13 Characteristics and Characteristics of Sholeh Men

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13 Characteristics and Characteristics of Sholeh Men - In the previous article, it has been discussed about the characteristics and characteristics of sholihah women, which discusses the nature and character of women more specifically for prospective wives and good wives for husbands. This time, we are back to discussing different genders, namely specifically for adam or men. If you want to get a good and pious wife, then have these qualities and characters and be able to reflect on the matters that will be discussed below. And if you are a woman, the following characteristics can be used as a reference and benchmark in choosing a good priest candidate, so you don't have regrets in the future.

13 Characteristics and Characteristics of Sholeh Men

The following are the characteristics and characteristics of pious men, including the following:

1. Have a strong religion

This is the most important key for both men and women. When a strong religion is found in a man, everything else follows suit. Always keep his obedience to Allah and also the Messenger of Allah, always keep his prayers which are done in congregation and on time, because men are strongly encouraged to pray in congregation at the mosque, and operate

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practices sunnah, diligent in worship and also studying knowledge. Not only that, he always protects himself from actions that are not liked by Allah. God willing, if a man already has strong faith and piety to Allah SWT, then he will shine and have a calm face. Men like this are certainly highly coveted by all shalihah women.

2. Have good manners

The main point of a pious man is having good morals or good manners and prejudices. Morals is a reflection for a person, if his morals are good then that person is also good in general, if his morals are bad then even ugliness will follow for someone who cannot maintain his manners.

3. Thirst for knowledge

That is, someone who is pious will definitely never be satisfied with the knowledge he gets, which he will always feel lacking, because he knows that knowledge when learned will never end. And the more knowledge he gets, the more humble he will be and he feels like a nobody.

4. Responsible

How to see whether a man is responsible or not? From sin we can see it from his daily life. It can also be seen from the way he treats his parents, the people around him, and what he does. A pious man is impossible to ignore what has become his rights and obligations both to his Lord, his work, himself and to others.

5. Trust

A good and pious man must have the character of being trustworthy or trustworthy, not neglecting the duties that have been given to him and not abusing his power or position.

6. Firm

Being firm here is not interpreted as being fierce, but not wishy-washy and firm in maintaining one's dignity and also firm in conveying advice and kindness. Because men are priests for their wives and children, so this requires firmness, but they still have it a soft heart, has polite speech, and is not easy to offend others, and has a kind heart glorious.

7. Not extravagant and curmudgeonly

It's not wrong to use and spend money, spend things in moderation. Not only in the form of money or materials, but other things such as in terms of eating, not excessive but also not stingy. Everything fits in its portion. Because everything in excess is not good.

8. Hang out with pious people

Gather at the dzikir masjlis or gather with people who invite you in virtues. How can he be said to be pious, when every day he always gathers with people who often neglect religion. Staying away from promiscuity, for example associating between men and women which has no limits, and always maintains its dignity before Allah SWT.

9. Keep view

Not only women who have to guard their eyes, but pious men also always guard their eyes from immoral acts, such as not likes to see something that is not halal, and always lowers his head and does not look at women who are not his muhrim, especially if he acts more than That. Not only the eyes, but he must also be able to keep his hands, heart and mind from things that are not recommended by religion.

10. Humble and forgiving

Not arrogant, always keeping his word by saying politely and choosing good words, and not proud and always humble towards anyone and always forgive mistakes from people other.

11. Charismatic and always maintain personal hygiene

Men who have charisma, always appear in neat clothes and always keep their bodies clean. Clean here is not only by taking a shower at least 2 times a day, but keeping from unpleasant body odor.

12. Patience and sincere

Have a patient and sincere heart in accepting various tests from Allah. Not always grumpy, weak, let alone to despair. Because he always believes that Allah is always with those who are pious.

13. Have love and affection

A pious man must have a wide heart and be full of love and compassion. Which can be seen from how he treated his mother, father, and his brothers, and also other believers. From great love and affection, understanding and care will emerge. It's extraordinary that a man is quite perfect when he has responsibility, love and affection and is full of attention.

13 Characteristics and Characteristics of Sholeh Men

So, those are the characteristics of a pious man. So, if these characteristics are found in your partner, it means he is a good and pious type of man. So what if the man still has the courage to invite you two together, holding hands let alone touching who is not supposed to be from a body that is not his mahram and also dares to commit adultery, means he is not a man SHOLEH.

Because in essence pious men are always afraid of the punishment and threats of God and also have a huge sense of shame when they do things that are outside the corridors of religion. Remember, if these traits and characteristics already exist in a man, then he still does not afraid of Allah, then it needs to be asked how much firmness he is in obeying orders Allah. And a good man is not necessarily pious either. Because a thug can also be good, but he is not pious. Hopefully you and your partner or potential partner are among the pious people. Amen.

Thus a brief discussion about13 Characteristics and Characteristics of Sholeh Men, hopefully it can be useful and useful for all of us. Thank You.

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