√ Munro's Analysis Techniques on Gender Issues (Full Discussion)

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Munro's Analysis Techniques in Gender Issues (Full Discussion) – In some social domains gender it is a social topic. There is social change which is the main topic in discussions about development and social change. In fact, recently, various writings, both in the mass media and books, seminars, discussions and so many discuss protests and lawsuits related to injustice and discrimination against people Woman. Injustice and discrimination occur in almost all fields, starting from the international, state, religious, social, cultural, economic level, even down to the household level.

Munro's Analysis Techniques in Gender Issues (Full Discussion)

Gender questioned because socially it has given rise to different roles, responsibilities, rights and functions as well as space for the activities of men and women in society. These differences ultimately make society tend to be discriminatory and selective in the treatment of access, participation, and control in the development outcomes of men and women.

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Analysis gender in the social realm

Therefore it is very important for us to do the analysis gender with the aim of knowing whether a development plan has been made in an area with a gender perspective or still gender biased, whether the development has paid attention to women's rights or not yet. This Gender Analysis can be used to analyze the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of program policies and activities in various aspects of development.

In implementing this strategy, a tool is needed which is the basis of each process gender mainstreaming both in the aspects of policies, programs and activities that will be developed/implemented. These tools are various gender analyzes but all of them start with the provision of data and facts as well as information about gender. There are several types of analytical tools that are often used to analyze gender in development, one of which is the Munro analysis technique.

This technique is an analytical technique that uses the basis of community participation or involvement, both men and women in various types of activities or Development projects start from research activities, project planning, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects or their control, and in decision making decision. This technique is more appropriate for small-scale rural development projects or activities identification of basic community problems, and sustainable development programs.

Analysis gender the first is to use the Capabilities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Matrix table. From the physical and material aspects the potential of the village is natural resources in the form of bamboo trees which are quite a lot in the village. besides that in this village there are also quite a lot of workers who can be empowered because there are many young people and unemployed mothers who do not have activities during the day so they just chat and play around even though their energy can be used for other activities positive. However, their obstacle or weakness is their lack of creativity, bamboo trees which should be used as a craft material to add the village's income was simply left untouched by the residents because previously they did not have enough knowledge and skills to make something Skills.

From a social & organizational aspect they have an advantage in living in groups because as we know people in rural areas will have a close enough bond between one another so that they will help each other and work together to get things done problem. However, their group management is still weak, because here they do not yet have a clear division of labor, there is a lack of coordination, which hinders them from doing an activity project, they don't know what their duties are, what they have to do and do, so they need a leader who can direct them.

From the aspect of motivation and attitude, each region must have key figures or people who are influential in the area, including the village where the Community Service Program was held for Mr. Gutama's guidance team. These key figures can play a role in motivating villagers to build their village to be better and more advanced, but here the weakness is that it is quite difficult to change the traditional teachings or values ​​that have been embedded in every citizen in the village. think that if the bamboo is cut down and made into handicraft materials, their village will no longer be beautiful, even though we can carry out a selective logging system and replanting.

Munro's Analysis Techniques in Gender Issues

Then also if women are involved in these activities they assume that it is not a job for women even though in making a craft from bamboo women can also contribute and play a role in it such as helping to soak and The cut bamboo is drying, besides that the women can also help to weave the bamboo pieces into bamboo a fan. So it is necessary to socialize the roles of men and women in a development activity or project and provide motivation and understanding to the villagers so that they can build their village together to become a bigger village productive.

Thus our discussion this time about Munro's Analysis Techniques in Gender Issues (Full Discussion), hopefully useful and can add to our knowledge. Thank you 🙂


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