√ Characteristics of Viruses, Monera and Fungi (Most Complete Discussion)

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Characteristics of Viruses, Monera and Fungi (Most Complete Discussion) – In discussing this material, we will discuss viruses, monera and fungi. Previously we must know the meaning of each of these living things.

  1. Virus are microscopic parasites that infect the cells of biological organisms and are obligate parasites.
  2. money i.e. non-organic groups whose cell nuclei still do not have a nuclear membrane are called prokaryotic organisms. Although it does not have a nuclear membrane, this type of monera still has a core material in the form of nucleic acid or DNA.
  3. Mold or fungi are included in a group of plants that do not have chlorophyll and are heterotrophic.

Characteristics of Viruses, Monera and Fungi (Most Complete Discussion)

The essential characteristics of the three groups of living things will be explained briefly and clearly below.


The virus was first discovered by Ivanovsky, namely TMV. The characteristics of viruses to remember are:

  • Millimicron size and various shapes, namely those that have a T, square, and round shape.
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  • Have only 1 kind of genetic material (RNA or DNA)
  • Can form crystals or like inanimate matter (if the environment is not conducive)
  • True obligate parasites (live and reproduce only in living things)


Kingdom monera includes all prokaryotic microorganisms (do not have a nuclear membrane) which consists of:

Bacteria that have the following characteristics:

  • Monocellular (solitary or colonial)
  • Has a micron size, living aerobically and anaerobically
  • Shaped vibrios, bacilli, cocci and spirals
  • Are autotrophic and heterotrophic
  • Pathogen and apatogen

Cyanophyta (blue algae) which have the following characteristics:

  • Monocellular and multicellular
  • Reproduction by cell division and fragmentation
  • Life in fresh water, sea and in damp places
  • Has color pigments (chlorophyll, phycocyanin)
  • Autotrophic
  • Can bind hitrogen that can fertilize.


  • One cell: Chroococcus, Gleocapsa
  • Berkolono: Polycystis
  • Threadlike: Oscillatoria, Nostoc commune, Anabaena, and Rivularia

In the latest classification, Cyanophyta is included in the group of bacteria and is named Cyanobacteria.


Fungi or fungi are a separate kingdom with the following characteristics: no chlorophyll, heterotrophs (parasitic or saprophytic), eukaryotic, unucellular and multicellular

  • The body shape of a multicellular fungus is like a thread (hyphae), if it is woven it is called a mycelium.
  • The cell wall is composed of chitin
  • Vegetative reproduction (dividing, spores and conidia); generatively ( conjugation: marriage of two compatible hyphae).

The main characteristics of the 4 groups of mushrooms are:

Zygomycota with features:

  • In general, saprophyte life
  • Hyphae are secluded
  • May form mycorrhizae
  • Sexual reproduction with zygospores and asexual with sporangiospores.

Example: Rhizopus sp., Mucor mucedo

Ascomycota with features:

  • Hyphae are secluded
  • Forms ascocarp (for multicellular)
  • Spores are flagellated and immobile
  • Asexual reproduction by conidia (multicellular) and budding (unicellular)
  • Sexual reproduction by ascospores.

Example: Saccharomyces, Penicillium, Neurospora crassa, Fusarium.

Complete characteristics of viruses, monera and fungi

Basidiomycota with features:

  • The body is like an umbrella
  • Saprophyte life
  • Form basidiocarp
  • Generative and sessile hyphae
  • Haploid monokarionic vegetative hyphae
  • Asexual reproduction with conidia and sexual with basidospores.

Example: Auricularia polytricha (ear mushroom), Volvariella volvaceae (champagne mushroom), Puccinia graminis.

Deuteromycota with features:

  • Hyphae are secluded
  • Live as saprophytes and parasites
  • Does not have sexual reproduction, asexual with conidia

Example: Aspergillus, Chladosporium, Curvularia.

Thus the discussion about Characteristics of Viruses, Monera and Fungi (Most Complete Discussion), hopefully can add knowledge and be useful for those who read.

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