√ Definition of Semi-Presidential Government System, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Countries Adopting It

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Understanding the Semipresidential Government System, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Countries Adopting It - In this discussion we will explain about the Semipresidential Government System. Which includes the understanding, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages as well as countries that adhere to it with a complete and easy-to-understand discussion. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Understanding the Semipresidential Government System, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Countries Adopting It

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of Semipresidential Government System

In Wikipedia, Semi-presidential system is a system of government that combines both presidential and parliamentary systems of government.

A semi-presidential government system can also be said to have dual executives or multiple executives. The presidential system (presidential) or the congressional system is a republican system of government in which the executive power is elected by election and is separated from the legislative power.

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Presidential Government System is a system of government in which executive power (law enforcement) is elected by election and its position is separate from legislative power (law making).

In a presidential government system, the president has the highest authority, namely as Head of State and Head of Government.

Even so, the president still cannot be arbitrary with the power he has can be dropped for violating the law, betraying the country or participating in criminal.

In a presidential system of government there is also a vice president, if the president resigns in the middle of his term of office, the vice president will replace his position. The president will have ministers to assist him in carrying out the system of government of a country.

Parliamentary system of government is a system of government in which members of parliament have an important role in a country. Parliament is a legislative body whose members are elected directly by the people by popular vote.

In a parliamentary system of government, there are two leaders, namely the prime minister as head of government and the president or king as head of state. Parliament has the power to appoint or remove the prime minister.

The president or king in this system has a function as a state system, but interferes a little with the government system. Even so, it does not mean that parliament can be arbitrary, just as parliament can bring down its leaders. Then the president or king on the advice of the prime minister can also dissolve parliament.

In a semi-presidential government system, the president is elected by the people so that the president has strong powers, in carrying out his powers the president together with the prime minister.

Features of a Semipresidential Government System

Although many different characteristics are obtained from several countries that run a government system this semi-presidential system, but in general this semi-presidential government system has the following characteristics, among others:

  • Headed by the President as the head of state and the prime minister as the head of government.
  • The president has the progressive right or privilege to appoint ministers who lead departments or non-departments.
  • Executive power or the President cannot be brought down by legislative power
  • Ministers are responsible for legislative power
  • Executive power is responsible for legislative power
  • The term of office of each power holder will end within a certain period.

Advantages of a Semipresidential Government System

There are several advantages of a semi-presidential government system, including the following:

  • Merging two types of government systems by taking the advantages of each government system
  • Government runs stably because the center of power is dispersed and sudden changes are not easy
  • The president and ministers cannot be dropped during their term of office so that they can focus more on carrying out their work programs.
Definition of Semi-Presidential Government System, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, Adopting Countries

Disadvantages of a Presidential Government System

There are several disadvantages of a semi-presidential government system, including the following:

  • The voice of the people to the elected power holders is not so influential
  • It is difficult to know whether the abuse of power has occurred
  • The government can be influenced by political parties if the power holder is carried by a particular party.

Countries that Adopt a Semi-Presidential Government System

Countries that implement a semi-presidential government system include Palestine, France, Georgia, Romanesque, Russia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Egypt, Armenia, Portugal, Timor Leste, Guyana, Haiti, Algeria, Sri Lanka and others etc.

Thus has been explained about Understanding the Semipresidential Government System, Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Countries Adopting It, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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