Modern Waste Management

Here are some management in modern waste, including the following:


Reusing is reusing used goods without processing the material, for the same purpose or also different from the original purpose.


Reprocessing is utilizing used goods by processing the material so that it can be used further.


Reducing is all forms of activity or behavior that can reduce waste production.


Replacing is a way to change habits that can speed up waste production, especially waste that is difficult to process and dangerous.


Refill, namely refilling used product containers.


Repair is carrying out maintenance or maintenance so as not to increase waste production.

Thus the explanation about Definition of Recycling, Benefits, Purpose, Process and Sort of. Hopefully it can be useful and add to your insight. Thank You.

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