17 Definition of Statistics According to Experts (Full Discussion)

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17 Definition of Statistics According to Experts (Full Discussion) – Statistics is one of the sciences that is very important to learn in order to make it easier for someone to make a research, observation or research in the form of numbers, starting from data collection, data processing, data analysis, to presenting data whose ultimate goal is withdrawal conclusion.

17 Definition of Statistics According to Experts (Full Discussion)

Statistics are quite complicated for those here who don't understand how to use them. therefore, in tertiary institutions there are generally statistics courses, which are very useful for carrying out their final assignment.

Therefore, we need to know in advance about what is statistics? On this occasion, About Knowledge will discuss what is the meaning of statistics according to experts. Here's an explanation.

Definition of Statistics

There are several scientists who explain what the meaning of statistics is. Among them are:

1. Modenhall

Statistics is a field of science which has to do with the extraction of information on a numeric data and is used to make decisions on which population the data belongs to obtained.

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2. Kendal & Stuart

They explained that statistics is a branch of the scientific method which has to do with collecting data collected by measuring the characteristics of the population found.

3. Asher

He argues that statistics itself has something to do with a step or method to draw a conclusion from the results of trials.

4. Mood, Graybill & Boes

They argue that statistics is a technology that comes from a scientific method and is related to experiments, investigations and also drawing conclusions.

5. Anderson & Bancroft

They both explained that statistics as a science and an art of development and also a method most appropriate and effective way to collect, tabulate and interpret data quantitative.

6. Stoel Torrie

Stoel Torrie explained that statistics are a way or a method that provides steps for assessing the uncertainty of inductive conclusions.

7. Margaret F. Hall

He explained that statistics is a technique which is used in collecting data, analyzing, concluding and interpreting data in the form of numbers.

8. Freund & Walpole

They argue that statistics is included as one of the sciences for making decisions that are still uncertain.

9. Sudjana

In the opinion of Sudjana who explained that statistics is as a knowledge that has something to do with techniques as well as methods of collecting data, processing, analyzing, drawing conclusions, presenting data and publishing data in the form of numbers.

10. Sugiyono

According to Sugiyono who explained that statistics in a narrow sense are data and tools. Broadly speaking, statistics are a tool for analyzing and making decisions.

11. Prof. Drs. Sutrisno Hadi, MA

He argues that statistics is included in one way of processing data and drawing conclusions and also logical decisions from data processing.

12. Prof. Dr. Agus Irianto

He also argues that statistics is included in a set of methods related to collection data, data analysis, and drawing conclusions from data in the form of numbers using assumptions certain.

13. Suntoyo Yitnosumarto

Here Suntoyo Yitnosumarto explains that statistics are information that is used methodology as well as ways of calculating in order to solve practical problems that appear.

14. Ir. M. Iqbal Hassan, M.M

He argues that statistics itself is a science which studies the ins and outs of data, namely about procedures for collecting data, processing data, analyzing, interpreting and drawing conclusions from a data in the form numbers.

So, those are some of the opinions from his experts regarding the meaning of statistics. The conclusion from the explanation above is: Statistics is a collection of data in the form of numbers or not which numbers can be arranged using tables or diagrams to describe a problem at hand studied. And in general, the data presented has something to do with certain conditions which are also equipped with information to clarify the problem.

15. Croxton and Cowden

They explained that statistics is a method used to collect, process and present and interpret data in the form of numbers.

16. Anto Dajan

In the opinion of Anto Dajan, he explained that the meaning of statistics is quantitative data that is either still unorganized or already arranged in table form.

17. Supranto

Meanwhile, in the opinion of Daru Supranto who explained that statistics is a science which in this case studies methods collecting, presenting, analyzing data and also drawing general conclusions which are based on the results of thorough research It is already done.

Statistical Objectives

There are five main goals of statistics, the five goals you are as follows:

  • Aims to make a description and to explain the data regarding the population under investigation.
  • Aims to assist in making estimates of values ​​which are unknown based on the data analyzed.
  • To make an estimate of the effect of an accepted hypothesis. This estimate will then be used as a basis for making decisions.
  • Statistics also aims to reduce the large population size to a smaller size to make it easier to understand.

Statistical Function

Statistics itself has two main functions which are very important for research activities. The following are statistical functions including the following;

1. Descriptive Function

The descriptive function is one of the statistical functions which is used to describe, explain data and events, which is this collected through research and investigation processes which have not reached generalizations or drawn conclusions about the population researched.

2. Inferential Function

Inferential function is a statistical function which is to predict as well as to control the entire population based on data, symptoms, and events contained in the process study. This function begins by making an estimate and a hypothesis.

14 Definition of Statistics According to Complete Experts

Types of Statistics

The types of statistics are distinguished as follows:

1. Based on Discussion Orientation

  • Mathematical statistics, which is one type of statistics which prioritizes this type an understanding of the model, statistical formulas that is mathematical-theoretical, decline draft. For example, normality test, regression analysis etc.
  • Applied statistics, which is a type of statistics which prioritizes the understanding of concepts, statistical techniques, and also their application in certain scientific disciplines.

2. By Phase and Purpose of Analysis

  • Descriptive statistics, namely types of statistics which have something to do with the collection, processing, analysis, and presentation of data without general conclusions. This form of statistics is generally in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.
  • Inferential statistics, namely the type of statistics in which in this case the process allows for general conclusions to be drawn on the processed data.

3. Based on Assumptions of Data Population Distribution

  • Parametric statistics, namely one type of statistics that is carried out based on the normal distribution model.
  • Non-parametric statistics, namely statistics that are carried out using methods for free distribution or not based on the normal distribution model.

4. Based on the Number of Dependent Variables

  • Univariate statistics, namely types of statistics which only have one dependent variable.
  • Multivariate statistics, namely types of statistics that have more than one dependent variable.

Thus the discussion regarding 17 Definition of Statistics According to Experts (Full Discussion), I hope this is useful for readers and thank you so much 🙂

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