Definition of Miracles According to Language and Terms and Examples

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Definition of Miracles According to Language and Terms and Examples – We already know that miracles are only owned by the prophets and messengers of Allah SWT. Miracles happen only when needed, for example to defend oneself against unbelievers. In the Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet, the word miracle is called paragraph or burhan which means clear explanation or proof. As in His words in QS. An-Nisa verse 174.

QS. An-Nisa verse 174

It means: "O mankind, verily a proof of truth has come to you from your Lord. (Nuhannad with his miracles), and We have sent down to you a bright light (Qur'an)“.

Definition of Miracles According to Language and Terms and Examples

Let's discuss the meaning first carefully.

Definition of Miracles According to Language and Terms

In the following, a complete explanation of the meaning of miracles will be explained, along with examples and types of miracles.

Understanding miracle according to language that is something which can weaken or defeat. Meanwhile understanding miracle in terms

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namely something that can be said to be very extraordinary that happened to the prophets and messengers of Allah SWT., In order to be able to prove that he is a prophet and apostle. A miracle is an extraordinary event which cannot be accepted by the human mind and is not owned by anyone because of it Allah SWT only gives it as an advantage over His messengers which is useful as proof of the truth in prophethood and his apostolate.

Features of a Miracle

The following are some of the characteristics of miracles, including the following:

  • What an extraordinary incident.
  • Derived from Allah SWT.
  • Cannot be reasoned by human reason.
  • Occurs suddenly without any element of intent.
  • Happened to a prophet and apostle.
  • As proof of the truth of God's teachings.
  • Useful in order to weaken the proof and rebuttal of infidels who deny it.

Kinds of Miracles

When viewed from its nature, the miracle itself is divided into two kinds namely hissiyah miracle And magical miracles.

Hissiyah or Kauniyah miracles – That is one of the miracles that can be seen, felt, heard and can also be touched. These miracles can also be called sensory miracles or material miracles because these miracles can be touched, seen, heard and can be felt by the human senses. This hissiyah miracle itself is not eternal, which means that it only applies to certain prophets. Almost all of the miracles of the previous prophets were of the Hissiyah type of miracles.

Maknawiyah or Aqliyah Miracles – Maknawiyah Miracles, namely miracles whose events cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelled, or even touched. This miracle can only be understood and recognized by people of sound mind, virtuous and refined feelings. One of them is the Qur'an. Almost none of the original scriptures that God gave to the apostles were original, which means that there have been many changes due to human denial. However, the Qur'an here has been guaranteed by Allah SWT. will be pure until the end of time.

Not only that, not everyone is willing to accept the guidance of the Qur'an. Only those who have faith are willing to accept the truth from the Quran. The nature of this miracle is eternal and will not experience a change.

Shakhsiyya miracle – That is a miracle which can come out of the body of a prophet and apostle, for example like water that comes out of the gaps of the fingers of the Prophet Muhammad, and there is also the miracle of the moonlight that emanated from the hands of Prophet Musa as and the healing of blindness and leprosy that was obtained by Prophet Isa US.

Salbiyyah miracle – namely the miracle that makes something powerless like when the Prophet Abraham was being burned by the King Namrud, but the fire that burned Prophet Ibrahim was unable to burn him and immediately felt the fire cold.

Definition of Miracles According to Language and Terms Along with Examples

Examples of Miracles

The following are some of the miracles that have been obtained by the prophets and apostles, including the following:

Prophet Noah's miracles

To show his greatness and at the same time punish the disobedient people against him, Allah ordered Prophet Noah As to make a large boat. The big boat was made in a very fast time which is an extraordinary feat especially since the boat was built on a hill. When Prophet Noah As's boat was finished, the flood was suddenly very powerful and hit the country, drowning everything that exists on earth except the prophet Noah and his followers and also a pair of animals of various types and sort of.

Prophet Abraham's miracles

Allah's miracle that was revealed through Prophet Ibrahim As, he was not scorched even though he was burned in a very large bonfire. This miracle weakened the violence and tyranny as well as the disbelief of Raja Namrud.

Prophet Musa As

To bring down the skills of the sorcerers in the palace of the pharaohs. God gave a miracle through the intermediary of the Prophet Musa in the form of a staff that could transform into a snake. This snake of the Prophet Musa ate all the snakes of the sorcerer who was in the pharaoh's palace. Not only that, the Prophet's staff can also split the sea into roads and has also saved the prophet Musa and his followers from the pursuit of the followers of the pharaohs.

Miracles of Prophet Isa As

Allah also sent down miracles through the intermediary of Prophet Isa As where these miracles occurred in order to answer his people, namely:

  • Can make a bird from the ground, then the bird can live.
  • Can revive dead people.
  • Can cure leprosy.
  • Can heal blind people.
  • And he can also find out what people eat and store at home.

The miracles of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

The miracles given by Allah SWT through the intermediary of the Prophet Muhammad SAW are as follows:

  • From the gaps in the fingers of the Prophet Muhammad, water could be drunk to quench thirst.
  • Traveling Isra 'and Mi'raj done in one night. A trip like this is not possible under normal circumstances, even if you use a vehicle or even a super-sophisticated aircraft.
  • Al Qur'anul Karim. Which is a holy book that cannot be compared either in terms of language or also in terms of the content contained in the Al-Qur'an.

This miracle is not in itself can be imitated by anyone and can not be defeated by anything, even though all beings unite against it. Because the miracle itself is a very extraordinary event and it can only happen by the will of God.

Well that's the discussion this time about Definition of Miracles According to Language and Terms and Examples, hope it useful for all Reader. That is all and thank you.

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