√ Definition of Dynamic Electricity, Formulas & Example Problems (Discuss Completely)

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Definition of Dynamic Electricity, Formulas & Example Problems (Discuss Completely) – In this discussion we will explain about dynamic electricity. Which includes the understanding of dynamic electricity, dynamic electricity formulas, examples of dynamic electricity problems and explanations in a complete and easy to understand way. For more details, please see the review below carefully.

Definition of Dynamic Electricity, Formulas & Example Problems (Discuss Completely)

Let's discuss the notion of dynamic electricity first carefully.

Definition of Dynamic Electricity

Dynamic electricity or electronidinamic is made from a combination of the words electricity and dynamic. Electricity is electricity, while dynamic means changing or moving. So that the notion of dynamic electricity is electricity that is always changing or can move and is commonly called an electric current

The electric current comes from a stream of electrons flowing continuously from the negative pole to the positive pole, from a high potential leads to a low potential from a potential difference (voltage) source. Objects with more positive electric charges have higher potentials, while objects with more negative charges have lower potentials.

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In two places that have a potential difference can cause an electric current to appear. With a note that both are connected to a conductor. The potential difference is often expressed as a voltage. There are two types of electric current, namely AC (alternating) and DC (unidirectional), which are generally electric currents through wires conductor per unit time, for the amount of electric current flowing in a certain time is called the current strength electricity (i).

The incoming current in a branched circuit will be equal to the current flowing out, whereas in a series circuit the current will remain the same at each end of the resistance. entirely in accordance Kirchhoff's law.

The bigger the voltage source, the greater the current that will flow. Whereas if the resistance is enlarged, it will make the current flow less. As discussed in Ohm's law.
dynamic electricity

According to the picture above, we can know if A has a higher potential than B. electric current occurs sourced from A to B, occurs because there is a potential balancing effort between A and B. The electric current seems to be a positive charge, from high to low potential.

The real positive electric charge cannot change, but the negative (electrons) can. The following is the formula for dynamic electricity.

Dynamic Electric Formulas

Here is the dynamic electricity formula

Formula for Strong Electric Current (I)

An electric current can exist if there is a movement of electrons as described above. Two objects that have a charge, if connected to a conductor, will produce an electric current. The electric current strength is symbolized by the letter I, has units of Amperes (A), the formula is:

With explanation:
I = Electric current strength (A)
Q = Total electric charge (Coulomb)
t = Time interval (s)

Potential Difference Formula or Voltage Source (V)

Based on the explanation above, electric current has the meaning that the number of electrons that move in a certain time. The potential difference will cause the movement of electrons, the amount of electrical energy needed to flowing each electricity from the end of the conductor is called the electric voltage or difference potential.

The voltage source or potential difference has the symbol V, with units of Volts. Which mathematically has the formula:
With explanation:
V = Potential difference or source of electric voltage (Volts)
W = Energy (Joules)
Q = Charge (Coulomb)

Electrical Resistance Formula (R)

Resistor or resistance is symbolized by R, with units of Ohm, has the formula:
R = ρ. l / A
With explanation:
R = Electrical resistance (Ohms)
A = Wire cross-sectional area (m2)
ρ = Specific resistance (ohm.mm2/m)

Ohm's Law formula

Ohm's law formula is a law that connects electric current strength, potential difference and resistance. With the formula, namely:
I = V / R or R = V / I, or V = I. R
Those who have a description of the reading symbol by looking at the formula symbol in the explanation above.

Definition of Dynamic Electricity, Formulas, Example Problems

Examples of Dynamic Electricity Problems

1. A wire is connected across a potential difference of 24 V. If the current flowing through the wire is 4 A, then what is the resistance of the wire?

Is known:
V = 24 Volts
I = 4 A
Asked: R…?
I = V/R
R = V/I
R = 24 V / 4 A = 5 Ohms

2. It is stated that the current strength in the piece of conducting wire is 20 A. How many minutes will it take for the 9,600 °C charge to flow through the cross section?

Is known:
I = 20 A
Q = 9600 °C
Asked: L…?
I = Q/t
t = Q/I
t = 9600 °C / 20 A
t = 480 s or 8 minutes
Then the time needed to pass through the cross section is 8 minutes.

3. A wire is connected across a potential difference of 12 V. If the current flowing through the wire is 2 A, then what is the resistance of the wire?

Is known:
V = 12 Volts
I = 2 A
Asked: R…?
I = V/R
R = V/I
R = 12 V / 2 A
R = 6 Ohms
So the wire resistance is 6 Ohm

Thus has been explained about Definition of Dynamic Electricity, Formulas & Example Problems (Discuss Completely), hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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