√ Definition of Disaster Management, Objectives, Mechanisms & Cycles

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Definition of Disaster Management, Objectives, Mechanisms & Cycles – In this discussion we will explain about Disaster Management. Which includes the definition, objectives, mechanism and cycle of disaster management with complete and easy-to-understand discussion.

Definition of Disaster Management, Objectives, Mechanisms & Cycles

For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Disaster Management

In Law no. 24 of 2007, Disaster Management is a dynamic, continuous and integrated process to improve the quality of the steps taken related to disaster observation and analysis as well as prevention, mitigation, preparedness, early warning, emergency response, rehabilitation and reconstruction disaster.

Definition of Disaster Management According to Experts

The following is a definition of disaster management according to experts.

1. University of British Columbia

The definition of disaster management according to the University of British Columbia is the process of establishing or establishing common goals and shared values (common value) to encourage the parties involved (participants) to plan and deal with both potential and disaster actual.

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2. University of Wisconsin

The definition of disaster management according to the University of Wisconsin is a series of activities designed to control the situation disasters and emergencies to prepare frameworks to assist vulnerable people to avoid or cope with the effects of disasters the.

Disaster Management Objectives

The objectives of disaster management include the following:

  • Prevent and limit the number of human victims as well as damage to property and the environment
  • Overcome tribulations and difficulties in the lives and livelihoods of victims
  • Returning disaster victims from shelters or evacuation areas to their place of origin if possible or relocating to new areas that are livable and safe
  • Restore the function of main public facilities, such as communication/transportation, drinking water, electricity, telephone, and also restore the economic and social life of the areas affected by the disaster.
  • Reduce further damage and loss
  • Provide the basics needed for the rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the context of development
  • Minimizing losses to individuals, communities and countries by means of early action.
  • Minimizing losses to individuals, communities and countries in the form of losses related to people, physical, economic and environmental when the disaster occurs, and also effective when the disaster has occurred happen
  • Reducing the suffering borne by individuals and communities affected by the disaster
  • To improve the situation, individuals and communities can solve problems caused by disasters

Disaster Management Mechanism

Disaster management is composed of two mechanisms, namely internal or informal mechanisms and external or formal mechanisms.

Internal or informal mechanisms

It is the community elements at the disaster site that generally carry out the first and foremost function in disaster management and are usually called management mechanisms natural disasters, this includes the family, informal social organizations (recitations, death services, mutual cooperation activities, social gatherings and so on) and also the community local.

External or formal mechanisms

Is an organization deliberately created for the purpose of disaster management, such as disaster management organizations in Indonesia, such as BAKORNAS PB, SATKORLAK PB and SATLAK PB.

Disaster Management Cycle

The disaster management cycle is divided into three stages or phrases, three stages or phases of disaster management namely:

Pre-Disaster Stage

The pre-disaster stage includes activities, preparedness and early warning.

Efforts are made to prevent disasters whenever possible by eliminating hazards. Examples of prevention activities include prohibiting forest burning in cultivation, prohibiting stone mining in steep areas, prohibiting littering and so on.

Disaster Mitigation
Mitigation is a series of efforts undertaken to reduce disaster risk both in terms of physical development, as well as awareness and capacity building in dealing with disaster threats.

This mitigation activity can be carried out through the implementation of spatial arrangement; regulation of development, infrastructure development, building layout and implementation of education, counseling, training both conventionally and modernly.

Preparedness is a process of activities carried out to anticipate disasters by carrying out appropriate and efficient organizing and steps.

Early Warning
Early warning is the process of giving warnings as soon as possible to the public about the possibility of a disaster somewhere by an authorized institution or attempt to give a warning sign that a disaster is likely to occur soon.

This early warning must be accessible to the community (accessible), immediate (immediate), firm and not confusing (coherent), official (official)

Stages When a Disaster Occurs

This stage includes emergency response and emergency assistance

Emergency Response (response)
Emergency response is an activity process that is carried out immediately at the time of a disaster to overcome the adverse effects caused. This includes activities to rescue and evacuate victims, property, fulfillment of basic needs, protection, management of evacuation and restoration of infrastructure. Below are some of the activities carried out during the emergency response stage, including:

  • Undertake appropriate assessment of location, damage and resources
  • Determine the status of a disaster emergency condition
  • Rescuing and evacuating people affected by disasters
  • Meet basic needs
  • Protect against vulnerable groups
  • Immediate restoration of vital infrastructure and facilities

Emergency Assistance (felief)
This is an effort to provide assistance related to meeting basic needs in the form of clothing, food, temporary housing, health, sanitation and also clean water.

Definition of Disaster Management, Objectives, Mechanisms, Cycles

Post-Disaster Stage

This process includes recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction

Recovery is a series of activities to restore the condition of society and the living environment hit by a disaster by re-functioning institutions, infrastructure and facilities by doing business rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is the repair and recovery of all aspects of public or community services so that they are at an adequate level in post-regional areas disasters with the main objective of normalizing or functioning properly all aspects of government and community life in post-regional areas disaster.

Reconstruction, namely the formulation of policies and efforts as well as concrete steps that are well planned, consistent and sustainable for rebuilding permanent all infrastructure, facilities and institutional systems both at the government and community levels with the main goal of growth and development of activities economic, social and cultural, upholding law and order and the rise of the role and participation of civil society in all aspects of community life in the region post disaster. The scope of the reconstruction process consists of a physical reconstruction program and a non-physical reconstruction program.

Thus has been explained about Definition of Disaster Management, Purpose, Mechanism, Complete Cyclehopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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