√ 33 Understanding of Ideology According to Experts (Full discussion)

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33 Definition of Ideology According to Experts (Full discussion) – In this discussion we will explain the meaning of ideology according to experts. Ideology created by Antoine Destutt de Tracy in the late 18th century. Ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision, a way of looking at things, in general everyday life, or a group of ideas put forward by the dominant class to all members public. For more details, follow the review below until it's finished.

33 Definition of Ideology According to Experts (Full discussion)

The following is the definition of ideology according to experts that we can study carefully.

1. Encyclopedia International

The definition of ideology according to Encyclopedia International is a system of ideas and beliefs and attitudes based on the way of life in certain groups, classes and societies.

2. IKIP Malang Laboratory

The definition of ideology according to Lab. IKIP Malang is a collection of values, ideas and ideals as well as guidelines and methods for implementing or making them happen.

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3. C. C. rode

The definition of ideology according to C.C. Rodee is a collection of ideas that are logically related and identify the values ​​that give legitimacy to the institution and its actors.

4. Padmo Wahyono

The definition of ideology according to Padmo Wahyono is a unified and complete unity of basic ideas.

5. Silvio Vietta

The definition of ideology according to Silvio Vietta is a form of protecting a collection of ideas against irrational political behavior that acts in the form of idealism.

6. Francis Bacon

The definition of ideology according to Francis Bacon is the synthesis of fundamental thoughts from a scientific concept. Synthesis is a guide to various understandings so that everything becomes harmonious.

7. W. White

The definition of ideology according to W. White is a political ideal or doctrine (teaching) of a layer of society or a group of people who can be distinguished.

8. A S. Hornby

The definition of ideology according to A. S. Hornby is a set of ideas that form the basis of economic and political theory held by a person or group of people.

9. Thomas H

The definition of ideology according to Thomas H is a way to protect government power in order to survive and regulate its people.

10. Soerjanto Poespowardoyo

The definition of ideology according to Soerjanto Poespowardoyo is a complex of knowledge and various values ​​that universally become foundation for a person or society to be able to understand the universe and the earth and everything in it and also determine the basic attitude to be able to process it.

11. Mohammad Ismail

The notion of ideology according to Muhammad Ismail is a fundamental thought which is not at all built on other thoughts, but rather constitutes it the accumulation of answers to the questions where, for what, and where are nature, humans, and life related to the origin of their creation and life afterwards.

12. Harold H. Titus

The definition of ideology according to Harold H. Titus is a term used for a group of ideals on various political issues and economics carried out in a systematic plan and carried out by groups or layers public.

13. Murdiono

The definition of ideology according to Murdiono is a complex of knowledge and values ​​which as a whole becomes the basis for a person or society in order to understand the universe and the earth and everything in it and determine the basic attitude to manage it.

14. Descartes

The definition of ideology according to Descartes is the core of all human thought.

15. Antonine Destut de Tracy

The definition of ideology according to Antonine Destut de Tracy is the science of ideas or ideas that are in accordance with reality and in line with reason, not fantasy or false ideas.

16. Dr. Hafidh Shaleh

The definition of ideology according to Dr. Hafidh Shaleh is a thought that has ideas and methods in the form of rational concepts, which include beliefs and solutions to all problems of human life.

17. Napoleon

The definition of ideology according to Napoleon is the whole of political thought as well as its rivals.

18. M. Prateja Literature

The definition of ideology according to M. Prateja literature is a set of action-oriented ideas or thoughts that are organized into an orderly system.

19. Kirdi Dipoyuda

The definition of ideology according to Kirdi Dipoyuda is a systematic unity of basic ideas and comprehensive information about humans and their lives both individually and socially, including life patriotic.

20. Frans Magnis Suseno

The definition of ideology according to Frans Magnis Suseno is the whole system of thinking or the basic spiritual attitude of a movement of social groups and individuals.

21. Louis Altuser

The definition of ideology according to Louis Althuser is a speculative idea but not a false idea, because it is not intended to describes a reality but in order to be able to give an idea of ​​how humans should be in living their lives.

22. Dr. Alfian

The definition of ideology according to Dr. Alfian is a view or a value system that is comprehensive and deep about what is the best way, that is morally right and fair, in order to regulate joint behavior from various aspects life.

23. Karl Maanheim

The definition of ideology according to Karl Maanheim is a system of thought that is useful for maintaining a certain social order.

24. Machiavelli

The definition of ideology according to Machiavelli is a system of power protection owned by the authorities.

25. Ali Shariati

The definition of ideology according to Ali Shariati is the beliefs and ideas adhered to by a group, social class, a nation, or a certain race.

26. Nicollo Machiavelli

The definition of ideology according to Nicollo Machiavelli is knowledge about how to hide the interests of obtaining and maintaining power by utilizing religious conceptions and trick.

27. Manfred Steger and Paul James

The definition of ideology according to Manfred Steger and Paul James is to have 2 meanings.

  • Ideology is a group of normative ideas and concepts that have norms that represent existing political forces.
  • Ideology is a concept map that helps people in directing the complexity of political life and belief in social truth.

28. Gunawan Setiardjo

The definition of ideology according to Gunawan Setiardjo is a collection of ideas, ideas or rules that give birth to rules in life.

29. Karl Marx

The definition of ideology according to Karl Marx is false awareness because ideology is a product of thought created by its owner who is determined by his interests.

33 Definition of Ideology According to the Most Complete Experts

30. Ramlan Surkti

The definition of ideology according to Ramlan Surbakti consists of two, namely ideology functionally and ideology structurally

  • Ideology functionally is a set of ideas about the common good or about society and the state which is considered the best.
  • Structurally, ideology is a justification system such as ideas and political formulas for every policy and action taken by the authorities.

31. Taqiyudding An-Nabhani

The definition of ideology according to Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani is an aqliyah creed that gives birth to regulations. What is meant by aqidah is a comprehensive thought about the universe, humans and life, as well as about what is there is before and after life, in addition to its relationship with the Essence that exists before and after the world of life This. Or ideology is a basic idea that is comprehensive about the universe, humans, and life. Includes two parts, namely, fikrah, and tariqah.

32. KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)

The definition of ideology according to KBBI is a collection of systemic concepts that are used as the basis of opinions (events) that provide direction and purpose for survival.

33. Wikipedia

The definition of ideology according to Wikipedia is an idea or notion.

Thus our explanation this time about 33 Definition of Ideology According to Experts (Full discussion), I hope it can add to your insight and knowledge about the meaning of ideology. Thank you for visiting.

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