Teacher Competency: 4 Statutory Standards

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Teacher Competency: 4 Statutory Standards – Being a teacher is not easy. Everyone can become a teacher, but today's teachers must have competency standards that can make the world of education more qualified and qualified.

Teacher Competency: 4 Statutory Standards

On this occasion, About Knowledge will explain what is the standard of teacher competence in the world of education. In the following, we will first explain the meaning of competence and teachers briefly.

Definition of Teacher Competence

Competence according to the law is a work ability in each individual which includes aspects of knowledge, skills and work attitudes that are in accordance with predetermined standards.

So, competence is a mastery of aspects of knowledge, skills and work attitudes in a job. So that the competence possessed by each educator (teacher) will show its quality as a professional teacher.

While the teacher is a professional educator who has the task of teaching, educating, guiding as well direct their students through the formal channels of early childhood education, basic education to secondary education to the top. For more details please open

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teacher understanding in the previous article.

The standard objective of teacher competence is to obtain teacher quality assurance to improve the quality of the learning process. With the existence of teacher competency standards, the objectives of learning will be easy to apply and in accordance with what is expected.

Teacher Competency Standards

In Law no. 14 of 2005 article 10 paragraph 1 concerning teachers and lecturers states that: Teacher competence as referred to in Article 8 which includes: pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence obtained through education profession. The four competency standards must be owned by a teacher. The following describes the four competencies:

1. Pedagogic Competence

Pedagogic competence is an ability in understanding students, planning and implementation learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and developing students to actualize their various potentials has.

The pedagogic competencies include: getting to know their students, mastering theories about education, learning materials, various techniques and learning methods, develop lesson plans (RPP) and evaluate processes and results learning.

The abilities that teachers need to have regarding pedagogical aspects, namely:

  • Mastery of a student's characteristics from the physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional and intellectual aspects.
  • Mastery in learning theory and principles in educational learning.
  • Able to develop a curriculum that is related to the field of development carried out.
  • Organizing an activity for educational development.
  • Utilizing useful information and communication technologies for the benefit of organizing educational development activities.
  • Facilitating the development of the potential of students so that they can actualize the various potentials possessed by students.
  • Communicate effectively, empathetically, and politely towards students.
  • Conducting assessments and also evaluating learning processes and outcomes, in utilizing the results of assessments and evaluations for the benefit of learning.
  • Perform reflective actions in order to improve the quality of learning.

2. Personality Competence

Personal competence is an individual or personal ability which reflects a personality stable, wise, mature, authoritative, and can be an example for students and have good morals glorious. This personality competency has the ability to actualize oneself to become a disciplined educator, honest, broad-minded, responsible and can be a source of positive inspiration for the participants he taught.

Teacher's personality competence includes attitudes, values, personality as elements of behavior related to ideal performance in accordance with the field of work based on educational background, capacity building as well as training, and legality teaching authority. The following are some definitions of personality competence, including:

Personal competence contained in Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, in article 28, paragraph 3, namely the ability a steady, stable, mature, wise and authoritative personality, who is a role model for students, and has good morals glorious.

In the opinion of Samani, Mukhlas (2008; 6) in detail personality competencies include the following: a) have a noble character, b) wise and prudent, c) steady, d) authoritative, e) stable, f) mature, g) honest, h) a role model for participants students as well as the community, i) objectively evaluate their own performance, j) willing and ready to develop themselves independently and sustainable.

3. Social Competence

Social competence is a teacher's ability to communicate both orally, in writing and in actions towards students, educational staff, guardians of students, or the surrounding community in an effective, friendly or polite manner and in accordance with customs and norms applicable. Not only that, in this social competence, teachers are able to work together and also adapt to ethnic and cultural diversity in the places where they carry out their assignments.

Competence or personality ability is an ability that must be possessed by teachers with regard to aspects of Professional Competence, namely:

  • In conveying learning, the teacher plays a role and serves as a source of material that is never dry in managing the learning process. Teaching activities must also be welcomed by students as an art of process management learning that is obtained through practice, experience, and a willingness to learn that never separated.
  • In carrying out the learning process, student activity is always created and continues to learn by using appropriate teaching methods or strategies. The teacher creates an atmosphere that can encourage students to ask questions, observe, conduct experiments, and find facts with the right concepts. Therefore the teacher must carry out learning activities using multimedia, so that this can happen an atmosphere of learning while working, learning while listening, and learning while playing, according to the context of the material.
  • In terms of evaluation, in theory as well as practice, the teacher must be able to implement it according to the goals he wants to measure. The type of test that can be used to measure learning outcomes must be correct and appropriate. It is hoped that the teacher can also arrange the items correctly, so that the tests carried out can motivate students to study.
4 Teacher Competency Standards Based on the Law

4. Professional Competence

Professional competence is an ability to master learning material in depth and broadly. Not only in mastering subject matter, but also in mastering the applicable curriculum materials, scientific concepts and structures, educational issues and adequate insight into the material concerned.

In the opinion of Djam'an Satori (2007), social competence is as follows.

  • Skilled in communicating with students and parents of students.
  • Be sympathetic.
  • Can work well with Education Board or School Committee.
  • Good at getting along with colleagues and educational partners.
  • Understand the surrounding world (environment).

Meanwhile, according to the opinion of Mukhlas Samani (2008: 6) what is meant by competence is an individual ability as part of society which includes abilities, namely as follows:

  • Communicate verbally, in writing, and sign.
  • Utilizing communication technology as well as information functionally.
  • Get along effectively with students, fellow educators, education staff, heads of educational units, parents or guardians of students.
  • Get along politely with the surrounding community by using the prevailing norms and value system.
  • Applying the principles of true brotherhood and the spirit of togetherness.

Thus a brief description of Teacher Competency: 4 Statutory Standards, I hope this is useful for those who read and thank you so much?

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