Intersections Are: Forms, Connections, Impacts, Characteristics, Examples And Their Relationship With Consolidation

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Intersections Are: Forms, Connections, Impacts, Characteristics, Examples And Their Relationship With Consolidation – What is meant by intersection?, On this occasion About the will discuss it and of course other formulas that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Intersections Are: Forms, Connections, Impacts, Characteristics, Examples And Their Relationship With Consolidation

The intersection is the meeting point of the intersection or crossing between two lines or two directions. According to Soerjono Soekanto, intersection is an ethnic group within a pluralistic society, for example ethnic Sundanese, Javanese, Bugis, Minang, and others.

From this it can be concluded that intersection is a meeting or crossing of membership of a social group from various sections, whether in the form of ethnicity, religion, gender, social class, and others in a society compound.

In addition, intersection will produce new groups that will also cross each other. Therefore, in many regions, the classification of several individuals will simultaneously place a person or group of people according to several different criteria.

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Sociology is defined as the crossing or meeting of membership of a social group from various sections, whether in the form of ethnicity, religion, gender, social class, and others in a society compound. Intersection occurs as a result of social interaction or intensive association of its members through means of association in human culture, including language, arts, means of transportation, markets, and school.

To take advantage of the means of social interaction, every member of society from various backgrounds of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, level economy, education, or different ancestry can collectively become members of a particular social group or adherents of a particular religion.

To make it easier to understand the above, we provide real examples for you, for example:

  • Rahmat, Wahyu, and Gilang come from different areas, but on Fridays they always meet at the mosque.
  • The members of the legislature who sit together in the DPR or MPR benches come from various ethnic groups, regions and religions.

Forms of Social Intersection

  • Homogeneous, namely a sector of life but has different criteria. Examples are between religions, ethnicities, and professions.
  • Hetergon, namely different sectors. Examples are race and religion, ethnicity and religion, education and profession, ethnicity and political organizations.

Reasons for Social Intersection

  • Material, namely potential, wealth, and offspring.
  • Non-material, namely love and affection.
  • Socio-Cultural, namely religion, art and politics.

Intersection Channel Liaison in Indonesia

Cross-membership in a social group does not just happen, but with the help of interactions that occur between various sections.

Interaction between one section and another through economic, social and political relations. Check out the reviews below:

  • Economic relations
  • By trading
  • As well as through the industry
  • Social relations
  • By marriage
  • As well as through education
  • Political relations
  • Diplomatic relations or relations between countries also have a role in the process of intersection between officials or envoys from each country.

Intersection Impact

As a social process, intersection has an impact on the plurality of society, including the following:

  • Increase solidarity, because individuals of ethnicity, race, religion, education level, gender, and also different occupations will combine and form social groups based on criteria other.
  • Triggering the potential for conflict, if the differences they have are more prominent and sharper. For example, if differences in ethnic background, religion, and parental status are more prominent in a student organization, there will be conflicts that end in division.

Intersection Features and Examples

The characteristics of the intersection include:

There is a feeling of mutual belonging and binding responsibility to the place or container of membership which can reduce conflict
The consequences of the intersection will create a sense of unity and integrity of the nation.
Has a diversity of traits based on race, ethnicity, and also religion


  • Rahmat, Wahyu, and Gilang come from different areas, but on Fridays they always meet at the mosque.
  • The members of the legislature who sit together in the DPR or MPR benches come from various ethnic groups, regions and religions.
  • People who live in different cities, and they have different social status and religion.
  • Legislative members who sit together in the DPR or MPR come from various ethnic groups, regions and religions.

Relationship Intersection and Consolidation

Classification of society vertically (stratification or social stratification) or horizontally (social differentiation or pluralism) does not wear any basis or single or standing factor Alone.

However, it has a cumulative nature, so that intersections (trials) and consolidation often occur (overlap) in community membership in various social groups found in the environment public.

In order to understand the above issues, pay attention to the reviews below:

  • Intersection

Intersection or in English it is called intersection which was composed by Hasan Shadily, interaction mentioned as a point of intersection or meeting (of two lines) which can also be called cross.

While the term from the word section (section) in the Sociological Dictionary compiled by Soerjono Soekanto is defined as an ethnic group in society, each of which is a section.

So it can be concluded that the intersection is a cross or a meeting point of intersection of membership of two ethnic groups or even more in various social groups in a society compound.

  • Consolidation

Consolidation in the Big Indonesian Dictionary means an act (things, etc.) to strengthen or strengthen (connections, unity, and so on).

So, based on the above understanding, consolidation can be interpreted as strengthening or strengthening confirmation of the membership of community members in various social groups through overlapping membership.

  • Social group

Social groups or social groups are the collection (aggregation) of humans that is carried out regularly. This social group or social group is also a set or units of human beings related to reciprocal relationships that also influence each other and there is awareness for each other help.

This systematic criterion regarding social groups was put forward by Soerjono Soekanto in his Sociology book as an introduction, including the following:

  • Each group member must be aware that they are part of the group concerned.
  • There is a reciprocal relationship between members with one another.
  • There is a factor that belongs together so that their relationship will grow closer.

These common factors can be the same destiny, the same goal, the same ideology, a common enemy, or even an ethnic group (ethnic group).

The group has a certain structure, rules, and patterns of behavior.
Having a certain system and process.

The consequences of intersection with consolidation that occur in society, include the following:

  • The intersection process can increase mutual understanding between individuals with diverse social and cultural characteristics and backgrounds.
  • The intersection process can lead to fading or loss of identity from an individual member of a social group. Because each member will put aside his individual identity and put forward his similarities with group members or a shared identity within the group.
  • The consolidation process can increase solidarity among group members.
Intersections Are: Forms, Connections, Impacts, Characteristics, Examples And Their Relationship With Consolidation

Mutual Acculturation

If a group in society with a certain type of culture has an open attitude with other cultures, then this will cause mutual acculturation. A mutual acculturation begins with intersections that run continuously so that it will give rise to a mutual liking for other cultures.

And consciously or not, some individuals in that society will also follow and use the embodiment of the other culture. For example, food from several ethnic groups is in demand and much liked by community groups

The causes of Mutual Acculturation in intersection include:

  • Primordialism

Primordialism is an understanding or view that adheres to all things that have been carried since childhood. Whether it's about traditions, customs, beliefs, or everything that exists in his first life environment so that it will form a certain attitude.

Primordial has the meaning as the main ties in a person in social life, with things that have been brought with him since his birth, such as ethnicity, race, region and yang other.

Primordialism exists because of several things, including the following:

There is something that is considered special in terms of race, ethnicity, religion or place of birth.
The attitude of wanting to maintain the completeness of the community or group from outside threats.
There are various values ​​that are upheld because they are related to beliefs, for example religious values, philosophy of life and others.

  • Ethnic Stereotypes

Ethnic stereotypes are closely related to race, ethnicity, belief, occupation or nationality.

In essence, stereotypes are rigid mentality imaginations, namely in the form of gifts from negative judgments directed towards their out-group. Conversely, fellow in-groups will be able to provide a positive assessment. Stereotypes with rigid outgroups can lead to strong prejudice.

The development of stereotypes in a person is as a result of influence in a certain perception which has a function as a tool to convince oneself. There are various racial differences that exist within segments of the population where the proportions are not the same in geographical or social areas, and this will lead to difficulties.

This type of ethnic stereotype can cause a person to have a conservative nature and be closed to new and foreign things.

  • Ethnocentrism

There is, one of the tribes called the Eskimo tribe, where the tribe calls themselves the Inuit tribe which means "true inhabitants".

Sumner explained this view as ethnocentrism, which is formally defined as a view that the group itself is the center of everything and all other groups are compared and judged according to the standard that group.

In other words, ethnocentrism is a habit that exists in every group to regard the group's culture as the best culture.

Ethnocentrism will make its culture a benchmark in measuring a good or bad thing, high low and really odd against other cultures in the proportion of resemblance to culture.

The dominance, however, is that not all members of a group in a society have ethnocentrism.

This ethnocentrism is a universal human response, which can be found in all known societies, in all groups and practically in all individuals.

Thus the review from About the aboutIntersection , hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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