The Names of the Last Days in the Qur'an and Their Meanings

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The Names of the Last Days in the Qur'an and Their Meanings – Believing in the last day is the sixth pillar of faith. The last day is certain and it is kept secret when the last day will come. On this occasion, will share knowledge about the names of the last days in the Qur'an. And here's the review.

The Names of the Last Days in the Qur'an and Their Meanings

Let's discuss in full what are the names of the end of days in the Qur'an.

Meaning of the Last Days

The last day is the last day for all living things in the world that we must believe in its existence which is the bridge for us as human beings to an eternal and eternal life in the hereafter. The last day or doomsday is one of the five pillars of faith. The end of the day begins when the trumpet is blown by the angel Israfil to destroy the earth and everything in it.

Doomsday cannot be predicted when it will come because it is the secret of Allah SWT. Which no one knows. But in this way we can still know when the Day of Judgment will come by looking at the signs given by the Prophet Muhammad. Those who believe in Allah SWT and do good deeds will be rewarded with a paradise full of pleasures. while those who disbelieve and those who are evil will go to hell which is very painful and will be in torment.

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Last Days Names

The following are the names of the last days in the Qur'an.

Final Yaumul

It's the last day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Baqoroh: 8 means: "And among humans there are who say, "We believe in Allah and the last day," when in fact they are not the ones who have faith“.

Yaumul Qiyamah

It means doomsday. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Baqoroh verse 85 which means: "Then there is no (proper) reward for those who do that among you other than disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be returned to the eternal punishment heaviest. And Allah is not unaware of what you do".

Yaumul Hasrah

It means day of regret. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Maryam: 39 which means: "And give them a warning about the day of regret, (ie) when all matters have been decided, while they are negligent and they do not believe".

Yaumul Ba'ats

It means rising day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter Ar-Rum verse 56 which means: "... So this is the day to rise, but (formerly) you did not believe (it)".

Yaumul Hisab

It means day of reckoning. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Sad: 16 which means: "And they say, "O our Lord, hasten the punishment that is destined for us before the day of reckoning".

Yaumu Diin

Means the day of vengeance As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter Al-Fatihah verse 4 which means: "the owner of the day of vengeance".

Yaumul Haq

It means a certain day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. An-Naba: 39 which means: "That is the day that will definitely happen. So whoever wishes, surely he will take a way back to his Lord ".

Yaumul Jam'i

It means gathering day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Asy-Syura 'Allah said which means: "And thus We revealed the Qur'an to you in Arabic, so that you may warn residents of the capital city (Mecca) and residents (of the countries) around it, as well as giving warnings about the day of gathering (Doomsday) which is unquestionable exists“.

Yaumul Khulud

It means eternal day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Qaf: 34 which means: "Enter (into paradise) safely and peacefully. That is the eternal day".

Yaumul Fasli

It means judgment day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Ad-Dukhan: 40 which means: "Indeed the Day of Judgment (the Day of Judgment) is the promised time for all of them".

Yaumul Wa'id

This means the day of execution of the threat. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Qaf: 20 Allah says which means: “And the trumpet is blown. That is the day that is threatened".

Yaumul Khuruj

It means the day out of the grave. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Qaf: 42 which means: "(That is) on the day (when) they hear a terrible sound in truth. That is the day out (from the grave)".

Yaumu Taghabun

This means the day the errors appear. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. At-Taghabun: 9. Allah says which means: "(Remember) on the day (when) Allah gathered us on the day of assembly, that is the day of revealing mistakes ...".

Yaumu Tanad

It means calling day calling. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Mu'min: 32 which means: "And O my people! Indeed, I am really worried about you will (torture) the day of calling each other ".

Yaumul Mau'ud

It means the promised day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Buruj: 2 which means: "And by the promised day".

Yaumul Fathi

It means victory day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. As-Sajdah: 29 which means: "Say, "On that day of victory, the disbelievers have no use for their faith and they are not given any suspension".

Yaumul Kabir

It means big day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Hud: 3 which means: "... And if you turn away, then really, I am afraid that you will be punished on the big day (Doomsday)".

Yaumul 'Asir

It means hard day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Mudassir: 9 which means: "So that's a very difficult day".


It means fateful day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Ghafir: 59 which means: "Surely the Day of Judgment will come, there is no doubt about it, but most people do not believe"

Ad Darul Akhirah

It means the afterlife. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Ankabut: 64 which means: "And verily the land of the hereafter is the real life, if only they knew."

Darul Qarar

It means return. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Ghafir: 39 which means: "O my people, in fact the life of this world is temporary pleasure. And verily the hereafter is a land to return to.”

Yaumul Wa'id

It means the promised day. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Qaf: 20 which means: “And the trumpet is blown. That is the promised day.”


It means Doomsday. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Waqi'ah: 1 which means: "When the Hour comes."

Al Haqqa

The meaning is certain. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Haqqah: 3 which means: "And do you know what the Day of Judgment is?"

Ath Thammatul Kubra

It means big disaster. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. An-Nazi'at: 34 which means: "So when a very big disaster (the Day of Resurrection) has come."


It means screaming. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Abasa: 33 which means: "So when a deafening sound (ears) comes."


It means something close. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. AN-Najm: 57 which means: "The near (Doomsday) is getting closer."


It means hard knock. As Allah has said in the Qur'an in the letter QS. Al-Qari'ah: 3 which means: "Do you know what the Day of Judgment is?"

Names of the Last Day in the Qur'an and their meanings

Signs of the Last Days

  1. The sun rises from the west and sets from the east. This happened due to a great change in the order of the universe.
  2. Very strange animal discharge. This beast can converse with everyone and show humans that the end is very near.
  3. Arrival of the Mahdi. He is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, his character and character are very similar to Rasulullah SAW.
  4. Dajal appears. Dajal is the one who appears as a sign that the end of the world is near. Dajal is blind in one eye and claims to be "God".
  5. Disappearance of Al-Qur'an and Mushaf, memorization in the heart. Even disappeared in someone's heart.
  6. Human gatherings, such as birth safety, circumcision, marriage, birthdays, etc. However, His commands are never carried out at all and His prohibitions are shunned.
  7. The descent of Prophet Isa. He will descend to this earth amidst the rampant influence of Dajal.

So, those are the names of the last days in the Qur'an. Hopefully writing about The Names of the Last Days in the Qur'an and Their Meanings can add insight and be useful for all of us. That is all and thank you.

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