Definition of Free Market and Its Functions (Discuss Completely)

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Definition of Free Market and Its Functions (Discuss Completely) - At the moment About Knowledge want to discuss about the free market and also its functions. We often hear about free markets but sometimes we don't know what this type of market really is.

Definition of Free Market and Its Functions (Discuss Completely)

So around knowledge want to provide information about the free market and also the function of this market. For those who don't know or don't understand this market, you can listen to the explanation that will be explained below.

Definition of Free Market

A free market is a market where the prices of goods and services have been prepared completely and there is no mutual coercion so that they have been agreed upon by the seller and also by the buyer.

Which is generally determined by the law of supply and demand. And there is no interference from the government in regulating the supply and demand prices. In terms of ethics, the Islamic equilibrium market is defined as a meeting point and equal rights between buyers and sellers.

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Free Market System

This market system first came from the French language Laissez which means let them do the work according to their wishes.

In this case the community has the opportunity and also full freedom to be able to determine the economic activities they will carry out. In this market system what consumers want will be directly triggered to the market. And also as a basis for allocating very limited resources.

For example, if consumers tend to want a lot of fish, then fish prices will be raised by traders. And if the price of fish in the market will increase, it will obviously encourage fishing companies as well fish auctions will provide more hours of work to be able to catch fish and also process fish.

And if anyone wants to invest in order to increase the number of boats for fishing. Furthermore, the supply will exceed consumer demand which will make prices fall again. And slowly consumer demand will increase again.

This kind of adjustment is more commonly referred to as the invisible hand which is a mechanism for this market system in directing economic decisions.

This very famous phrase was expressed by the father of modern economics Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations in 1776. Adam Smith who made his book when the conditions of the intellectual world were overwhelmed and controlled by big ideologies.

The great ideology is liberalism, this ideology basically teaches about freedom and also upholds human dignity. This market system adheres to a capitalist system while the notion of capitalism is a system in which property is owned. As well as being controlled by the community and any profit that has been generated using private property will become the right of the owner of that property.

Reasons and motivations to seek profit and also accumulate wealth. Then it is believed to be the biggest driving factor which then led to the success of this system.

Free Market Understanding And Complete Free Market Functions

Free Market Functions

This market has a function in the country's economy which will be discussed below.

  1. Can provide information and also more precise about the price and also the number of requests for goods.
  2. Can provide incentives for entrepreneurs to develop their business.
  3. This market can also provide incentives for entrepreneurs to acquire modern skills.
  4. Can provide and also stimulate the use of goods and factors of production in a more efficient way.
  5. Can provide complete freedom to the community so that they can carry out economic activities.

So many explanations that have been given about knowledge about Definition of Free Market and Its Functions (Discuss Completely) The free market is a capitalist economic system where assets and profits can be controlled by society and government do not contribute to the development of this free market economy, so hopefully useful 🙂

Also read:

  • Definition of Modern Market, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Examples
  • Definition of Markets and Types of Markets (Discuss in Complete)
  • Relations Between Living Things and Their Environment
  • Definition of Market Economy, Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses Complete
  • Definition of Capital Market, History, Objectives, Functions, Types, Benefits, Roles, Structures and Examples

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