The Benefits of Unity and Unity: Definition, Meaning, History, Examples of Unity and Unity

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The Benefits of Unity and Unity: Definition, Meaning, History, Examples of Unity and Unity – What are the benefits of Unity and Unity? On this occasion About the will discuss the meaning of Unity and Unity and the things that surround it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

The Benefits of Unity and Unity: Definition, Meaning, History, Examples of Unity and Unity

Although the terms unity and oneness intersect, the two have a difference. Unity itself is a process in the form of forming a community to unite, while unity is a form of uniting the community that has been formed.

Some of the Benefits of Unity and also National Unity include the following:

  • Can overcome all about the differences that arise with full awareness.
  • Indonesian nation to be easy to progress
  • Creating a peaceful, safe and peaceful atmosphere in the country because everyone shows a very high attitude of loyalty, solidarity and tolerance
  • In order to prevent a division of the nation and also the integrity of the country that must be maintained.
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  • Association among others will be more familiar and harmonious.
  • Strengthen the national defense system in dealing with all kinds of threats and disturbances in the country
  • Carry out mutual cooperation so that it runs smoothly and well.
  • Can work together and also help each other in everyday life.
  • So as not to arise a conflict in social life.
  • In order to be able to work hand in hand at the time of community service in the school environment
  • National development must run safely, smoothly, and also well.
  • Make it easier to achieve a national goal, namely the goal set out in the opening of the Act
  • The 1945 Constitution in the 4th paragraph
  • So that there is no difference that is very prominent among fellow human beings
  • So that the integrity and security of the Republic of Indonesia is always maintained
  • Strengthening the identity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
  • The realization of a harmonious, balanced, and harmonious life among fellow human beings.
  • Strengthen Indonesia's national resilience in facing all kinds of threats and disturbances within the country.
  • Maintain harmony and also establish friendships.
  • Avoid a fight and also hostility.
  • So as not to create a riot in the school environment

The Definition of Unity and Unity

Unity and Oneness have intersecting meanings, because these two terms come from the word "one" which means whole or not divided. When interpreted broadly, unity is an association of various styles ranging from groups, races, cultures to customs. Meanwhile, unity is interpreted as a result of unity that has become whole or cannot be divided. This is what makes unity and oneness closely related and inseparable.

So it can be concluded that unity and oneness have a meaning, namely the unification of various diverse patterns into a unified whole. This unity and unity is encouraged in order to achieve a free life in an independent and sovereign country.

Unity is said to originate from one which can be interpreted as neither divided nor whole. So the meaning of unity is the unity of various and various cultures that become one and whole to be harmonious.

Unity of Indonesia is a unity of nations that are in the territory of the State of Indonesia, encouraged to achieve a free life in a sovereign and independent country.

The Principle of Unity and Unity

There are principles embodied in unity and integrity, including the following:

  • Principles of Indonesian Nationalism

Nationalism is the first principle contained in the Unity and Unity of the Indonesian nation. As good citizens, we are required to sincerely love the Indonesian nation. But that doesn't mean we have to glorify our own nation and despise other nations.

  • The principle of Unity in Diversity

Bhineka Tunggal Ika is a phrase that is familiar to Indonesian citizens. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika has the meaning that although it is different, it is exactly one. The meaning of this sentence is that even though in Indonesia there are various kinds of races, tribes and different cultures. Therefore, we as citizens of Indonesia are obliged to remain united and respect each other.

  • Principle of Responsible Freedom

Then there is such a thing as the principle of responsible freedom. This principle means that everyone is given the right to fulfill their needs and desires as long as they do not violate the rules. The rules referred to here relate to human rights.

So that if it violates or harms other people, sanctions will be given to those concerned. The sanctions are in accordance with the violations committed.

  • Archipelagic Insight Principle

Next, there is the principle of archipelago insight. This principle is interpreted as the perspective and attitude of the Indonesian people about themselves. In addition, this perspective is also related to geographical forms based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution to fulfill national goals. This principle also has a function as a motivation, guideline and signs in making decisions in the administration of the state.

  • Principles of United Development to Realize the Ideals of Reform

Being a good citizen there are many things that can be done to fill independence with good things. A citizen has an obligation to help carry out development based on a sense of unity and oneness. Thus, living between nations will be more harmonious and comfortable

The Meaning of Unity and Unity

There are 3 important meanings contained in unity and oneness for the Indonesian people. As for the meaning of the three meanings of unity and oneness that must be known, among others, are as follows.

  • Always establish a sense of trust, togetherness and mutual complementarity between nations in order to maintain a sense of unity and integrity of the nation.
  • Always try to be able to respect each other among fellow nations based on humanity so that a harmonious and harmonious life can be achieved.
  • Always establish a sense of kinship, friendship, mutual help and also nationalism between nations that can maintain the unity and integrity of the nation.

History of Union and Unity

The history of unity and oneness has existed since the struggle of the Indonesian people against the colonialists. Where the colonial period can be grouped into two, namely before 1908 and after 1908. The struggle that took place before 1908 always failed. This was because the struggle was still regional in nature, and the struggle was still in the form of a physical struggle with simple weapons.

The failure of the struggle that has been carried out has encouraged fighters to change the tactics of struggle through socio-political organization. Beginning in 1908, various national movement organizations began to emerge, such as Budi Utomo, Sarekat Islam, Indische Partij, and PNI. Since then the direction of the Indonesian people's struggle has become even firmer, namely to realize national unity.

Benefits of Unity and Unity: Definition, Meaning, History, Examples of Unity and Unity

Example of Unity and Unity

As Indonesian citizens, of course we must be able to apply it in the life of the nation and state. This attitude can be applied starting from small things in life. The examples of unity and integrity among nations that need to be known are:

  • Respect each other and also love each other among fellow family members at home.
  • Always try to speak politely in accordance with applicable norms
  • Trying to maintain good harmony between family members and with the surrounding environment.
  • Respect the opinions of others by not imposing our will on them because it can lead to enmity and division.
  • Always try to help family members when experiencing difficulties.

Thus the review from About the about The Benefits of Unity and Unity, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles

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