Pancasila as a Source of Values ​​Has Meaning

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Pancasila as a Source of Value Has Meaning – What is the meaning of the values ​​of Pancasila which are used as a guideline for the life of the Indonesian people? On this occasion About the will discuss whether it is the value of the meaning of Pancasila and other things contained therein. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Pancasila as a Source of Values ​​Has Meaning

Pancasila is often referred to as the basic philosophy and ideology of the state which is used as the basis for governing and administering the state. Pancasila as the basis of the state is in accordance with the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila in this sense often referred to as a view of life, life guidelines, life guidelines, life instructions, and ways life.

Pancasila is used as a guide for all activities or activities of life and people's lives in all fields. All the behavior and actions of every Indonesian human being must be imbued with and are the emanation of all the Pancasila precepts.

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Pancasila is the main reference for the formation of a national law, state administration activities, citizen participation and interaction between citizens in the life of the nation and state. In other words, the values ​​contained in Pancasila must animate all national and state activities.

Understanding Pancasila

Etymologically or based on the origin of the word, Pancasila comes from the Indian language, namely Sanskrit. According to Muhammad Yamin, Pancasila has two kinds of meanings, namely Panca means five, syila with (i) ordinary (short) means joint, base, or base, syila with (i) length means important, good, and rules of conduct profanity. The word sila in Indonesian becomes susila which means good behavior.

In terminology, on June 1, 1945, during a meeting of the Investigative Body for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) the words Pancasila (five basic principles) were used by President Soekarno to name the five basic principles of a he proposed. These words were whispered by his friend, a linguist who sat beside Sukarno, namely Muhammad Yamin.

According to Expert Prof. Dr. Drs. Notonagoro, S. H. In his book Pancasila Scientifically Popular (1975) mentions the existence of several kinds of origins or causes Pancasila can be used as the philosophy of the state, namely causa materialis, causa formalis, as a continuation of causa formalis and causa finalis, causa efficient or origin start.

  • Causa Materialis
    Causa materialis, meaning the origin of material, namely the Indonesian nation as material is found in customs, culture, and religions.
  • Causa Formalis
    Causa formalis, meaning the origin of the form or form and causa finalis or the origin of the goal, namely Bung Karno and Bung Hatta as the formation of the state, BPUPKI is the origin of the form or structure and the origin of the purpose of Pancasila as a candidate for the basis of philosophy Country
  • As a continuation of Causa Formalis and Causa Finalis
    As a continuation of the causa formalists and causa finalists are some of the causa formalists and causa finalists are nine members of BPUPKI including Bung Krno and Bung Hatta, as the origin of the connection in the origin of the form and the origin of the purpose of Pancasila as a candidate for the basis of philosophy country. By preparing the plan for the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, which contained Pancasila and also BPUPKI accepted the plan with changes.
  • Efficient Causa or Origin of Work
    The efficient cause or origin of the work is the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Committee or PPKI which made Pancasila as the basis of state philosophy (before PPKI was established, the term was still a candidate for the basis of philosophy country.
Pancasila as a Source of Values ​​Has Meaning

Analysis of Pancasila as a Source of Value

Definition of Value

In the popular scientific dictionary it is explained that values ​​are about what is good, right, wise, and what is useful, more abstract in nature than norms. Meanwhile, Nursal Luth and Daniel Fernandes said that values ​​are feelings about what desirable or undesirable that affect the social behavior of people who have values That. Value is a collection of attitudes and feelings that are always considered through human behavior.

It can be understood that value is the quality of provisions that are meaningful for individual human life, society, nation, state. Nietzsche said that value is the level or degree desired by humans. Values ​​which are the goal of true human will are often arranged according to the order of levels, starting from the bottom, namely hedonic values ​​(enjoyment), utilitarian values. (usefulness), biological values ​​(nobility), aesthetic self-values ​​(beauty, beauty), personal values ​​(social, good), and at the very top are religious values ​​(holiness).

Value characteristics

Internalized values
That is the value that has become a subconscious personality or that encourages action without thinking anymore. If violated, there will be feelings of shame or guilt that are deep and difficult to forget, for example religious people will suffer a mental burden if they violate one of the existing norms his religion.

Dominant value

Is a value that is considered more important than other values. It looks at the choices a person makes when faced with several alternative actions that must be taken. Some considerations for whether or not this value is dominant are as follows:

  • Many people adhere to these values
  • The duration of this value is felt by members of the group
  • The high effort to maintain that value.
  • The high position (prestige) of the people who bring these values

Various Values

Values ​​are closely related to culture and society. According to prof. Dr. Notonegoro, the value is divided into 3 parts, namely:

  • Material values, namely everything that is useful for the human element.
  • Vital value, namely everything that is useful for humans to be able to hold
  • Spiritual value, namely everything that is useful for the human soul/spiritual.

Legitimate Pancasila formulation

The legal and systematic formulation of Pancasila is contained in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which was ratified by the PPKI on August 18, 1945. The President of the Republic of Indonesia issued Instruction No.12/1968 on 13 April 1968. In the instruction it was emphasized that the order (systematics) and formulation of Pancasila were as follows:

  1. Belief in the one and only God
  2. Just and civilized humanity
  3. the unity of Indonesia
  4. Population led by wisdom in deliberations/representations
  5. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia

Pancasila as a Source of Values

For the Indonesian people, what is used as a source of value in the life of society, nation and state is Pancasila. This means that the whole order of life of society, nation and state uses Pancasila as the basis morals or norms and benchmarks about good and bad and right and wrong attitudes, actions and behavior of the nation Indonesia. Pancasila was formulated by the founding fathers of the State which contains noble values ​​to become the basis of the State. As an illustration, within the values ​​of state life, there are what are referred to as basic values, instrumental values ​​and practical values:

  • Base valueThe principles we accept as more or less absolute propositions. Basic values ​​come from cultural or cultural values ​​originating from the Indonesian people itself, which is rooted in culture, in accordance with the 1945 Constitution which reflects the nature of values cultural.
  • Instrumental valueThe general implementation of basic values, usually in the form of social values ​​or legal norms, which will then be crystallized in institutions according to the needs of the place and time.
  • Practical valueThe real value we carry out in reality. This value is a test material, whether basic values ​​and instrumental values ​​really live in society or not.

In Pancasila, the values ​​of national life depend. These values ​​are ideal values, material values, positive values, logical values, aesthetic values, social values ​​and religious or religious values. There is another value of the struggle of the Indonesian people in seizing the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Values ​​in the development of Pancasila are as follows:

  • Belief in the one and only God.
    • Believe and fear God Almighty
    • Each on the basis of civilized humanity
    • Fostering cooperation and tolerance among fellow adherents of religions and adherents
    • belief in God Almighty
  • Just and civilized humanity.
    • Not discriminate against each other's skin color
    • Mutual respect with other nations
    • Cooperate with other nations.
    • Uphold human values
  • The unity of Indonesia.
    • Placing the unity of the interests of the nation and state above personal or group interests
    • Determine the safety of the nation and state above personal or group interests
    • Proud to be Indonesian. Promote association for national unity
  • Democracy led by wisdom in deliberations/representations.
    • Recognizing that Indonesian people have the same position and rights
    • Carry out joint decisions with full responsibility and good faith
    • Make decisions that must be in accordance with the values ​​of truth and justice
  • Social justice for all the people of Indonesia.
    • The existence of the same rights and obligations to create social justice in the life of society, nation or in daily life and the life of the state.
    • Uphold the nature and atmosphere of gotong royong with a sense of kinship and full of mutual cooperation.
    • Pancasila as the Development Paradigm

Pancasila's Contained Values

The values ​​contained in Pancasila:

  1. The value of God is that which implies acknowledgment and belief in God Almighty as the creator of the universe.
  2. Human values ​​are those that contain awareness of attitudes or behavior in accordance with moral values ​​and respect for human rights.
  3. The value of Unity is that which implies awareness to foster unity with the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
  4. Populist values ​​are those that contain the meaning of developing consensus deliberations and democratic values.
  5. The value of justice is that which implies a shared awareness of realizing justice for oneself and fellow human beings.

Thus the review from About the about Pancasila as a Source of Values ​​Has Meaning, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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