√ Definition of Social Values, Functions, Roles and Distribution

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Definition of Social Value, Function, Role and Distribution - On this occasion About Knowledge will discuss about Social Value. Which in this discussion explains the meaning of social values, characteristics, functions, roles, sources and their distribution briefly and clearly. For more details, see the following article.

Definition of Social Value, Function, Role and Distribution

Social value is the quality of behavior, thoughts, and character that is considered by society to be good and true, the results are expected, and worthy of being imitated by all people. In addition, social values ​​are attitudes and feelings that are widely accepted by society and are the basis for formulating the right things and important things.

Characteristics of Social Values

The following are the characteristics of social values, namely:

  • Applied through a process of intensive human interaction.
  • Transformed by a learning process consisting of socialization, enculturation and diffusion.
  • Social regulations that contribute to meeting national needs.
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  • Different from each human group.
  • Has a different impact on human action.
  • Can affect a person's personality, namely as a member of society.

Social Value Function

Social values ​​have certain functions in society, in general these functions are:

  • As a power of pressure and binding power of values ​​can lead and even pressure humans to be able to do good in social life.
  • As the final determinant for people or groups in fulfilling their social roles in social life.
  • As a tool of solidarity for a person or group in society.
  • Form a good mindset and behavior patterns of community members.
  • Contribute a set of tools that can be used to be able to determine the social status of a person or group in society.

The Role of Social Values

In social life, social values ​​have an important role, namely:

  • Become a direction to behave or act.
  • As a reference and source of motivation in doing something.
  • Directing people to behave in accordance with the values ​​prevailing in their environment.
  • Motivator, supervisor, and pressure someone to do good.
  • Solidarity tools to encourage community cooperation, so that they can achieve common goals.

Source of Social Value

Social value in society comes from three things, namely from God, society and individuals. The following is an explanation:

  • Value Sourced from God

The source of values ​​that can be known by someone through religious teachings written in the holy book. There are values ​​that can provide guidelines or instructions in behaving and behaving with others in religious teachings.

Examples such as: The value of affection, obedience or obedience, simple life, honesty, and so forth. Values ​​that originate from God are known as theonom values.

  • Value Derived from Society

Society agrees on things that are considered right and noble. Then used as a guide in behaving in everyday life.

Examples such as: Polite and polite to all people, both young and old. Values ​​originating from the agreement of many people are called heteronomous values.

  • Value Derived from Individuals

In essence, every individual has something that is good, important, and noble. For example, active at work. Someone thinks that hard work is important to be able to achieve success.

Definition of Social Value, Role Function and Distribution

Social Value Sharing

The following is the division of Social Values ​​based on their form, form and characteristics, including:

By Shape

  • Material values ​​are things that are useful for physical elements. For example: clothing, food, and boards
  • Vital values ​​are things that are useful in certain activities. For example: Equipment for swimming equipment when there are swimming activities.
  • Spiritual values ​​are things that are useful for the mind or human conscience. For example: reason, kindness, aesthetics, and religion.

Based on Form

  • Material/Bodily values ​​are concrete Values. For example: Buildings, bridges, and also electronic equipment.
  • Immaterial/Spiritual values ​​are abstract values. For example: ideology, religion and politics.

Based on characteristics

  • Dominant or important values: many people adhere to them, the length of time people adhere to these values, the level of effort to achieve them, the pride of people using these values
  • Ingrained values ​​or internalized values ​​are values ​​that have become one's personality and habits. When violated will feel guilty or also disappointed. For example: a father who cannot save his child who drowns in a river.

Thus the explanation about Definition of Social Value, Function, Role and Distribution. Hopefully it can be useful and add to your insight. Thank You.

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