Sample Physical Education Questions for Class 11 (XI) SMA/MA/SMK Semester 1 and 2

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The following are practice exam questions for semester one and two physical education subjects for grade 11. The questions contain multiple choices accompanied by answer keys and also essay / description questions.

This question is intended for junior grade 11 as material for practice questions. Alright, let's get straight to the examples of Class 11 Physical Education questions, I hope this is useful and happy learning.

Examples of Class 11 Multiple Choice Penjas Questions Complete with Answer Keys

I. Answer the questions below correctly!

1. Below is a tactic used for attack techniques is ...
a. tactics to attack
b. ball tactic
c. empty space tactics
d. ball kicking tactics
e. tactics to trick opponents

Answer: c

2. The position of the player who serves as a center forward is called...
a. center back
b. full back
c. strikers
d. haling shaft
e. libero

Answer: c

3. The one-on-one defense pattern in the defense area is called...
a. man to man
b. zone marking
c. zone defense
d. total marks
e. total football

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Answer: a

4. The following are not included in the soccer game formations that are often used are ….
a. 4 – 2 – 4
b. 4 – 3 – 3
c. 4 – 4 – 2
d. 1 – 3 – 3 – 3
e. 3 – 4 – 5

Answer: e

5. The most complex defense pattern, where each player guards his opponent by suddenly changing places is...
a. man to man
b. zone defense
c. free zone
d. man to man and zone defense
e. man pressing

Answer: d

6. The pattern of attack in which the players seek space that is not guarded is called...
a. pattern of performing movements
b. facing pattern
c. pattern looking for empty space
d. man-to-man pattern
e. zone defense pattern

Answer: c

7. In the composition of soccer players, players who are free are called...
a. libero
b. attacker
c. defense
d. goalkeeper
e. center back

Answer: a

8. Extra time in a soccer match, the team that scores the first goal is declared the winner. This system is known as...
a. golden goal
b. goal kick
c. silver goal
d. sudden death
e. penalty shootout

Answer: d

9. Below is not a pattern of defense in the game of football is ...
a. 3 – 2 – 2 – 3
b. 2 – 4 – 4
c. 5 – 3 – 2
d. 4 – 2 – 4
e. 3 – 2 – 5

Answer: e

10. Formation in the game of football can be interpreted as ….
a. defender defense
b. forward attack
c. player placement
d. attack combination
e. variety of defense and attack

Answer: c

11. The front row at a soccer game is prepared especially for ….
a. defense
b. attack
c. back
d. feeder
e. kipper

Answer: b

12. In a soccer game, a person who commits a serious violation will...
a. given a warning
b. awakened
c. given a yellow card
d. was given a red card and sent off from the football field
e. was given a red card and stayed to see the game

Answer: d

13. The pattern of regional defense is also known as...
a. man to man
b. defense zone
c. wall pass
d. double sweeper
e. wingback

Answer: b

14. A soccer player grabs the ball by hitting the body. This method is called….
a. take off
b. body clash
c. wall pass
d. corner kicks
e. referee

Answer: b

15. Defenders in the game of football are also called by the term ...
a. back
b. libero
c. strikers
d. kipper
e. referee

Answer: a

16. A softball player has as many chances to hit the ball as...
a. 1 time
b. 2 times
c. 3 times
d. 4 times
e. 5 times

Answer: c

17. The number of innings in softball is...
a. 7 innings
b. 9 innings
c. 11 innings
d. 12 innings
e. 10 innings

Answer: a

18. A guard wears gloves made of leather called ….
a. face mask
b. gloves
c. body protector
d. fist fight
e. veil

Answer: b

19. The parent organization for softball in Indonesia is...
a. Perbasi
b. Perbasi
d. Percasi
e. Persian

Answer: b

20. The bouncer in softball is called...
a. catcher
b. pitchers
c. runners
d. batter
e. strikers

Answer: b

21. Below are the basic techniques of playing softball, except ….
a. ball running
b. sliding
c. hit
d. caste
e. soar

Answer: d

22. The shape of a softball field is...
a. triangle
b. squares
c. rectangle
d. circle
e. Pentagon

Answer: e

23. The length of a softball game is determined by... innings.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
e. 9

Answer: c

24. The player in charge of holding the ball is called...
a. home runs
b. pitching
c. pitchers
d. sliding
e. catcher

Answer: e

25. The game of softball comes from traditional sports, namely...
a. caste
b. fortress
c. gob sodor
d. galasin
e. rounders

Answer: a

26. Softball is a team game where the number of players in each team is….
a. 11 people
b. 9 people
c. 7 people
d. 5 people
e. 4 people

Answer: b

27. The time spent in playing softball is called...
a. innings
b. quarters
c. half
d. part
e. round

Answer: a

28. The extension of the line from home base to base I and II is called...
a. borderline
b. finish line
c. starting line
d. diameter
e. penalty line

Answer: a

29. The following are self-protection tools in softball games, except...
a. body armor
b. mask
c. gloves
d. eye protection
e. foot protector

Answer: d

30. the following players who function as a regulator of attack is ...
a. squad captain
b. catcher
c. pitchers
d. strikers
e. runners

Answer: b

31. The straddle style high jump is commonly called the straddle style.
a. scissors
b. jump the fence
c. chest
d. belly roll
e. side style

Answer: d

32. In the straddle style high jump, the starting length is...
a. 7 – 9 steps
b. 8 steps
c. 8 – 10 steps
d. 11 steps
e. 6 – 8 steps

Answer: a

33. Participants in the high jump are disqualified if they have failed to jump as many times...
a. 1 time
b. 2 times
c. 3 times
d. 4 times
e. 5 times

Answer: c

34. Landing on the straddle style high jump, the part of the body that touches the mat first is...
a. foot
b. knee
c. waist
d. back
e. head

Answer: c

35. The initial direction angle in the straddle style high jump is...
a. 35 to 40
b. 45 to 55
c. 25 to 35
d. 35 to 55
e. 50 to 75

Answer: b

36. Another term for high jump is...
a. high up
b. long jump
c. jumping
d. high jump
e. long up

Answer: d

37. The style in the high jump is divided into...
a. one style
b. two styles
c. three styles
d. four styles
e. five styles

Answer: d

38. In the straddle style high jump, the part that crosses the bar first is...
a. hand
b. head
c. swing leg
d. butt
e. shoulder

Answer: b

39. The straddle style high jump can be distinguished from other high jump styles, namely from the execution when...
a. concentrate
b. prefix
c. repulsion
d. landed
e. over the bar

Answer: e

40. The sector angle of the shot put is...
a. 30 degrees
b. 35 degrees
c. 40 degrees
d. 45 degrees
e. 50 degrees

Answer: d

41. The bullet is held in the right hand in a way...
a. matching handle
b. according to finger length
c. according to the fingers and thumb
d. according to the athlete's training time
e. grip right in the palm

Answer: e

42. A shot put athlete is declared disqualified if...
a. legal throw
b. the bullet falls in the repulsion sector
c. at the time of refusal, feet inside the circle
d. after rejecting, returns through the back of the repulsion sector
e. called 3 times did not come

Answer: e

43. The bullet weight for the men's group is ….
a. 5.26 kg
b. 6.26 kg
c. 7.26 kg
d. 8.26 kg
e. 9.26 kgs

Answer: c

44. The weight of the bullet for the women's group which is usually contested is ….
a. 3 kgs
b. 4 kgs
c. 5 kgs
d. 6 kgs
e. 7 kgs

Answer: b

45. The body turns backwards, the back facing the direction of the throw is the initial attitude of the shot put force...
a. back
b. sideways
c. orthodox
d. straddle
e. fosbury flop

Answer: a

46. The following are the directions of attack using the feet, except ...
a. on
b. side bow
c. behind
d. side
e. front

Answer: b

47. Attacks with legs cannot use the legs...
a. elbow
b. heel
c. toe
d. instep
e. Palm

Answer: a

48. A good and effective attack in pencak silat has elements...
a. sweep
b. encouragement
c. blow
d. elbow
e. sawhorse

Answer: e

49. Pencak silat attacks that use the feet are generally called...
a. blow
b. kick
c. elbow
d. dodge
e. sawhorse

Answer: b

50. The following is an attack technique by hand, except...
a. attack techniques with the hands through the front
b. attack technique with the hand through the top
c. attack techniques with the hands through the bottom
d. attack technique with the hand through the side
e. head attack technique

Answer: e

51. The following that does not include hand attacks through the bottom are ….
a. plug in
b. rebutted
c. prick
d. vise
e. guess

Answer: e

52. The following are hand attacks through the front, except ...
a. push
b. boxing
c. poke
d. pendulum
e. prick

Answer: e

53. Self-defense efforts by making direct contact with the attack is called...
a. counter
b. attack
c. sawhorse
d. slap
e. puncture

Answer: a

54. The following is not a hand attack through the top is ...
a. knock
b. peck
c. mash
d. pendulum
e. guess

Answer: d

55. For the beginning of the exercise, pay attention is ...
a. posture
b. heel attitude
c. forward kick
d. downward kick
e. upward kick

Answer: a

56. The attitude that a fighter must have is….
a. show off his skills in public
b. to give in even when beaten
c. be indifferent to others
d. be calm as water
e. be a knight and act like rice science

Answer: e

57. To avoid the opponent's punch, the movement that must be done is...
a. dodge
b. guess
c. parry
d. rotate
e. dodge

Answer: a

58. The target of the hitting movement is….
a. chest
b. neck
c. thigh
d. head
e. foot

Answer: a

59. The purpose of the parrying movement is….
a. avoid the opponent's punch
b. avoid opponent's kick
c. avoid falling opponents
d. avoid the opponent's slash
e. avoid the opponent's attack

Answer: e

60. The main name of the Indonesian pencak silat organization is ….

Answer: d

Example of Physical Education Questions for Class 11 (XI) SMA/MA/AMK Semester 1 & 2

Examples of Complete Multiple Choice Questions with Answer Keys

I. Answer the questions below correctly!

1. The bullet weight in shot put for the senior female category is….kg
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
e. 7

Answer: b

2. Feeding a basketball using one hand to a friend is called the…..
a. chest pass
b. bounce pass
c. overhead pass
d. under pass
e. baseball pass

Answer: e

3. The movement of jumping with one foot then one hand inserting the ball into the ring, then the technique is called…..
a. shooting
b. lay up
c. pivots
d. dribbling
e. pass

Answer: b

4. The movement of bouncing the ball using one hand in basketball is called the...

a. shooting
b. lay up
c. pivots
d. dribbling
e. pass

Answer: d

5. The following is the preparation stage for carrying out the basic technique of dribbling a basketball.
a. Stand straight with your weight on your front foot
b. Legs open to the sides, body leaning to the sides and weight on both feet
c. If the legs are crossed, the body returns and the weight of the body rests on the feet
d. Standing, body leaning slightly forward and weight on the forefoot
e. Standing straight, hands dripping quickly, and then quickly put them on the basketball hoop

Answer: d

6. Pivot movement is useful for…..
a. master the road at the start of the game
b. Can make moves quickly
c. Can put up a good defense
d. possession of the ball
e. Can protect the ball

Answer: e

7. The following can be found in a basketball game, except…..
a. agility
b. speed
c. technique
d. throw
e. kick

Answer: e

8. Table tennis bets are made of…..
a. plastic
b. aluminum
c. rubber
d. oil
e. melamine

Answer: c

9. The ball that comes to the right for table tennis players and then returned with one stroke is called a stroke...
a. forehand
b. backhand
c. push
d. drives
e. service

Answer: a

10. The mother of the international sport of basketball is called…..
b. IOF
c. BWF

Answer: d

11. The weight of the bullet boa for senior men….kg
a. 7,257
b. 4
c. 5
d. 3
e. 8,50

Answer: a

12. The elements that exist in the game of table tennis, except….
a. blow
b. kick
c. smash
d. forehand
e. backhand

Answer: b

13. What can distinguish the style in the long jump is ...
a. when hovering
b. come on
c. run
d. repulsion
e. hand swing

Answer: a

14. The speed required in the long jump sport when….
a. Flying
b. repulsion
c. over the bar
d. landing
e. run

Answer: e

15. Long jump game styles, except...
a. squat
b. bouncy
c. walk on air
d. Relax
e. straddle

Answer: d

16. The following things are to be avoided when landing in the long jump, except...
a. off on the heels
b. body slightly tilted forward
c. fall backwards
d. Refusal to use one foot
e. land feet first

Answer: d

17. Players who fail to serve will...
a. will get value
b. get punished
c. lose value
d. repeat service
e. disqualified

Answer: c

18. At the time of hitting the ball then the view towards ……
a. opponent
b. ball
c. table
d. bet
e. referee

Answer: b

19. The flexibility needed in the high jump branch when….
a. prefix
b. repulsion
c. over the bar
d. landing
e. run

Answer: c

20. A hard punch that can kill an opponent is called
a. smash
b. pass
c. blocking
d. service
e. setup

Answer: a

21. The hand attack technique that is carried out in the trajectory of the attack from outside the fighter's body to the fighter's body is called an attack…..
a. front
b. pendulum
c. circumference
d. side
e. on

Answer: c

22. The correct release of the ball from the handle when the shot is entered is the moment….
a. Shoot at the next cargo point
b. ball farthest from body (arms straight)
c. The ball is at the next point from the hips
d. The ball is farthest from the hips
e. The ball is at shoulder point

Answer: b

23. The javelin throwing movement should be in the direction of….
a. top front
b. top back
c. front down
d. top side
e. bottom side

Answer: a

24. When using O'Brian, the attitude needed is…..
a. sideways
b. back
c. turned my back
d. deal with it
e. stay away from it

Answer: a

25. The form of movement to fend off an attack from the outside by using the elbow is called...
a. in
b. outside
c. on
d. lower
e. elbow

Answer: e

26. Which is the basic technique in the martial arts of pencak silat, except…..
a. counter
b. lockdown
c. kick
d. dodge
e. blow

Answer: b

27. Because of its function, pencak silat can be divided into four types, except for…..
a. self-defense
b. mysticism
c. art
d. sport
e. styles

Answer: e

28. The form of movement to fend off an attack from the outside by using the elbow is called...
a. in
b. outside
c. on
d. lower
e. elbow

Answer: a

29. The following are not basic defense techniques in Pencak Silat:
a. counter
b. lockdown
c. avoidance
d. dodge
e. blow

Answer: e

30. The diameter or length of the centerline of the shot is … meters
a. 2,50
b. 2,25
c. 2,135
d. 3
e. 4

Answer: a

31. The following tactics used for attack techniques are….
a. anzugreifen tactics
b. Pass-Ball-Tactics
c. Tactics, leeren Raum zu finden
d. Tritt-Tactics
e. Tactics, Gegner zu täuschen

Answer: c

32. The best position to attack is called...
a. center back
b. full back
c. strikers
d. haling shaft
e. libero

Answer: c

33. When a defender plays against an attacker in the defensive area, it is called...
a. man to man
b. zone marking
c. zone defense
d. total marks
e. total football

Answer: a

34. The following are not included in the soccer game formations that are often used are….
a. 4 – 2 – 4
b. 4 – 3 – 3
c. 4 – 4 – 2
d. 1 – 3 – 3 – 3
e. 3 – 4 – 5

Answer: e

35. The most complex defense pattern, where each player has to protect his opponent with a sudden change of location is…..
a. man to man
b. zone defense
c. free zone
d. man to man and zone defense
e. man pressing

Answer: d

36. The pattern of attacks that are not guarded is called...
a. pattern of performing movements
b. facing pattern
c. pattern looking for empty space
d. man-to-man pattern
e. zone defense pattern

Answer: c

37. in an arrangement or formation of football is called ...
a. libero
b. attacker
c. defense
d. goalkeeper
e. center back

Answer: a

38. If you extend the time of a soccer match and are declared the winner, that is a term, namely….
a. golden goal
b. goal kick
c. silver goal
d. sudden death
e. penalty shootout

Answer: d

39. Below which is not a pattern of defense in a soccer match is….
a. 3 – 2 – 2 – 3
b. 2 – 4 – 4
c. 5 – 3 – 2
d. 4 – 2 – 4
e. 3 – 2 – 5

Answer: e

40. The formation of the game in soccer is called...
a. defender defense
b. forward attack
c. player placement
d. attack combination
e. variety of defense and attack

Answer: e

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