Attributes of Allah: Necessary Attributes, Impossible Attributes, Jaiz Attributes and Their Explanations

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Attributes of Allah: Necessary Attributes, Impossible Attributes, Jaiz Attributes and Their Explanations – What are the Attributes of God that we need to understand. On this occasion About the will discuss about the Attributes of Allah along with its explanation. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Attributes of Allah: Necessary Attributes, Impossible Attributes, Jaiz Attributes and Their Explanations

The attributes of Allah SWT are the attributes possessed by Allah SWT who is the most sublime and the most perfect.
Allah is the creator and ruler of the universe, and all absolute truth values ​​exist and depend only on Him. This is proof that Allah is Most High, Most Powerful, Most Near, Most Just, Most Wise, Most Compassionate and Merciful, and other qualities that make Allah SWT perfect.

And as Muslims and Muslims, you must believe that there is an infinite quality of perfection for Allah SWT. In general, the Attributes of Allah are divided into three categories, namely Obligatory, Impossible and Attributes Allowed but not required

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Mandatory Nature of Allah

Because of these many characteristics, Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi, an expert scholar, finally gave a limit of 20 mandatory traits that must exist in Allah. Thus, any substance that does not have the properties mentioned, it can be ascertained that he is not Allah SWT.

What is the obligatory attribute of Allah? The obligatory nature of Allah can be said to be an attribute that must exist in Allah. According to Sheikh Muhammad as-Sanusi, in Syarh Umm al-Barahain. This characteristic means obligatory 'aqli, which means that everything according to the ratio is certain or its absence cannot be accepted.

The obligatory nature of Allah is divided into four classifications, namely:


The nature of Nafsiyah, namely the nature associated with the Essence of Allah. There is only one nafsiyah nature, namely

  • Form (exists)

Being means that God exists (existence). It is impossible if Allah is a'dam or does not exist. This nature must exist and is eternal. In accordance with the word of Allah SWT QS. Ibrahim: 10 which means "There is no doubt about the existence of Allah".


The nature of Salbiyah is a trait that negates the existence of the opposite nature, namely traits that are inconsistent, not worthy of the perfection of His Essence. There are five salbiyah characteristics, namely:

  • qidam

Al Qidam means Allah is the Supreme Being or Qidam. It is impossible if Allah is huduts or new. As in the word of Allah QS. Al Hadiid b57]: 3. The evidence that Allah is the first is the existence of the earth, the sky, and others.

  • Baqa'

Al Baqo' means Allah SWT is everlasting. An impossibility if God is mortal 'or perish. As with the word of Allah QS. Al Furqoon b25]: 58).

  • Mukhalafatu lil-hawadits

This attribute means that Allah SWT is different or does not resemble or is not the same as His creatures. It is impossible if Allah SWT resembles His creatures. As stated in the word of Allah SWT QS. Ash Syuuro b42]: 11

  • Qiyamuhu Binafsihi

This characteristic means that Allah SWT can stand by himself without the help of creatures. It is impossibility if Allah SWT has the iftiqoorullah nature or desires/needs His creatures. In accordance with the word of Allah SWT QS. Al Ankabuut b29]: 6.

  • Wahdaniyyah

This characteristic means that Allah SWT is one. An impossibility if God has a large number. As stated in the word of Allah SWT QS. Al Mu'minuun b23]: 91


The characteristics of Ma'ani are abstract characteristics that must exist in Allah. There are seven characteristics of ma'ani, namely:

  • Qudrat (Reign)

The power of Allah SWT, over everything is absolute, has no limit and nothing limits it, both to His own substance and to His creatures. In contrast to human power there are limits and there are limits.

The proof is the existence of the universe. The process of preparing the argument, if Allah is not capable, surely Allah is weak ('Ajzun), and if Allah is weak, then he will not be able to create any creatures at all. The Naqli postulate of the Qudrot characteristic

"Verily, Allah has power over all things." (QS. Al- Baqarah [2]:20)

  • Iradat (willing)

Allah SWT created nature and its contents of His own will, without any coercion from other parties or interference from whoever Allah SWT wants, it must happen, so does every time Allah SWT doesn't want it, it definitely doesn't happen. In contrast to human will or will, not a few humans have desires, but those desires run aground in the middle of the road. If humans wish without being accompanied by the will of Allah SWT. Surely that wish will not come true. This shows that humans have limitations, while Allah SWT has an unlimited will.

Aqli's proposition of Irodate's character. The proof is the existence of the universe. The process of formulating the argument, if Allah is not willing, it must be forced (karohah), and Allah is forced, it is impossible because it will not be characterized as qudrot, it will but it is not possible to attribute Allah to the qudrot nature, because it will result in the weakness of Allah, while the weakness of Allah is impossible, because it will not be able to make any creature a bit. The Naqli postulate of the nature of Irodate.

"Indeed, your Lord is Executor of what he wills." (QS. Hud[50]:107)

  • Knowledge (Knowing)

This means that Allah SWT has perfect knowledge or intelligence, meaning that Allah SWT's knowledge is neither limited nor limited. Allah SWT knows everything that exists in the universe, both visible and unseen. In fact, what is hidden even in the human heart. Evidence of the perfection of Allah SWT's knowledge, is like seawater turning into ink to write Allah's sentences SWT, the sentences will not run out even if they bring a lot of additional water like beginning. We are often amazed at the intelligence and knowledge possessed by smart people in this world. We are also amazed at the beauty of the work and the sophistication of the technology created by humans. Are we aware that this knowledge is only a small part of what Allah SWT has given us?

Aqli's postulate of the nature of science The postulate is the existence of the universe. The process of formulating the argument, if Allah is not knowledgeable, surely he will not want to, while Allah does not want is impossible, because it will not be attributed to qudrot, but Allah is not attributed to qudrot is impossible, because it will result weak God. Meanwhile, the weakness of Allah is impossible, because it will not be able to make any creature's goods. Naqli Proof of Knowledge

"And he knows all things." (QS. Al Hadid [57]: 3 or QS. Al Baqarah [2]:29)

  • Life (Life)

This means that Allah's life does not give life to it but lives with His own substance because Allah is Perfect, different from the creatures He created. For example: Humans have animate. In addition, they also need food, drink, rest, sleep, and so on. However, his life Allah SWT does not need all that. Allah SWT lives forever, does not experience death, not even sleepy.

Aqli's postulate about the nature of life The argument for the existence of the universe. The process of preparing the argument, if Allah does not live then it will not be characterized as Qudrot, but Allah is not characterized by Qudrot is impossible, because it will result in God's weakness, while God's weakness is impossible, because it will not be able to make nature universe. Naqli proposition of the nature of the Word of God's Life:

"And fear Allah who lives and does not die." (QS. Al-Furqan [25]:58)

  • Sama' (Hearing)

Allah SWT hears every sound in this universe. There is no sound that escapes the hearing of Allah SWT, even though it is weak and slow, like the whispering voice of the human heart and soul. The hearing of Allah SWT is different from the hearing of His creatures because it is not obstructed by anything, while the hearing of His creatures is limited by space and time. PROVISIONS:

"And Allah is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing"... (QS Al Maidah: 76)

  • Base ( Seeing )

Allah SWT sees everything that exists in this universe. God's vision is absolute, meaning that it is not limited by distance (far or near) and cannot be obstructed by walls (thin or thick). Everything that exists in this universe, small or large, visible or invisible, must all be seen by Allah SWT. THEORY:

“………And Allah is Seeing of what you do.” … (al-Baqarah: 265)

By understanding the great nature of Allah SWT, we should always be careful in what we do. Maybe we can lie to humans, such as parents, teachers, or friends. However, we will not be able to lie to Allah SWT.

  • Kalam (Speaking / Saying)

Allah SWT is kalam, meaning that Allah SWT said in His book which was revealed to His prophets and messengers. Talking about Allah SWT is certainly not the same as talking about humans because Allah SWT does not have organs (five senses), such as the tongue and mouth that humans have. Allah SWT speaks without using any form of aid because the nature of Allah's speech is very perfect. As proof that there is a revelation from Allah SWT in the form of the Qur'an which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the books of Allah which were revealed to the apostles before the Prophet Muhammad SAW. PROVISIONS:

”……. And Allah said to Musa with one clear word” (QS An-Nisa ': 164)

Therefore we as servants of Allah SWT should get used to saying sentences tayyibah, meaning noble words, like when we make a mistake, then immediately read istighfar.


Ma'nawiyah's nature is the prevalence of Ma'ani's nature. Ma'nawiyah's character cannot stand alone, because every time there is a ma'ani characteristic, there must be a Ma'nawiyah's characteristic. The number of ma'nawiyah characteristics is the same as the number of ma'ani characteristics, namely:

  • Qadiran

Namely (The State of Allah Ta'ala Who Has the Power to Create and Annihilate)

"Indeed, Allah has power over all things" (QS. Al Baqarah: 20).

  • Disciple

Namely (The State of Allah Ta'ala Who Wills and determines everything). He wills the fate and destiny of humans.

"Surely your Lord is Accomplishing what He wills"... (QS. Hud :107)

  • 'Aliman

Namely (The State of Allah Ta'ala Who Knows Everything).

Knowing everything that has happened and what has not happened, God can know what is in the hearts and minds of humans.

"And Allah is All-Knowing of everything"... (QS. An Nisa' :176)

  • Hayyan

Namely (The Living State of Allah Ta'ala).

Allah is the Living Essence, Allah will never die, will never sleep or be careless. postulate

"And fear Allah, who lives eternally and who does not die" (QS. Al Furqan: 58)

  • Sami'an

Namely (The State of Allah Ta'ala Who Hears).

Allah always hears human speech, requests or prayers of His servants. postulate

"Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing"... (QS. Al Baqarah: 256).

  • Basiran

Namely (The State of Allah Ta'ala Who Sees each Existence (Existing Thing).

Allah always sees our movements. Therefore, we should always do good. postulate

"And Allah is Seeing of what you do"... (QS. Al Hujurat: 18)

  • Mutakalliman

Namely (The State of Allah Ta'ala Who Speaks, Allah is not mute)

He spoke or said through the verses of the Koran. If the Qur'an becomes our guide in life, then we have obeyed and submitted to Allah swt.

Impossible Attributes of Allah

As for the opponent, it is impossible to 'aqli, that is, everything that according to the ratio does not exist or cannot be accepted. Meanwhile, the last one is jaiz 'aqli, which is a trait that may or may not exist according to ratio.

The Impossible Nature of Allah means the Impossible Nature of Allah SWT. The Impossible Nature of Allah is the Opposite Word of Allah's Obligatory Nature. The following below are 20 impossible attributes of Allah SWT.

  • 'Adam, means nothing (can die)
  • Huduth, means new (can be renewed)
  • Fana', meaning perish (impermanent/dead)
  • Mumathalatuhu Lilhawadith, means resembling His creatures
  • Qiyamuhu Bighayrih, means standing with others (there is cooperation)
  • Ta'addud, means many - say (more than one)
  • 'Ajz, meaning weak (not strong)
  • Karahah, meaning forced (can be forced)
  • Jahl, meaning ignorant (stupid)
  • Maut, meaning dead (can die)
  • Shamam means deaf
  • 'Umy, means blind
  • Bukm, meaning mute
  • Kaunuhu 'Ajizan, meaning weak (in his condition)
  • Kaunuhu Karihan, meaning forced (in circumstances)
  • Kaunuhu Jahilan, means ignorant (in his condition)
  • Kaunuhu Mayyitan, means dead (in his condition)
  • Kaunuhu Asam, means deaf (in his condition)
  • Kaunuhu A'ma, meaning blind (in his condition)
  • Kaunuhu Abkam, meaning mute (in his condition)
Attributes of Allah: Necessary Attributes, Impossible Attributes, Jaiz Attributes and Their Explanations

Characteristics of Jaiz for Allah

The nature of Jaiz for Allah means that it is permissible for Allah SWT to do something or not to do something or it is also known as "maybe". Maybe is something that can exist and not.

Ja'iz means it's okay, with the meaning that Allah SWT created everything, that is, with no coercion from anything either, because Allah SWT is Qudrat (power) and Iradath (will), it is also permissible for Allah SWT to negate everything whatever He Want to.

To learn the science of monotheism, we must find a teacher who is good in science and practice in daily life. and more importantly a teacher who has a sanad up to the Section of Rasulullah SAW, because a teacher like this will be difficult obtained, the key is a teacher who can change our own physical and spiritual selves in the practice of daily life day.

Thus the review from About the about God's nature, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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