√ Definition of Village According to Experts and Explanations (Complete)

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Definition of Village According to Experts and Their Explanations (Complete) – In this discussion we will explain about the village. The discussion includes the definition of village from experts, village characteristics, village functions, village elements, village classification, village potential and village administration which will be explained in a complete and easy way understood.

Definition of Village According to Experts and Their Explanations (Complete)

For more details, see the full review below carefully.

Understanding Village According to Experts

The following is the definition of a village according to experts.

  1. Government Regulation no. 72 of 2005

    The definition of a village according to Government Regulation no. 72 of 2005 is a legal community unit that has regional boundaries that are authorized to regulate and taking care of the interests of the local community, based on local origins and customs that are recognized and respected in the system of government of the Republic of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia Indonesia.

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  3. UU no. 6 of 2014

    The definition of village according to Law no. 6 of 2014, villages and traditional villages or what are called by other names, hereinafter referred to as Villages, are units legal community that has territorial boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage government affairs, the interests of the local community based on community initiatives, origin rights, and/or traditional rights that are recognized and respected within the system of government of the Unitary State of the Republic Indonesia.

  4. UU no. 5 of 1979

    The definition of a village according to Law No. 5 of 1979 is an area occupied by a number of residents as a community unit including community units. law that has the lowest government organization directly under the sub-district head and has the right to organize his own household within the bonds of the Unitary Republic of the Republic Indonesia.

  5. UU no. 22 of 1999

    The definition of village according to Law no. 22 of 1999 is a legal community unit that has the authority to regulate and manage interests local community based on local origins and customs that are recognized in the national government system and are in the area Regency.

Village Characteristics

The characteristics of the village are as follows:

  • Communities in the village have a close relationship with the natural environment where they live.
  • The population in the village is not very large
  • The economic structure in the village is predominantly agrarian (agriculture)
  • Weather and climate have a big role for farmers in determining the planting season
  • The average education of people in the village is low
  • Slow social processes in the village

Village Functions

The function of a village is as follows:

  • The village is a supplier to the needs of the city or what is called the hinterland
  • The village is a raw power source for cities
  • The village is a partner or partner for urban development
  • The village is the smallest form of government in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

Village Elements

Based on its understanding, the village has 3 main elements, as explained below:

  1. Region or Territory: This includes the location or location, boundaries, type of land, area, condition of the land and patterns of utilization
  2. Resident: This includes population, birth rate, death rate, growth, density, livelihoods of villagers and population distribution.
  3. Order of Life: Including patterns and ties in association, customs and norms that apply in the village.

Village Classification

Villages can be classified from several which will be explained as follows:

  1. Based on the Activity

    • Agrarian Village: Namely a village where the main livelihood of the population is in agriculture and plantations.
    • Industrial Village: Namely a village where the main livelihood of the population is in the small household industry sector.
    • Fisherman's Village: Namely a village where the main livelihood of the population is in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
  2. Based on the Level of Development

    • Self-help Village
      That is a village that has a certain potential but is managed as well as possible. The characteristics of this village:
      • The area is separated or isolated from other areas
      • Still slightly populated or sparse
      • Homogeneous livelihoods are agrarian in nature
      • Has a closed nature
      • Traditions are upheld by the people
      • Low technology in this village
      • Lack of facilities and infrastructure
      • The close relationship between humans
      • Social supervision is carried out by the family
    • DIY Village
      Namely a village with a transition from being a self-help village to a self-sufficient village. The characteristics of a self-help village are:
      • Habits or customs are no longer fully binding
      • Start using tools and technology
      • Not isolated even though it is far from the center of the economy
      • Increased economy, education, traffic routes and other infrastructure
      • Traffic lanes between villages and towns have started smoothly.
    • Self-sufficient Village
      Namely villages whose people have been able or able to utilize and develop natural resources and their potential in accordance with regional development activities. The characteristics of a self-sufficient village are:
      • Most of them are located in the district capital
      • Dense population
      • There is no bond with customs
      • There are facilities that are fulfilled and more advanced than other villages
      • Communities have become more effective in participating
  3. Based on the Bond

    • Genealogical Village: This is a village that is united with residents who have family or blood relations
    • Territorial Village: Is a village that is united by common interests and territories with certain boundaries
    • Mixed Villages: Namely villages that are united by blood relations and also have common interests
  4. Based on Physical and Non-Physical Potential

    • Backward Village
    • Growing Village
    • Forward Village
  5. Based on Village Potential

    • Fisherman's Village
    • Rice Village
    • Farming Village
    • Plantation Village
    • Farm Village
    • Craft Village (small industry)
    • Big Industrial Village
    • Service and Trade Village
  6. Based on Total Population

    • Smallest Village: The population is less than 800 people
    • Small Village: The population is between 800-1600 people
    • Medium Village: The population is between 1600-2400 people
    • Large Village: The population is between 2400-3200 people
    • Largest Village: The population is over 3200 people
  7. Based on Population Density

    • Smallest Village: The population density is less than 100 people/km2
    • Small Village: The population density is between 100-500 people/km2
    • Medium Village: The population density is between 500-1500 people/km2
    • Large Village: The population density is between 1500-3000 people/km2
    • Largest Village: The population density is between 3000-4500 people/km2
  8. Based on the Area

    • Smallest Village: With a village area of ​​less than 2 km2
    • Small Village: With an area of ​​the village between 2-4 km2
    • Medium Village: With a village area of ​​between 4-6 km2
    • Large Village: With an area of ​​the village between 6-8km2
    • Largest Village: The area of ​​the village is between 8-10 km2
Village Definition According to Experts, Village Characteristics, Functions, Elements, Classification, Village Potential and Village Government

Village Potential

Village potential can be divided into 2 types, namely:

  1. Physical potential: includes land, water, climate and weather, flora and fauna
  2. Non-physical potential: includes village communities, village social institutions, and village apparatus. If the potential of a village is utilized and developed properly, then the village will grow and develop, and the village will have a function for other regions or for the city.

Village government

In a village has its own government. Government within the village consists of the village government which includes the village head and village apparatus and the village consultative body (BPD). Village apparatus consists of the Village Secretary, Kebayan, Lado, Modin, Patengan, Head of BUMDes and Kamituo)

That's how it was explained about Definition of Village According to Experts and Their Explanations (Complete), hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting

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