Definition of Epeirogenic Movement and its Types (Discuss Completely)

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Definition of Epeirogenic Movement and its Types (Discuss Completely) - On the last occasion we have discussed the meaning of motion, this time we will still discuss motion, but there is a slight difference.

Definition of Epeirogenic Movement and its Types (Discuss Completely)

The movement that will be discussed here is epeirogenic motion, so what is epeirogenic motion? let's look at the following reviews.

Definition of Epeirogenic Movement

Epeirogenic movement is a movement that can cause the surface of the earth to feel like it is going down or up caused by movement on earth is divided into two types, namely positive epeirogenic motion and epeirogenic motion negative.

Types of Epeirogenic Movements

There are two types of epeirogenic movements, namely positive epeirogenic movements and negative epeirogenic movements, see the explanation below.

Positive Epeirogenic Movement

Positive Epeirogenic Movement

Positive epeirogenic motion is a movement in which the earth's surface falls and as if the sea level rises. This movement can occur because it is caused by additional loads, for example thick sediment in the geosynclinal area, which is a very wide basin.

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Examples of positive epeirogenic movements:

  • One example of epeirogenic movement that occurs in Indonesia is in the eastern part, which is the area of ​​the southwest Moluccas archipelago to the island of Banda.
    - Epeirogenic movements that occur in the Maluku Islands have a geographical location with a total area of ​​712,479.6 km2, consisting of 92.4% ocean and an area of ​​658,294.69 km2. Meanwhile, the remaining 7.6% is land with an area of ​​54,185 km2. It can be said that most of the Maluku Islands are sea.
    – Banda Island is one part of the Maluku archipelago, which has an area of ​​180 km2. Epeirogenic movements have also occurred on this Banda island.
  • The descent of the mouth of the Hudson River in the Americas which can be seen up to 1,700 meters. The Hudson River is a river that has a length of 507 km that flows from north to south across the eastern region of New York. The Hudson River empties into the Upper Bay area of ​​New York.
  • The lower reaches of the Congo river basin in the region of Central Africa in the west where it reaches up to 2,000 km below sea level. The Congo River is one of the rivers that is included in the second longest river after the Nile, this river has a length of up to 4,700 km.
  • The sinking of the continent of Gondwana. Gondwana is one of the giant continents in the southern hemisphere which is a vast land that once existed around 500 to 180 million years ago. Positive epeirogenic motion is caused by the Gondwana continent becoming the Indian Fault.
  • Precipitation that occurred at the mouth of the Mississippi River was caused by positive epeirogenic motion which resulted in the geosynclinal area being covered by sediment. The Mississippi River is the longest river in America, with a length of 3,734 km2. The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Negative Epeirogenic Movement

Negative Epeirogenic Movement

Negative epeirogenic movement is a movement on the earth's surface as if the earth's surface were rising and as if the water level was falling. Generally this movement is in the form of uplift which is caused by a reduction in the weight of the earth's crust, for example like melting ice.

Examples of negative epeirogenic movements:

  • For natural phenomena caused by negative epeirogenic motion in Indonesia, namely occurring on the island of Timor and the island of Buton.
    – The island of Timor is divided into independent countries, namely Timor Leste and West Timor which are part of the province of East Nusa Tenggara which has an area of ​​30,777 km2.
    – Buton Island is an island in Southeast Sulawesi, with an area of ​​4,408 km2.
  • The rising plateau in the Colorado area is also caused by negative epeirogenic motion. The Colorado Plateau, United States has an area of ​​337,000 km2.
  • Rise to the island of Simeulue in the north. Simeulue Island is one of the islands located in West Sumatra, has an area of ​​2,310 km2 with an altitude of 567 m. The rise of the northern island of Simeulue is due to epeirogenic motion, this phenomenon occurs because it coincided with the occurrence of the Stunami natural disaster which had occurred in Aceh in 2004.
  • Negative epeirogenic motion can also cause the coast in Stockholm to rise by 1 meter every 100 years.

Impact of Epeirogenic Movement

Not only can it cause changes in the shape of the earth's surface, but epeirogenic motion can also have an impact on living things on earth.

1. Positive impact

  • Get closer to a water source
    One of the positive impacts that occur in positive epeirogenic motion is that it can cause water to rise to the surface. Water is a major substance that is very important and needed by all living things on earth. With this positive epeirogenic motion, water sources that are located far below the earth can be encouraged to rise to the earth's surface.
  • A new living place for living beings
    The next positive impact that occurs in negative epeirogenic motion is that it can cause the land to rise then mountains or hills will form which can be grown by plants and can become a place to live for animal.
  • Agricultural or plantation area
    The next positive thing is the formation of a plateau that can be used by humans as a plantation or agricultural area.
  • Tourist attraction
    The last positive impact is the formation of new mountains coupled with fresh air and beautiful scenery so that it can be used as a place for tourism.

2. Negative impact

The negative impact caused by epeirogenic motion is a natural disaster. You can learn about the biosphere which is the layer of the earth's crust.

  • Landslide
    Landslides themselves often occur in mountainous areas. Landslide is an event in which there is movement of the ground caused by masses of rock or soil of various types, such as the fall of rocks or large lumps of soil. Landslide itself can occur from several factors, one of which is a trigger factor such as the movement of material by the ground.
  • Erosion
    The formation of steep slopes themselves can cause erosion. Erosion is a process of removing rocks, soil or other solids caused by the movement of water, ice or wind.
  • Earthquake
    Earthquakes occur because of a shift in the surface of the earth so that this causes an earthquake. An earthquake is a vibration that occurs on the surface of the earth caused by a sudden release of energy that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes that occur as a result of epirogenic motion include ordinary earthquakes or light earthquakes which are only caused by the movement of the earth's crust or plates.

Thus our explanation this time about Definition of Epeirogenic Movement and its Types (Discuss Completely), hopefully can add to your knowledge, and also read other articles. Thank You ?

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