23 Definition of Observation According to Experts (Full Discussion)

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23 Definition of Observation According to Experts (Full Discussion) – In a study There are techniques in conducting a study, one of which is the observation technique. What is meant by observation? Observation is a technique or method of collecting data for scientific research purposes. For more details, in the following discussion the various meanings will be explained by experts.

23 Definition of Observation According to Experts (Full Discussion)

Let's discuss in detail here about observation

Definition of Observation

Observation has various meanings, but the point is still an observation to conduct a study. There is also a definition of observation according to experts including:

1. Sutrisno Hadi

In the opinion of Sutrino had that observation is a very complex process, which is composed of various biological and psychological processes. The most important of the two are the processes of memory and the processes of observation.

2. Nawawi & Martinis

They explained that the definition of observation is systematic observation and recording and consists of elements that appear in a symptom contained in the object study. The results will later be reported in a report that is arranged systematically in accordance with the rules.

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3. Prof. Heru

Belaiau argues that observation is a study that is carried out deliberately, directed, systematic, and planned and according to the intended purpose achieved by observing and recording all events and phenomena that occur and referring to the terms and conditions in the research or work scientific. The results of scientific observations are explained in detail, precise and accurate, and are not allowed to add or subtract and contrive as the researcher wishes.

4. Hanna Djumhana

In the opinion of Hanna Djumhana that observation is as one method which until now is still the main place in empirical science, and is still recognized in the world of scientific research which is one of the most widely applied methods for collection data.

5. Patton

Here Patton expressed his opinion that observation is included in one method that is accurate and also easy to do data collection whose purpose is to find out and understand all ongoing activities which are the object of deep study his research.

6. Sudjana

He argues that the definition of observation is one of the assessment tools that is widely used to measure processes and individual behavior in an activity that can be observed. So, you could say that observation is able to measure and assess the results of the teaching and learning process, for example, namely observing student behavior while studying in class, observing the teacher's behavior while teaching, activities carried out by students in class, and so on etc.

7. Suharsimi Arikunto

He argues that Observation is a direct observation of the physical environment or direct observation of something ongoing or running activity which consists of all activities of attention to an object study using tools her senses. Or efforts that are carried out intentionally and also consciously in order to collect data and do it in a systematic way and according to the procedure.

8. Burhan

The meaning of observation is the ability of a person to use his observations through the work of one of the five senses, namely the eye assisted by the other five senses.

9. Karl Welck

In the opinion of Karl Welck who stated that observation is recording, selecting, coding, changing by a series of behaviors and atmosphere that has to do with the organization in accordance with the objectives empirical. According to Arikunto, that observation is an effort made consciously to collect data that is carried out in a systematic and standard procedure.

10. cardboard

According to Kartono, observation is a study that is carried out deliberately and systematically regarding social phenomena and events and various psychological symptoms which are through observation and recording.

11. Sugiyono

He argues that observation in a simple sense is a research process that looks at the situation and also the conditions of the research. This observation technique is very relevant when used as classroom action research or PTK which consists of observations to the learning process, attitudes and behavior of students and interactions between students with other students and students with the teacher.

12. Gibson, RL & Mitchell. MH

They explained that observation is a technique that can be used to sort out degrees for making decisions and conclusions regarding other people being observed, although this observation cannot stand alone, it needs to be supplemented by the use of other methods to evaluation.

13. Gall et al

They argue that observation is a method of collecting data which is done by doing Observation of behavior and the environment, both social and material for individuals and groups observed.

14. KBBI

Quoted from KBI that the definition of observation is an observation or review that is carried out carefully.

15. Thank you

He argues that Observation is a research or systematic observation that is planned and intended to obtain data that is controlled for its validity and reliability.

16. Nasution

Here Nasution explains that observation is the basis of all science. Scientists can only work based on data, which are facts about the real world obtained through observation.

17. Shaodih

In the opinion of Syaodih who stated that observation is a technique used or a method which is used to collect data by observing an activity that has taken place.

18. Margono

In the opinion of Marogono that observation is an observation and recording that is carried out systematically on the symptoms seen in the object of research.

19. Bungin

He stated that observation is a data collection method used to collect research data carried out through observation and sensing.

20. Kartini Kartono

He stated his opinion that observation is a test with a specific purpose or purpose about something, especially with the aim is to collect facts, a score or value, a verbalization or expression in words everything that has been observed.

13 Definition of Observation According to Complete Experts

21. Prof. Dr. Sofyan S. Willis

In his opinion, the definition of observation is an observation made by participants and non-participants. This participant method requires researchers to be involved in the activities of children and adolescents. Whereas in the non-participant method, which only observes from the outside, there is no need to be involved.

22. Prof. Dr. Bimo Walgito

In his opinion, which states that observation is research that is carried out systematically and also deliberately held by utilizing the senses (especially the eye) from events that can be directly captured at the time of the incident going on.

23. Supriyati (2011:46)

He revealed that observation is one way to collect characteristic research data basically naturalistic that takes place in a natural context, the actor participates naturally in interaction.

Thus a brief explanation from some of the experts in the article about 23 Definition of Observation According to Experts (Full Discussion), hopefully it can provide benefits to all of us. Thank you very much 🙂

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