Budi Utomo: Background, Purpose, Structure and History of Development

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Budi Utomo: Background, Purpose, Structure and History of Development – Budi Utomo became a sign of the national awakening of the Indonesian nation to achieve its independence as well as a marker of the development of Indonesian nationalism. On this occasion About the knowledge.co.id will discuss the history of the Budi Utomo organization. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Budi Utomo: Background, Purpose, Structure and History of Development

Budi Utomo (Boedi Oetomo) is an organization founded on May 20, 1908 by Dr. Sutomo and STOVIA students. They are Goenawan Mangoenkoesoemo and Soeraji. The beginning of the formation of Budi Utomo came from Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, a doctor originally from Java from Surakarta. Wahidin Sudirohusodo was the initiator of Budi Utomo and his name is always associated with the history of Budi Utomo or the history of the founding of Budi Utomo.

Budi Utomo was spearheaded by youths from STOVIA, Bandung Teacher's School, Civil Service School Magelang and Magelang, Bogor Animal Husbandry and Agriculture School, and Afternoon School for Adults in Surabaya. The students consisted of Soeradji, Muhammad Saleh, Soewarno A, Goenawan Mangoenkoesoemo, Suwarno B., R. Gumbreg, R. Figures, and Soetomo.

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The name of the organization Budi Utomo was suggested by Soeradji and the motto that was echoed was Indie Vooruit (Indies Maju) and not Java Vooruit (Java Maju). Budi Utomo consists of the word Budi which means temperament or character and Utomo which means good or noble. So the Budi Utomo association can be interpreted as an association that will achieve something based on nobility and goodness of character or character.

Budi Utomo's goal

The aim of establishing the Budi Utomo organization is none other than to increase the dignity of the people and the nation. This increase will be carried out by establishing a Student Fund (Studiefonds) which is an institution to finance young people who are smart but cannot continue their studies.

At the end of 1907, Dr. Wahidin then met Sutomo, a student from STOVIA in Jakarta. Based on this meeting, Sutomo told his friends at STOVIA the aims and objectives of Dr. Wahidin. The initial goal was simply to create a student fund, which was later expanded to allow for the formation of the Budi Utomo organization.

The term from the word Budi Utomo consists of wise words which mean temperament or character and utomo which means good or noble. Thus, Budi Utomo, according to the founder, is an association that will achieve something based on nobility, kindness or virtuousness.

Budi Utomo's goal was to achieve harmonious progress for the Javanese and Madurese. At that time the idea of ​​unity throughout Indonesia was unknown. Therefore, what Budi Utomo wanted was only for social improvement which included the lands of Java and Madura. Also the word independence is not mentioned at all.

To achieve these goals, the following are various efforts that have been taken:

  • Advancing teaching is just like what Dr. Wahidin. This is an effort or the first attempt to achieve national progress
  • Promote agriculture, animal husbandry, trade. Thus, it is understood that progress must also cover the economic field
  • Advancing technology and industry, which means that in that direction it has become ideal
  • Reviving culture.

Budi Utomo Organizational Structure

The following is the structure in the Budi Utomo organization, including:

Chairman: R Soetomo
Vice chairman: M. Soelaiman
Secretary 1: Gondo Soewarno
Secretary 2: Goenawan M. Koesoemo
Treasurer: R Number
Commissioner: M. Soewarno
Commissioner: Moh. pious
Commissioner: R M. Goembrek
Commissioner: Soeradji

History of the Development of Budi Utomo

Budi Utomo then announced a very important development phase during the reign of Prince Noto Dirodjo. At that time, Douwes Dekker, who was an Indo-Dutch, was very pro-Indonesian, by embodying the word "politics". Thanks to the idea of ​​"Indonesian homeland" it is increasingly being accepted and entered into understanding Javanese.

Then, came Indische Partij which had been prepared by Douwes Dekker for a long time. As previously explained, this organization is open to all Indonesians without exception. For him, namely "earth, water, fire and air", Indonesia is a common homeland.

On 3-5 October 1908, the first congress of Budi Utomo was held in the city of Yogyakarta. Budi Utomo at that time had seven branches in several cities which were spread throughout Java. These cities include Batavia, Bogor, Bandung, Magelang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Ponorogo.

In this Yogyakarta congress, Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo was later appointed as the former Karanganyar regent who had been appointed as the first president of Budi Utomo. Raden Adipati Tirtokoesoemo, many of the new members of Budi Utomo later joined from colonial groups as well as members.

Many family members later chose to step aside, as well as members of Budi Utomo at that time, many of whom came from prijajis and also civil servants. In this way, the protonationalism of the leaders that existed at the beginning of Budi Utomo was then pushed back.

First Congress of Budi Utomo

This caused the loss of the protonationalism of the leaders that appeared at its inception. The strategy of struggle is also cooperative. The results of the First Budi Utomo Congress in Yogyakarta contained:

  • Budi Utomo's organization is not political
  • Its activities are aimed at the social, cultural, and educational fields
  • The space for movement is limited to Java and Madura
  • The election of Tirto Kusumo (Former Regent of Karanganyar) as chairman of the central Budi Utomo.

Tirtokoesoemo was in fact not sufficiently capable of dealing with this opposition. He is a far-sighted and advanced figure. However, not someone who has the skills to act.

Results of Budi Utomo's Second Congress

The second congress was held at the Yogyakarta Mataram Building on 10-11 October 1909. The second congress was very different from the first congress. The congress took place meaninglessly as the organization's morale decreased markedly. This congress was more organized, but less passionate.

An important development phase occurred during the leadership of Prince Noto Dirodjo. At that time, an Indo-Dutch (Douwes Dekker) who really sided with the struggle of the Indonesian people tried to awaken the Indonesian people to translate political words into concrete actions. He kept trying to instill the notion of "Indonesian homeland", until finally it became more and more acceptable to the understanding of the Javanese.

This led to the birth of the Indische Partij which Douwes Dekker had been preparing for a long time through his press action. The organization is political and open to all Indonesians without exception. For this party, Indonesia's homeland is above everything. When Notodirodjo became chairman of Budi Utomo, this organization wanted to catch up. However, the results were not so visible because at that time other national organizations such as Sarekat Islam (SI) and Indische Partij (IP) had emerged. Read also the history of political parties in Indonesia and the history of the Indische Partij as the first political party in Indonesia.

The existence of a political organization is certainly a threat to the Dutch government. Budi Utomo was increasingly pushed back. However, the birth of Budi Utomo still has a big contribution and service in the history of the national movement because he pioneered the Indonesian national movement. Sarekat Islam and Indische Partij also took over the leadership of the struggle for nationalism. Budi Utomo is indeed inexperienced in the political arena. Thanks to these three organizations, nationalism is increasingly recognized by the wider community. Read also the history of Islamic organizations in Indonesia.

The rise of Budi Utomo

Budi Utomo revived during World War I in 1914. The possibility of foreign intervention led Budi Utomo to initiate compulsory military service for natives. This caused a mission to be sent to the Netherlands by the Indie Weerbaer Committee for the defense of India in 1916-1917 which was a sign of a very large period for Budi Utomo's organization.

During this mission, Budi Utomo's deputy named Dwidjosoemoyo succeeded in approaching the leader The Netherlands in terms of forming the Volksraad (People's Council), which at that time was discussed in the People's Representative Council Dutch. The law on military obligations failed to pass and instead the law on the formation of the Volksraad was passed in November 1914.

Budi Utomo eventually developed into an organization that has national goals and ideals, namely an independent Indonesia. In order to make it happen, in 1935, Budi Utomo merged with PBI (Indonesian Nations Association) which was founded by Soetomo. The fusion of the two organizations gave birth to Parindra. Read also the history of Parindra Partai Indonesia Raya to find out the role of this party in the struggle for Indonesian independence.

According to Soewardi, Budi Utomo is a representative of the struggle for nationalism. According to him, the Indonesian people taught this nation that Indonesian nationalism does not only belong to the Javanese and Madurese. Nationalism belongs to all Indonesian people. Nationalism is not cultural, but political.

Budi Utomo: Background, Purpose, Structure and History of Development

End of Budi Utomo

Budi Utomo was forced to lose his authority again after various political policies carried out by the Dutch colonial government. A split emerged within Budi Utomo's body and a group of radicals and moderates emerged within this organization. Budi Utomo also lacks the support of the Indonesian people because his presence in the political arena is not very important. Even this organization was officially disbanded in 1935.

There are several factors that cause Budi Utomo's organizational goals to be less than optimal, namely:

  • Prioritizing the education of the priyayi rather than the common people
  • The departure of Budi Utomo members from the student element
  • Financial difficulties
  • Tirto Kusumo's attitude was more concerned with the interests of the Dutch colonial government
  • Prioritizing Dutch over Indonesian
  • There are many priyayi who are concerned with position rather than concerned with a national interest

Thus the review from About the knowledge.co.id about Budi Utomo, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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