43 Understanding of Leadership According to Experts (Discuss in full)

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43 Understanding of Leadership According to Experts (Discuss in full) – We must be familiar with the word leadership, in our daily lives we sometimes don't realize that everything has to do with leadership.

Even in our own homes there is already a leader, who is a father or husband who is the head of the household. Father or husband is the head of the household in our house which is the leader for the family in the house.

Outside the home leadership is certainly widely applied, which is for example in schools, hospitals, local government (Pemda), an agency or company. In an institution, of course there is always such a thing as a member structure where there is always a leader or chairman, because in a institution or organization must also require a leader to manage all activities or who is responsible for what led.

43 Understanding of Leadership According to Experts (Discuss in full)

So here we will discuss what leadership is, here are some expert explanations about the meaning of leadership.

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Definition of Leadership According to Experts

The following will explain what leadership means according to trusted experts

1. William G. Scott (1962)

Leadership in his opinion is a process that influences activities organized in a group in an effort to achieve a predetermined goal.

2. F. A Nigro (1965)

The essence of leadership is that which can influence the activities of others.

3. F. I. Munson "The Management of Man"

Leadership is the ability to overcome people in such a way as to achieve the desired results as much as possible which is the smallest possible friction and as large as possible with the work being done The same.

4. Ordway Tead (1929)

Leadership is a combination of temperament which makes someone who might be able to encourage other parties to get the job done.

5. Hemhill and Coon (1995)

Leadership is an attitude of an individual who leads with various activities in a group towards the goals to be achieved together.

6. Rauch and Behling (1984)

Leadership is a process which can influence the activities of an organized group towards achieving a goal.

7. Kartini Kartono (1994:48)

Leadership has a distinctive character, specific, required in a particular situation. Because in a group that carries out certain activities and has a goal and also a variety of special equipment. The leader of a group with characteristic traits that are a function of the particular situation.

8. Tannenbaum, Weschler and Massarik (1961)

Leadership itself is an interpersonal influence, which is carried out in circumstances certain goals, and also directed through the communication process, towards the achievement of a certain goal or more.

9. P Pigors (1935)

Leadership in his opinion is a process of pushing through the success of something interaction of various individual differences, controlling one's power to pursue goals together.

10. George R. terry

He explained that leadership is a relationship that exists in a person or leader and can influencing others to want to work consciously on task relationships so that a goal can be achieved wanted.

11. Stephen J. Carroll and Henry L. Tosh (1977)

Leadership is a process of influencing others to do what you want them to do.

12. Theo Haiman and William G. Scott

Leadership in their opinion is a process of several people being directed, led, and influenced by an election and also the achievement of a goal.

13. Duben (1954)

Leadership is an activity of power holders and decision makers.

14. Reeds (1976)

Leadership according to Reed is a way to influence a person's behavior so that struggles can be carried out by following the will of a leader.

15. G. L. Feman and E. K. Taylor (1950)

Leadership is an ability to create activities in a group to achieve organizational goals with maximum effectiveness and cooperation from each individual.

16. James M. Black (1961)

Leadership according to him is an ability that is able to convince others to want to cooperate under his leadership so that it becomes a unit of the team in order to achieve a goal certain.

17. P Pigors "Leadership and Domination"

Leadership according to them is a process of pushing and pushing by controlling human power pursuit of common goals, through interaction which can be successful from a variety of differences individual.

18. C. Schenk “Leadership”: Infantry Journal. 1928

Leadership is management in knowing someone by means of persuasion and inspiration and not through direction or the like, or even coercion, veiled threats.

19. H. Kootz & O'Donnell "Principles of Management"

Leadership is an activity of persuading people to want to work together to achieve a common goal.

20. Ralph M. Stogdill in Sutarto (1998b: 13)

Leadership is a process of influencing the activities of a group of people which are organized in their efforts to set and achieve goals

21. Sutarto (1998b: 25)

Leadership according to Sutarto is a series of structuring activities in the form of the ability to influence the behavior of other people in certain situations so that they are willing to work together in achieving the goals that have been set set

22. Stoner

Leadership in the opinion of Daru Stoner is a process of directing and trying to influence activities which have something to do with group members

23. Hemhiel and Coons (1957:7)

Leadership is a behavior of an individual who leads an activity in a group in the goal to be achieved together (shared goal)

24. Jacobs and Jacques (1990:281)

Leadership according to them is a process of giving meaning to collective effort, and can result in a willingness to make the effort that is being desired to achieve goals

25. Wahjosumidjo (1987:11)

Leadership itself is essentially something that is inherent in a leader with certain characteristics such as personality, ability and capability. Leadership is also a series of activities (activities) of leaders that cannot be separated in position (position) and also the style and behavior of the leader. Leadership is a process between relationships and interactions between leaders, followers, and situations

26. Koontz And O'donnel

They explained that leadership is a process to influence a group of people so that they are willing to work seriously in order to achieve the goals of the group.

27. Wexley & Yuki (1977)

Leadership can be interpreted as influencing other people to make more effort in directing energy, to their duties or changing their behavior.

28. George R. terry

Leadership is an activity that influences people to be willing to try to achieve a common goal. Another opinion, regarding leadership is a process in various ways to influence a person or group of people.

29. Fiedler (1967)

Leadership according to Fiedler is a pattern of relationships between individuals who use their authority and influence on groups of people to work together to achieve goals.

30. John Pfiffner

Leadership according to John Piffner is an ability to coordinate and motivate people or groups to achieve the desired goals.

31. Davis (1977)

Leadership according to Davis is an ability to invite others to achieve previously determined goals with enthusiasm.

32. Ott (1996)

Leadership is a process of interpersonal relations in which a person influences the attitudes, beliefs, and especially the behavior of others.

33. Locke et.al. (1991)

Leadership is a process of persuading others to take steps toward a common goal. Of these five definitions, experts there are also those who review from the point of view of relationship patterns, the ability to coordinate, motivate, the ability to invite, persuade and to influence others.

34. Tead, Terry, Hoyt (in Kartono, 2003)

Leadership according to them is an activity or art which can influence other people to want to cooperate which is based on that person's ability to guide others to achieve the desired goals of the group the.

35. Young (in Kartono, 2003)

Leadership is a form of domination which is based on personal ability to encourage or invite others in order to want to do something which is based on acceptance by the group, and has the right special expertise for the situation special.

36. Moejiono (2002)

Leadership is actually the result of one-way influence, because leaders may have certain qualities which differentiate themselves from their followers. Voluntary theorists (compliance induction theorists) tend to view leadership as coercion or coercion pressing influence which is carried out indirectly and also as a means of forming groups according to the wishes leader.

37. Katz & Kahn (1978)

Leadership is the gradual increase in influence, and comes from mechanical adherence to the routine directions of the organization.

38. Dr. Thomas Gordon

Leadership here can be interpreted as an interaction between a person and a group, to be precise between a person and which group members each participant in this interaction plays a role and in certain ways this role must be separated from something with which other. The basis for this election is a matter of influence, which leaders influence and other people who are influenced.

19 Understanding of Leadership According to Complete Experts

39. G U. Cleeton and C.W Mason (1934)

In their opinion this leadership shows the ability of a person to influence people and to achieve results through emotional appeals and this is better than by use power

40. Locke & Associates (1997)

Leadership can also be interpreted as a process of persuading (inducing) other people to take steps towards a common goal.

41. John W. Gardner (1990)

Leadership is a process of persuasion in which individuals stimulate the group to continue the objectives set by the leader and shared jointly by the leader and followers other.

42. R.K. Merton "The Social Nature of Leadership", American Journal of Nuns, 1969

Leadership according to him is as from an interpersonal relationship which other parties make adjustments because they want to, not because they want to have to thereby.

43. Wikipedia

Quoted from Wikipedia which explains that leadership is a process of influencing or setting an example by leaders for their followers in an effort to achieve organizational goals.

That's a complete explanation about 43 Understanding of Leadership According to Experts (Discuss in full)that you can understand, hopefully useful. Thank you 🙂

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