Biomes: Definition, Functions, Characteristics, Factors and Types

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Biomes: Definition, Functions, Characteristics, Factors and Types – In this discussion, we will explain about biomes. An explanation that includes the meaning of biomes, biome functions, characteristics of biomes, factors that affect biomes and types of biomes that will be presented in a light and easy to understand manner.

Biomes: Definition, Functions, Characteristics, Factors and Types

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Biome

Based on climate and geography, a biome is an area that has the same geographic and/or climatic characteristics, such as communities of plants, animals, soil organisms, bacteria and viruses. Also known as ecosystem. In some parts of the earth there are a number of living things and non-living things with unequal proportions, which form the basis of the division of biomes.

Biomes are also determined by plant structure (such as trees, shrubs, and grasses), types of leaves, distance between plants and climate. Unlike the flora and fauna zones, biomes are not distinguished by genetic, taxonomic, or historical similarities. Another definition of a biome is a large ecosystem with areas consisting of unique flora and fauna.

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Biome function

The functions of biomes are:

  • Facilitate the implementation of the arrangement of a population
  • Can know the types of plants and animals based on their way of life to adapt to the environment.
  • Make it easy to carry out data collection on plant and animal species
  • Makes it easier to group newly discovered animals and plants

Biome Characteristics

The characteristics of the biome are as follows:

  • Shaping the interaction of environmental elements such as water, climate, soil, and organisms that live in an area
  • Is a climax community or a collection of various populations as a sign that the main vegetation form dominates the area
  • It is a stable community, unless there is an event that can disrupt the stability of the community
  • Can be identified by looking at the dominance of the vegetation
  • In giving the name of the biome is generally based on the dominance of vegetation.

Factors Affecting Biomes

Within the biome, influencing factors include:

  • Climate
  • Geographical position
  • Rainfall
  • The intensity of sunlight obtained

Kinds / Types of Biomes

Steppe biome

The steppe biome, also known as the prairie, is a biome whose main flora is grass. The distribution of this type of biome includes areas that do not have high rainfall throughout tropical and subtropical climates.

The spread of the steppe biome in the world is on the continent of Australia (Gibson desert), North Africa (Sahara desert), Asia (non-eating), Brazil (campos), United States (great basin), Argentina. In Indonesia, the steppe biome can be found in the areas of Jogjakarta, Sumbawa, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara. The characteristics of the steppe biome are:

  • High level of deflation
  • Because it does not contain water, the soil is barren sand
  • The air temperature during the day is around 45°C and at night around 0°C
  • It has very low rainfall, which is around 25mm/year
  • Has very low air humidity due to lack of rainfall
  • Evaporation or evaporation from tall plants is faster than precipitation (rain) due to the dry air and longer absorption rate.

Tundra biome

The Tundra biome is a biome that is around the north pole and parts of the south pole. In the tundra biome there are no trees, but only small plants such as grass and moss. This biome is around the arctic circle, Greenland in the arctic region. Based on the climate division, the tundra biome is in an area with a climate of eternal ice (ET) and has a tundra climate (ET). The characteristics of the tundra biome are as follows:

  • Each area is covered by snow or ice
  • It has long, dark winters and long, bright summers.
  • Plants only have a short growing age of 30-120 days

Taiga Biome

Biomes are the widest type of biome compared to other types of biomes. Taiga is a forest consisting of one species such as pine, conifers, and the like. Shrubs and wet vegetation are sparse, while animals that live in this biome include moose, bears, foxes, wolves, and birds that migrate south in the fall. Taiga can be found in the Northern Hemisphere such as Russia and Canada. The characteristics of the taiga biome are:

  • It has a long cold winter and a hot dry season, only about 1-3 months
  • During winter, groundwater will turn into ice which can reach 2 meters below the ground surface
  • There are only a few plant species that can live, some only 2-3 plant species

Desert Biome

In terms of geography, the desert or desert biome is an area where rainfall is around 25 mm/year. Deserts are thought to have little capacity to support life.

When compared to wetter areas this is probably true, even if you pay attention carefully, the desert usually has a hidden life (especially during the day) to maintain body fluids. About a third of the Earth's area is desert formation. For example the Gobi Desert in Asia and the Sahara Desert in Africa. The characteristics of the desert biome are:

  • It has very low rainfall, around 25mm/year
  • Evaporation or evaporation that is high and faster than precipitation (rain)
  • High deflation rate
  • It has a very high difference in daytime and nighttime temperatures, around 45°C during the day and 0°C at night
  • The land is very barren sand because it can not hold water
  • Has very low air humidity

Tropical Rainforest Biome

Tropical rain forest is a biome in the form of wet or humid forest which is found in areas around the equator with latitudes of 0°-10° to the north and south of the equator. Tropical rain forest is a forest that is located in the tropics with high rainfall.

Examples of tropical rain forests are Africa, Australia, South America, Pacific Islands, Central America and Mexico. The characteristics of a tropical rain forest are:

  • It has very high rainfall of more than 2,000mm/year
  • The main tree that grows is about 20-40m high
  • Getting enough sunlight, but sunlight can't penetrate the forest floor
  • The branches of the tree have thick, wide leaves and are green all year round
  • Has a micro-cyclic environment around the ground surface / under the canopy

Deciduous Forest Biome

The deciduous forest biome is a biome that is located in the range of 30°-40° latitude LU/LS and has a moderate climate. The deciduous forest biome is in the eastern United States, the southern tip of the Americas, the British Isles and Australia. The characteristics of fall debt are:

  • It has an evenly distributed rainfall of around 75-1,000 mm/year
  • The tree is wide, green in winter, sheds in summer and has a dense crown
  • Has a relatively small number of plants
  • Summers are warm and winters are not too cold
  • Consists of 4 seasons namely summer, autumn, winter, and spring
Definition of Biomes, Functions, Characteristics, Factors, Types

The Savanna Biome

The savanna biome is grasslands interspersed with patches of shrubs and trees. Based on the types of plants that exist, savanna is divided into two types, namely pure savanna consisting of one type of plant and mixed savanna consisting of a mixture of plant species. The distribution of biomes is in Africa, South America, Australia and Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara). The characteristics of the Sabana biome are:

  • Presence in the equator (tropical climate)
  • Moderate rainfall, around 100-150 mm/year and irregular
  • Porosity or water that seeps into the soil and drainage or irrigation is good enough.

Thus has been explained about Biomes: Definition, Functions, Characteristics, Factors and Types, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read our other articles

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