51 Complete Understanding of Law According to Experts

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51 Complete Understanding of Law According to Experts - Everyone is familiar with the word "law" because everyone will be bound by law, be it state law, religious law, any law that applies in life. But many of us do not understand or understand what the law actually is.

Many legal experts have expressed their opinion about the meaning of law, and in fact it is law has a very broad understanding and every expert in their field expresses their understanding different.

Therefore, here we will discuss the legal meaning explained by experts in their field, hopefully it can provide benefits to readers. Immediately, we refer to the following discussion.

51 Complete Understanding of Law According to Experts

Let's discuss the meaning of law carefully.

Legal Understanding According to Experts

What is meant by law is a norm in society. Violation of legal norms has stricter sanctions. The definition of law is very diverse, so we must know what the meaning of law is from various different points of view. As below, we will examine the meaning of law according to experts in their field.

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1. Plato

Law is a set of rules that are well structured and orderly and are binding on judges and the community.

2. Immanuel Kant

Law is all the conditions under which a person has the free will of one person can adapt to the free will of others and comply with legal regulations regarding independence.

3. Ahmad Ali

Law is a set of norms regarding what is right and wrong, which is made and acknowledged by the government, both contained in the law written rules or not, bound and in accordance with the needs of society as a whole, and with the threat of sanctions for violators of the rules that norm.

4. Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja

Law is the whole of the rules and all the principles that regulate the association of life in society and aims to maintain order and includes various institutions and processes in order to realize the enactment of the rules as a reality in public.

5. Borst

Law is the overall rules for human actions in social life. Where the implementation can be forced with the aim of getting justice.

6. Mr. E.M. Meyers

According to him law is the rules which contain considerations of decency. The law is aimed at human behavior in a society and becomes a reference or guide for state rulers in carrying out their duties.

7. Prof. Dr. Van Kan

Stating that law is the whole rule of life which is coercive in nature to protect human interests in the society of a country.

8. S.M. Amen

Law is a set of rules consisting of norms and sanctions. The aim is to establish order in human association in a society, so that order and security are maintained and maintained.

9. J.C.T. Simorangkir

Law is all regulations that are coercive and determine all human behavior in society and are made by an authorized institution.

10. Drs. E. Utrecht, S.H.

Stating that law is a set of rules which contain orders and prohibitions, which govern the order of life in society and must be obeyed by every individual in society because violations of the guidelines of life can lead to action on the part of the government of a country or institution.

11. Leon Duguit

Reveals that the law is a set of rules of behavior of members of society, where these rules must be heeded by every society as a guarantee of the common interest and if it is violated it will cause a joint reaction against the person who violates the law.

12. Sunaryati Hatono

According to him, the law does not concern a person's private life in a society, but if it concerns and regulates various activities humans in relation to other humans, in other words the law is to regulate various human activities in life socialize.

13. Ridwan Halim

Law is all written or unwritten regulations, which in essence are all regulations The rules apply and are recognized as rules that must be obeyed and obeyed in life socialize.

14. Soerso

Law is a set of rules made by the authorities with the aim of regulating the order of life society that has the characteristics of orders and prohibitions that are coercive by imposing sanctions on punishment the offender.

15. Tullius Cicerco

Law is the highest reason implanted by nature in every human being to determine everything that can be done and what cannot be done.

16. M.H. Tirtaatmidjaja

Law is the overall rules or norms that must be followed in various actions and behavior in social life. Those who break the law will be subject to sanctions, fines, confinement, imprisonment or other sanctions.

17. Abdulkadir Muhammad

Law is all regulations, both written and unwritten, which have strict sanctions for violations.

18. Abdul Wahab Khalaf

Stating that the law is a requirement of Allah in relation to the actions of adults regarding orders, prohibitions and their ability to carry out or abandon them.

19. Aristotle

Says that law is only a collection of regulations that are not only binding but also judges for society. Where it is the law that oversees the judge in carrying out his duties to punish those who are guilty or those who break the law.

20. Karl Max

Law is a reflection of the legal economic relations of a society in a certain stage of development.

21. Wiryono Kusumo

Law is the whole set of rules, both written and unwritten, that regulate order in society

22. W. Levensbergen

Law is a regulator, especially for the regulation of human actions in society, then law is an agent and then becomes an act

23. Wirjono Prodjodikoro

Law is a series of rules regarding the behavior of people as members of a particular society

24. Wasis Spurn

Law is a set of regulations in the form of written or unwritten, made by the authorities, has the nature of coercion, regulation and contains sanctions for violators, aimed at human behavior so that the lives of individuals and society are guaranteed security and order

25. Van Apeldoornl

The law is a social phenomenon, there is no society that does not know the law, so the law becomes an aspect of culture, namely religion, decency, customs and habits.

26. Van Vonenhoven

Law is a symptom in social life which is constantly agitated in a state of endless clash with and from other phenomena.

27. Vinogradoff

Law as a set of rules held and implemented by a society with respect for the policies and exercise of power over every human being and object

28. Q Arnold

Law is something that cannot be defined, but he realizes that however the legal community will never stop their struggle to define law

29. Thomas Hobbes

Law is something that cannot be defined, but he realizes that however the legal community will never stop their struggle to define law

30. Thomas Aquinas

Laws are orders from people who have the power to command and force their orders on others

31. Samuel von Pufendof

Law is nature based on the quality of human nature

32. Stampe

Law is law in a responsive order, seeing itself as an inseparable part of the social world that surrounds it

33. Saint Simon

Law is the conflict between society and the economy and a large bloc of local groups and the economy is at its center

34. Salmon d

Law as a collection of principles recognized and determined by the state in court

35. Soejono Dirdjosisworo

Law as the provisions of the authorities, law enforcers, attitude, system of rules, value chain, legal system, science of law and law is a legal discipline

36. Soetandjo Wigjosoebroto

Law as positive rules that apply at a certain time and place.

37. Stammler

Law is a certain structure that gives shape to human goals that move people to act

38. Suardi Tasrif

The law is all the rules of life that are coercive and made by the authorities an order/prohibition/permission to make something as well as with the intention to regulate the order of life public.

39. Sutjipto Rahardjo

Law is the work of humans in the form of norms that contain instructions for behavior

40. Soerojo Soekamto

Law is a science, a system of teaching about reality, rules/norms, legal orders, decisions of officials, officials, government processes, steady and law in the sense of a network of values.

41. Soedikno Mertokusumo

Law is a whole collection of rules or rules in a common life, as a whole rules of conduct that apply in a shared life, which can be enforced by penalty

42. Soerojo Wignjodipoero

Law is a set of living rules that contain an order and prohibition or permission to do or not doing anything, the law is coercive and with the intention of regulating order in life socialize

43. Scapera

Law is any rule of conduct that a court may enforce.

20 Complete Legal Definitions According to Experts

44. Robert Saidman

Laws cannot simply be transferred from one society to another who has a culture, because it is not certain that the laws of a developed country are suitable for application in other countries.

45. A.L. Goodhart

Law is the whole of the rules used by the court.

46. Allen

Law is an attempt to uphold justice in a party that must be distinguished.

47. Bohannan

Law is a set of obligations that have been re-institutionalized in a legal institution.

48. Bellfoid

Law is the law that applies in a society, regulates the order of society, which is based on the power that exists in society.

49. Bambang Sunggono

Law is subordinated or is a product for political interests.

50. KBBI

Laws are regulations or customs that are officially considered binding, which are confirmed by the ruler or government; laws, regulations and so on to regulate community life; benchmarks (rules, provisions) regarding certain events (nature and so on); decision (consideration) determined by the judge (in court); verdict.

51. Wikipedia

Law is the most important system in the implementation of institutional power series. From the form of abuse of power in the political, economic and social fields in various ways and acts as the main intermediary in relations social relations between communities against criminalization in criminal law, criminal law that strives for ways the state can prosecute perpetrators in the legal constitution provide a framework for the creation of laws, protection of human rights and the expansion of political powers as well as the ways in which they are represented chosen

Thus the discussion about 51 Complete Understanding of Law According to Experts, hopefully it can help in finding references and useful for readers. That is all and thank you.

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