Table Tennis: Definition, History, Techniques, Equipment, Rules, Types of Strokes and Scoring Systems

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Table Tennis: Definition, History, Techniques, Equipment, Rules, Types of Strokes and Scoring Systems – What do you know about Table Tennis? On this occasion About the will discuss What is Table Tennis and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Table Tennis: Definition, History, Techniques, Equipment, Rules, Types of Strokes and Scoring Systems

Table tennis is a sport played by two players (singles) or two pairs of players (doubles). face to face using a small ball, a wooden bat covered with rubber, and a shaped playing field table.

The parent organization for table tennis, also known as ping pong, is ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) for the world level and PTMSI (All Indonesian Table Tennis Association) for the level national.

History of Table Tennis

The game of table tennis has been known in England since the 19th century. At that time, table tennis was known as ping pong, gossima, or whiff whoff. The name ping pong is used in almost all countries until a British company, J. Jaques and Son, Ltd., trademarked it in 1901.

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Since then, ping pong is only used if the game uses equipment from Jaques, while other companies call it table tennis. At that time, table tennis became a game among the upper class and was often played indoors after dinner.

At first, the equipment used was in the form of a table, a row of books arranged in the middle of the table as a net, a golf ball, and two books as a bat. However, in 1901, a table tennis aficionado, James W. Gibb, managed to find celluloid balls.

That same year, E.C. Goode created a modern version of the bet by placing a sheet of speckled rubber coating on a smoothed surface of wooden plank.

England founded the Table Tennis Association (TTA) in 1921, followed by the founding of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) in 1926, and the USA Table Tennis (USAT) in 1933. The first table tennis championship was held in London, England, in 1926.

In 1950, a British sporting goods company, S.W. Hancock, Ltd., introduces a new bet. Rubber-coated wood is combined with a layer of sponge at the base, causing a high level of speed and ball rotation.

In Indonesia, this sport was first contested at the first National Sports Week (PON) in Solo in 1948, while at the world level, table tennis was only officially competed in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea South.

Table Tennis Basic Techniques

To be able to play table tennis properly and correctly, there are some basic techniques that you need to learn and master. What is the correct technique for holding the bet and hitting it? Check out the following explanation.

Bet Holding Technique

There are three techniques for holding the bat in table tennis, namely the shakehand grip, the penhold grip, and the seemiller grip.

  • Shakehand Grip

Shakehand grip is a technique of holding the bat as if shaking hands. This technique is widely used by professional table tennis athletes and is very popular in European countries. The shakehand grip technique allows you to use both sides of the bat to hit the ball.

  • Penhold Grip

This technique is a technique of holding the bat in a way like holding a pen or penhold grip. This technique is also known as the Asian grip. This way, you can only hit with one side of the bat.

  • Seemiller Grip

This technique is also called the American grip and is widely used by professional players. The way to hold the bet with this technique is the same as the shakehand grip, but the upper part of the bet is rotated 20-90 degrees towards the body and the index finger sticks along the side of the bet.

Body Position

In table tennis, there are two body positions, namely the standby position (stance technique) and the footwork position (footwork technique).

  • Get Ready (Stance Technique)

The stance technique is a way to position the feet, hands and limbs when attacking an opponent or defending against an opponent's attack. This technique consists of two kinds of styles, namely square stance and side stance.

    • Square stance is a positioning technique, namely the position of the body towards the table and is usually used when receiving a service ball or in a ready position when receiving an attack from an opponent. The trick is to move one foot a step forward, backward, right, left, or diagonally.
    • Side stance is done with the body position sideways to the right or left so that the shoulder position is closer to the net when attacking the opponent. For left-handed players, the position of the left shoulder should be closer to the net.
  • Foot Movement (Footwork Technique)

The number of steps in a table tennis game is divided into 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps, and more than 3. The direction of foot movement can be to the right, left, front, back or diagonally.

The position of the feet must be balanced with the anticipated distance between the position of the incoming ball and the position of the player. If it's very close, use a 1-step motion or stand in a fixed position. If it's a long distance, use a 2-step motion.

The most frequently used footwork technique is the two-steps method, especially for players who typically attack their opponents. Learn the steps below.

  • Knees slightly bent, body weight evenly distributed on both feet and piled on the toes.
    If you want to step to the left, the left foot is shifted to the left and the body weight is placed on the left foot. Do the same way if you want to do two steps.
  • Right foot follows left foot. If you are going to do a forehand, your right foot is pulled back so that it is exactly the same as the starting position for the shot
  • After making a stroke, pay attention to the direction of the ball and return to the initial position. If you want to move to the left, push with the right foot. If you're not ready, move backwards, but if your opponent hits the ball, don't move.
  • If you are going to try a forehand shot, pull your right leg back so that the body is right at the starting position. When carrying out an attack, look at the direction of the ball first, then return to the starting position. When hitting the ball, don't make any body movements and pay attention to your opponent's position.

Ball Hitting Technique

Table tennis also recognizes two types of strokes, namely forehand and backhand strokes. Both can be done straight or across the table in the following way.

  • Straight Forehand and Backhand Shots

How to do straight forehand and backhand strokes is the ball is tossed towards a friend, done in pairs or groups. Players who have hit forehand/backhand and bounce are moving from place to place.

  • Forehand and Backhand Crosses

A crossed forehand/backhand shot is done by bouncing the ball by a friend and bouncing it to the table with a service shot. The strokes are carried out in pairs or groups and the players who have hit the backhand and bounce are moving from place to place.

Service Technique

There are three ways to serve in table tennis, namely straight forehand/backhand service, cross; and towards the target. The three of them are done in pairs/groups and those who have made the serve move move around.

The service technique and how to receive the correct service ball are as follows.

  • Service is done with the ball in the middle of the palm and in a stationary condition.
  • The ball is bounced vertically without spin to a height of 16 cm.
  • The ball is hit after it goes down without touching the table first.
  • When serving, the ball must be visible to the receiver of the ball.
  • If the service is not carried out according to the rules, the umpire or the assistant umpire will give a warning.
  • The service ball can be returned if it has crossed the net and touched the table once.

Smash Technique

Smash shots can be done by forehand or backhand in the following way.

  • Smash Forehand.
    • The left foot is placed in front and the right foot behind. The body is tilted slightly to the right so that the weight rests on the right foot.
    • The right arm is pulled back and the waist is slightly tilted to the right.
    • After the ball bounces and reaches its highest point, swing your arm from the bottom up, then hit and press the ball down with the help of your wrist.
  • Smash Backhand.
    • The right foot is placed in front and the left foot behind, the body is tilted slightly to the left until the right shoulder is facing the table.
    • The forearm is pulled to the left, back and above the table.
    • After the ball bounces and reaches its highest point, the forearm is swung forward to the right to hit. The wrist is used to help press and regulate the direction of the ball. Body weight shifts from left to right.

Table Tennis Equipment

The equipment needed in a table tennis game consists of a bat, table, net and ball.


There are no specific provisions regarding the shape, size or weight of the bet used in table tennis. However, the surface of the bat leaf must be flat and stiff, at least 85% made of wood, measured by its thickness.

The adhesive layer in wood can be reinforced with fibrous materials, such as carbon fiber, glass fiber, or compacted paper. The use of this material may not be more than 7.5% of the total thickness of the bat or not more than 0.35 mm (whichever is thinner is used as a reference).

The side of the bat leaf that is used to hit the ball must be covered with smooth (smooth) or speckled rubber. If the batting uses a pimpled layer of rubber protruding (without sponge), the thickness of the rubber including the adhesive layer must not exceed 2 mm.

If the surface of the bat is covered with sandwich rubber or sponge with the pimple facing outward or inward, the thickness of the layer must not exceed 4 mm, including the adhesive.

When the game starts and each time changing bets during the game, the player must showing the bet to the opponent and the umpire and allowing them to check or try the bet the.


  • Table Size
    • table length: 274 cm
    • table width: 152.5 cm
    • table height from floor: 76 cm
    • side line thickness: 2 cm
    • table area: 4, 1785 m2
  • Table Terms.
    • The surface of the table can be made from a variety of materials, but must be able to produce a 23 cm bounce from a ball dropped from a height of 30 cm.
    • The entire table surface must be dark in color with white lines 2 cm wide on the long and wide sides of the table.
    • The surface of the table is divided into two equal parts by a net parallel to the end line and must pass the width of each surface.
    • In doubles, the table is divided into two equal halves by a white line 3 mm wide, parallel to the straight line along the table.


Like a table, the net in table tennis also has certain standards as follows:

  • The net set consists of a net, an extension, and two support posts, including two clamps attached to the table.
  • The net is installed with the help of a rope attached to both ends of a 15.25 cm high pole. The extension limit of the two poles on each side of the end of the table width is 15.25 cm.
  • The net has a length of 183 cm, a width or height of 15.25 cm and an area of ​​0.279075 m2.
  • The base of the net along the width of the table must be close to the surface of the table and the extension of the end of the net must be as close to the support post as possible.


The ball used in table tennis is made of light cellulose material with a diameter of 40 mm and a weight of 2.7 grams. If dropped from a height of 30.5 cm, the ball will make its first bounce 23–26 cm high.

In general, ping pong balls are white or orange. The ball has 1, 2 or 3 asterisks indicating the quality of the ball. The 3 asterisks indicate that the ball is of the highest quality and is usually used in official tournaments.

Table Tennis Rules

In order for the game to run in an orderly manner, each player must follow the table tennis rules that have been set below.

  • Players must hit the ball by touching the bat or bat board.
  • The player must serve.
  • The ball receiver or receiver is the player who hits the second ball in one rally.
  • Play is overseen by a referee and assistant referees.

Table Tennis Game Sequence

In doubles play, returns must be alternated between the two players. After serving, the ball receiver will receive the ball, then the serving partner will receive the next ball.

One Let Game of Table Tennis

When there is a long rally in a table tennis game, the rally will be declared a let if it fulfills the following conditions.

  • The ball touches the net when it crosses the net, then the ball enters or is received by the opposing player.
  • Service is done when the receiving player is not ready to receive the ball.
  • The referee stops play.
  • The player fails to serve or is unable to return the service ball.
  • The ball bounces and hits the net.

A Set of Table Tennis Games

The match is declared as a set if one of the players/pairs of players has reached 11 points and the difference with the opponent is 2 points. If the scores are still one point apart, the game must continue until one of the players reaches a difference of two points.

Determination of Order of Service and Place

To determine the player who will serve and the place of the player, a draw is carried out. In the doubles game, the players who will serve and receive the ball must also be determined in advance. If one of the players has won 5 points, a player exchange is made.

Types of Table Tennis Shots

In table tennis, there are five known strokes that you need to learn, namely drive, push, serve, chop, and block. All types of strokes can be done forehand or backhand. What is meant by each type of stroke? Here's an explanation.

  • Drive is a punch with the longest swing of the player's hand so that it produces a fast, hard, and horizontal blow.
  • Push is a backspin shot that is passive and is often used to return a backspin shot. The purpose of this type of shot is to prevent the ball from rising too high.
  • Chop is a backspin shot that is usually used in games to defend against opponent attacks.
  • Block is a blow that is made while holding back an opponent's attack and is done when the ball has bounced off the table or court. The purpose of this punch is so that the opponent cannot launch an attack quickly.
  • Service is the first shot made when the game starts.
Table Tennis: Definition, History, Techniques, Equipment, Rules, Types of Strokes and Scoring Systems

How to Play Table Tennis

Table tennis can be played in pairs (doubles) or individually (singles). Both have different ways of playing and rules as explained below.

Doubles Game

For the doubles game, how to play is as follows.

  • Each dead ball is worth one point.
  • Serves are carried out alternately if the players have reached multiple points of five.
  • Players receive the ball from the opponent in turn.
  • The service holder can only throw the ball into the room from the right side of the opposing player.

Single Game

How to play the singles game is slightly different from the doubles game as follows.

  • Each dead ball is worth one point.
  • Serves are carried out alternately if the players have reached multiple points of five.
  • The service holder may hit the ball from all corners of the field.

Table Tennis Game Score System

Each player, whether singles or doubles, will receive a score or points if any of the following occur:

  • The ball flies across the table without bouncing first.
  • The opponent has touched the ball, but cannot return it.
  • The opponent cannot return the ball.
  • The opponent does an imperfect serve, that is, the ball does not cross the net or cross the net, but does not bounce on the table.
  • The opponent hits the ball with the non-rubber side of the bat.
  • The opponent hits the ball more than once before it crosses the net.
  • The opponent makes a move that touches the net.
  • The opponent makes a move that causes the tabletop to move.
  • In doubles, the opponents hit the balls out of order.
  • The opponent touches the table with the hand that is not holding the bat.

The game of one set will end if one of the players/pairs has reached 11 points. The player is declared the winner if the points have reached 3 or 4 winning sets. In the event of a deuce, the game ends if the scores are two points apart, for example 13-11 or 15-17.

Thus the review from About the about Table tennis, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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