√ 11 Attitudes of Leadership in the Organization to Achieve Goals

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11 Attitudes of Leadership in Organizations to Achieve Goals – On this occasion, Around Knowledge will discuss Leadership. For those of you who are in an organization or work in an institution, a leader is something that is not foreign.

11 Attitudes of Leadership in Organizations to Achieve Goals

Let's discuss in detail about what a good leader looks like.

Definition of Leadership

Leadership is needed by humans because of certain limitations in humans. From this arises the need to be led and lead. Leadership is defined in terms of individual traits, habits, ways of influencing others, interactions, positions in organizations and perceptions of legitimate influence.

Arep & Tanjung ( 002:235) explains that "Leadership is the ability of a person to control or influence other people or communities that are different from each other towards the achievement of certain goals “.

Also Robbins(2006:432) states leadership is the ability to influence the group towards the achievement of goals. Whereas cardboard

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(2005:153) states leadership is the ability to provide a constructive influence on others to carry out a cooperative effort to achieve the goals that have been planned.

What is the Attitude of Leadership

In business organizations, the level of employee productivity can be influenced by the behavior of its leaders. Some leadership behaviors, including according to Kaloh (2010: 151), namely:

1. Information sharing behavior (Informing)

Namely the behavior or actions of leaders in disseminating relevant information such as decisions and plans, providing technical information that is needed by subordinates in carrying out their work, informing subordinates about the progress achieved by the organization whole.

2. Consulting and delegation behavior (Consulting and delegating)

Namely the behavior or actions of the leader to discuss with other parties before making decisions, providing suggestions that can encourage progress, provide opportunity or flexibility to subordinates to make decisions independently, accommodate ideas and suggestions from subordinates before making decisions and giving opportunities to subordinates to carry out responsibilities for carrying out tasks tree.

3. Planning and organizing behavior (Planning and organizing)

Behavior or actions of leaders in the form of formulating goals and strategies to be able to adapt to changes in the environment, formulating how to allocate and utilize human resources in order to achieve goals, formulate how to develop efficiency in implementing activities, and how to coordinate well with parties other.

4. problem solving behavior (problem solving)

Namely the behavior or actions of leaders in identifying work-related problems, analyzing problems systematically and continuously continuously in order to identify causes and find solutions, the consequences of implementing decisions and being assertive in overcoming problems or crises faced organization.

5. Behavior formulates roles and goals (Clarifying)

Namely the behavior or attitudes and actions of leaders in the form of formulating tasks, setting the direction of work, giving an understanding of the responsibilities carried in connection with the position, formulate goals to be achieved, determine deadlines for completing tasks, and direct subordinates in carrying out tasks organization.

6. monitoring behavior (Monitoring)

Namely the attitudes and actions of the leader in order to obtain information about work activities, check on the progress and quality of work, evaluate the performance of subordinates and agency units within the organization and make observations to find out the various opportunities and obstacles encountered in the implementation of tasks and programs organization.

7. motivational behavior

Namely the behavior or attitudes and actions of leaders to influence the emotions of subordinates by using values ​​and logic to encourage situation or employee morale, fostering commitment to goals and tasks, willing to cooperate, provide assistance and support.

8. Recognition and reward behavior

Namely the behavior or attitudes and actions of leaders to provide gifts, recognition and appreciation to subordinates whose skills are good, and who contribute to the successful implementation of tasks in the environment organization.

9. support behavior (support)

Namely the behavior or attitudes and actions of leaders that are expressed in the form of friendly, kind, like help, always show support and sympathy to subordinates and do something to encourage subordinates so that skillshis rise and career flourished.

10. Behavior prevents conflict and develops groups (Managing conflicts and team building)

Namely the behavior or attitudes and actions of leaders to encourage and provide constructive facilities in solving problems, and encourage or develop appropriate teamwork in carrying out tasks or programs organization.

Attitudes of Leadership in Organizations to Achieve Goals

11. Networking behavior

Namely the behavior or attitudes and actions of leaders in the form of informally blending in, building relationships with people who have sources of information and support, strengthening relations with all related parties periodically through visits, telephone calls, correspondence and attendance at meetings and social events other.

According to Lensufie (2010:9) good or bad ability to move a leader lies in the following things:

  • Energy
    The leader has energy within him, as the driving force of a leadership structure. Leaders will be able to move and provide light so that their followers know the direction and goals they want to achieve.
  • Relation
    Followers have a relationship with the leader, because carrying out commands means there is an element of mutual trust between the leader and his followers.
  • Response
    Someone will respond well to their duties if there is an element of respect for the assignor. Respect or disdain for leaders does not come automatically. This attitude arises because the leader gives an example that is seen by his followers, where the example can be carried out well by the leader.

Thus our discussion about 11 Attitudes of Leadership in Organizations to Achieve Goals, I hope the article above can be useful for all of us. Thank you 🙂

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