6 Ways to Memorize Quickly, Effectively and Easily

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aroundknowledge.co.id – Learning how to memorize quickly and easily is not too difficult if you use the right strategy. However, most people do not use the right strategy.

In fact, most people use no strategy at all. It employs several tactics that don't work very well. So let me get straight to it. If you try to inject something into your brain using flashcards or repetition, you are making things difficult for yourself.

This is not the time to work harder, this is the time to work smarter. Here's the problem. Your mind is a supercar that doesn't know how to drive yet. With practice, you can learn how to memorize anything, whether it's a new language, a speech, or answers for an upcoming exam.

Oh, and learning how to memorize quickly doesn't have to be bad either. It can even be fun. Really. This guide shows you how to memorize quickly and easily – the smart way.

6 Tips on How to Memorize Quickly and Easily

If you want to learn how to memorize quickly and easily, you have to be strategic. Here are 6 tips on how to memorize quickly that you will learn in this article.

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  1. Understand your learning style
  2. Learn the 3 R's of Memorization
  3. Practice alternative methods
  4. Learn how to connect with your stories.
  5. Use the memory palace method
  6. Apply spaced repetition strategically

1. Understanding Your Learning Style

Before learning how to memorize quickly, it can be helpful to have a basic understanding of how best to interpret and absorb new knowledge. There are now four major learning styles commonly referred to by the acronym "VARK".

  • Visual
  • Otic
  • read and write
  • Kinesthetic

Let's take a closer look at each.

1. Visual

Visual learners learn best through sight. They like information presented visually and tend to like things like diagrams, pictures, and demonstrations to observe. Many visual learners like to sketch, draw and make lists.

2. Hearing

Auditory learners learn best when they hear and the subject matter is conveyed through sound.

They prefer listening to podcasts, lectures, and audiobooks to reading books and notes. If you have to read a book, you will likely absorb more information if you read it aloud to yourself. Many auditory learners also enjoy participating in discussions.

3. Read and write

Read/write learners prefer to learn through the written word.

They learn best from reading books and articles. They also learn better when taking notes and reviewing. Although this learning style overlaps with visual learning, these learners tend to prefer expressing themselves through writing.

The traditional Western education system accommodates literacy learners by focusing on reading books and writing essays.

4. Kinesthesia

Kinesthetic learners learn best by experiencing or doing something. They are sometimes called "tactile learners".

This type of student likes to move around and use their hands. They excel when they can interpret the subject through their physical senses. They prefer hands-on learning to learning from books every day of the week.

What Learning Style Do You Prefer?

Your preferred learning style can be very clear. For example, it is clear that I am a visual and literacy learner. After all, I am a writer.

However, if you're unsure of your preferred learning style, check out this VRK questionnaire to find out. It should also be noted that most people have a natural preference for more than one style. Oh, and in case you were wondering, no particular learning style is better than another. They are just different!

2. Learn the 3'R memorize

It's time to understand the three 'R's of memorization, the basis for how to memorize quickly and easily. These three steps are the strategy you need to quickly learn to memorize. Here's how it works.

  1. Registration: The first step is to record the new memory in the mind with the aim of storing it in long term memory. To learn how to memorize quickly, it's a good idea to practice effective registration skills.
  2. Retention: At this stage, the brain works to store information and move it from short-term memory to long-term memory for later recall.
  3. Remember: At the final stage of memorization, you can use the skill of retrieving the information stored in your mind.

People refer to these steps in different ways. For example, some people call it “encode, store, and retrieve,” but the basic principles are the same. Most memorization tips skip one or more of these steps.

For example, repetition can help with retention. However, reading something repeatedly doesn't mean that the information is intentionally encoded in your mind. It also provides no mechanism by which to retrieve information.

In short, you should use all three 'R's' to learn how to memorize faster.

3. Learn How to Memorize Quickly and Easily

Now that you've got the basics down, it's time to learn how to memorize things fast. So what's the easiest way to remember something? The best way to remember something is with a mnemonic device. This is a good representation of memory.

What is a mnemonic device? Simply put, a mnemonic device is anything that helps you remember something. For example, the phrase 'I' comes before 'E', except after 'C' is a memory device.

Here's an example of a visual mnemonic device to help you remember the number of days in a month. Each knuckle represents a month with 31 days.

Whenever you hear about 'memory jocks' memorizing the order of six decks of cards, they are using their memory device.

It's not magic. It's just practice and you can do it too. There are many mnemonic devices. However, we'll focus on three of the most popular and effective techniques you can use to learn how to memorize things faster.

Unlike repeats and flash cards, each of these memory devices uses the three 'R's of memorization: register, retain, and recall.

1. Alternative Method

This first memory method is very simple. All you have to do is take what you want to remember and replace it with something more memorable.

For example, you want to memorize the periodic table. When you're trying to remember the first element, "hydrogen," you can associate it with the word "hydrant" because they sound similar. For the second element, helium, you can think of things like balloons filled with helium.

Then consider what learning style you prefer and use that information to build lasting connections. For example:

  • If you are a visual learner, you can visualize a bright red fire hydrant on a sidewalk.
  • Auditory learners can practice saying the words “hydrogen, hydrant” out loud to emphasize how the two words sound similar.
  • With two words starting with “h, y, d, r”, literacy learners can write words while emphasizing their spelling similarities.
  • Every time they pass a hydrant, kinesthetic learners can practice touching the hydrant and saying the word "hydrogen" out loud.

When you need to remember the first element of the periodic table, it's easier to remember the red hydrant first. Then the “hydrogen” memory is triggered. Substitution is an effective way to register new information in your brain and make it easier to remember later.

And this technique doesn't just apply to words, it can also be used to remember ideas, concepts, names, dates, or key points of a speech. OK, but how do you remember so much stuff?

2. Story Links and Methods

Here's the catch: You can create substitutes for memorable words and objects and relate them to your story. Here is an example of how to connect a "fire hydrant" (hydrogen) with a "balloon" (helium).

Here's the trick. Exaggerate your story so it stays in your mind longer. This will help your memory and memory.

For example, a fire hydrant could burst and spray water everywhere. Or maybe the balloon seller is dressed as a clown. Use what works best for you!

Once you create effective associations and link them to a compelling story, they become very easy to remember. This is a great way to jot down large amounts of information in your head while also providing a mechanism for remembering it.

3. The Memory Palace Method

If you want to know how to memorize large amounts of information, try the memory palace method. This method has stood the test of time. It was first presented in the book “Rhetorica ad Herennium” which was written in 80 BC. by unknown author. Here's how to use it.

  1. Think of a familiar place, like your home or your daily commute, or trip.
  2. Identify some important points in your home or travel.
  3. Connect to each dot what you want to remember.

For example, you have to memorize speeches. You can divide your speech into points such as introduction, three main points, summary, and concluding thoughts. You can then connect each of these dots to something in your memory palace.

The front door of a house can be the introduction to a speech. Then the three main focal points can be the living room, kitchen and bathroom. In short, it could be the driveway out of the house, and the last thought could be the front yard.

Then, every time you practice your speech, you can imagine walking around the house for each point.

If your speech is long or there is a lot of information to memorize, you can break up the information break it down into smaller parts and relate them to the information contained in each room.

For example, the first conversation point (living room) has three sides. Each piece of furniture can be linked with a piece of furniture such as a sofa, coffee table or floor lamp.

If you practice the memory palace method, you should be able to mentally walk around your house or run to and from work, remembering all the information. Again, this method satisfies all three 'R's' by providing a way to encode, store, and retrieve information.

4. Apply Interval Repeat

If you register new information in your head, how do you not forget it? Implement space repetition.

In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus created the 'forgetting curve'. This concept shows how we forget something. Simply put, once we learn something, it starts to fade from our memory.

However, you can prevent these objections by periodically reviewing your information. This can improve your memory. So when should you review a topic?

Frequent reviews are very helpful at first. For example, you might review first daily, then biweekly, then weekly until you're sure you won't forget. Again, find your preferred learning style to help you. For example:

  • Visual learners can draw storyboards or sketch memory palaces.
  • Auditory learners can tell their story aloud or picture walking through a memory palace.
  • Read/write learners can write down their stories and review them regularly.
  • Kinesthetic learners can act out a story or walk through a memory palace in real life.

You can also review the material at night before going to bed. Why? Studies show that people who study before bed can often remember more of what they learn later in the day. I also feel more confident in my answers.

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