√ Definition of File Management, Benefits, Functions, Goals, Architecture, Concepts and Types

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Definition of File Management, Benefits, Functions, Goals, Architecture, Concepts and Types – In this discussion we will explain about File Management. This discussion includes the meaning, benefits, functions, objectives, architecture, concepts and types which will be explained in full and easy to understand. For that, read it to the end so you can understand it.

Definition of File Management, Benefits, Functions, Goals, Architecture, Concepts and Types

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of File Management

File management is a method and data structure used by the operating system to manage or organize files on a disk or partition. File management or also called file system can be interpreted as a disk or partition that is used to store certain files.

Benefits of File Management

The benefits of file management in everyday life are among them. Can reduce the risk of losing files or data, for example, accidental deletion of files, stored files that are located anywhere and irregularly and can make it easier for us to find the file, then can save storage capacity by deleting files or data that are no longer there worn. In order to benefit from managing files, we must be able to manage files properly and correctly.

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File Management Function

The following are some of the functions of file management which can be read below as follows:

  • Mechanisms or ways of using files together.
  • Create, modify and delete files.
  • Can or is able to perform Backup and recovery to prevent file loss due to accidents or attempts to destroy files.
  • Users can refer to files with a symbolic name without using a name that refers to a physical device.
  • Creating a sensitive environment, information can be stored safely and confidentially.
  • The file system also Provides a friendly user interface.

File Management Goals

File management has several goals which can be seen in the following list:

  • To guarantee or meet the needs that come from data management intended for users or users
  • To guarantee the data in the file is valid
  • To optimize performance
  • To provide input/output support for various types of storage devices
  • To minimize or eliminate/eliminate the potential for loss or corporate data
  • To provide a group or sets of input/output interface routines
  • To provide input and output support for multiple users in a multiuser system

File Management Architecture

File management architecture or file management typically consists of:

Access System

This relates to how the data stored in the file can be accessed. In this case include:

1. File management: Relates to providing operational mechanisms for files or data such as:

  • Storage
  • Reference
  • Joint use
  • Security

Storage Space Management

It deals with the allocation of space for files on a storage device.
In this case, it is the file integrity mechanism, which is related to the guarantee that the information in the file is not corrupted. Management of input and output devices in the operating system, device drivers.

File Management Concept

The most important file management concepts in operating systems are:

  • File: An abstraction of storing and retrieving information on disk. This abstraction makes the user not burdened with details on how and where information is stored, as well as the mechanism of action of data storage devices.
  • Directory: Which contains information about files. Lots of information related to storage. Directories are files, which are owned by the operating system and can be accessed continuously in the operating system. Users or users manipulate data that refers to files or directories. Users are not burdened with storage problems, device manipulation and so on.
Definition of File Management, Benefits, Functions, Goals, Architecture, Concepts, Complete Types

Existing File Types in the Operating System

There are 3 types of files in the operating system, namely:

  • Regular Files: Files containing information, consisting of ASCII and binary files. ACSII files contain lines of text, while binary files are in the form of exe which have an internal structure known only to the operating system. The internal structure of the binary file resulting from the application program is only known by the application program that uses the file.
  • Directory Files: Represents a file that belongs to the system to manage the structure of the file system. This file contains information about the files included in that directory.
  • Special Files: Is the logical name of the input/output device that can be viewed as a file. The user or user is avoided from the difficulty of operating input/output devices.

Thus the explanation about Definition of File Management, Benefits, Functions, Goals, Architecture, Concepts and Types, hopefully it can add insight and knowledge to all of you about files. Thank you for visiting

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