Definition of Learning Methods: Characteristics, Purpose, Types and Discussion

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Definition of Learning Methods: Characteristics, Purpose, Types and Discussion – What is meant by Learning Method?, On this occasion About the will discuss it and of course about other things that also cover it. Let's look at the discussion together in the article below to better understand it.

Definition of Learning Methods: Characteristics, Purpose, Types and Discussion

Understanding the learning method in general is a way chosen by teachers and educators to get optimizing the teaching and learning process which then aims to achieve the learning objectives expected.

Learning Method or Learning Model is a whole series of teaching material presentation which includes all aspects before and after learning carried out by the teacher as well as all related facilities that are used directly or indirectly in the learning process teach.

Understanding the learning method (learning methods) is a process of delivering educational material to students which is carried out systematically and regularly by teaching staff or teachers.

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The learning method is also interpreted as a strategy or tactic in carrying out learning and teaching activities in class that is applied by the teaching staff so that the learning objectives that have been set can be achieved by Good.

The learning method can also be interpreted more briefly as the way or path taken by the teacher to convey learning material so that learning objectives can be achieved.

Definition of Learning Methods According to Experts

The following is a discussion of the full meaning of learning methods according to experts.

  • According to Abdurrahman Ginting

The learning method can be interpreted as a distinctive way or pattern in utilizing various basic principles education as well as various techniques and other related resources so that the learning process occurs in self learner.

  • According to Ahmadi (1997)

Understanding the learning method according to Ahmadi is a knowledge of the ways to teach used by teachers or instructors.

  • According to M. Hasby Ashydiqih

The meaning of the learning method is a set of ways to achieve certain goals in the learning process.

  • According to Geriach Ely

Learning methods are the ways chosen to convey lessons in a teaching environment specific, which includes the nature, scope and sequence of activities that can provide learning experiences to students student.

  • According to Nana Sudjana (2005)

The definition of the learning method is the method used by the teacher in establishing relationships with students during teaching.

  • According to M. Sobri Sutikno (2009)

Learning methods are ways of presenting subject matter that are carried out by educators so that the learning process occurs in students in an effort to achieve goals.

  • According to Gerlach and Elly (1980)

The learning method can be interpreted as a systematic plan to convey information.

  • According to Salamun (2009)

The meaning of the learning method according to Salamun is a different way to achieve different learning outcomes under different conditions.

Characteristics of Learning Methods

The following are some of the characteristics and characteristics of learning methods in general and complete.

  • Be flexible, flexible and have power that is in accordance with the character of the students and the material
  • It is functional in uniting theory with practice and delivering students to practical abilities.
  • Not reducing the material, on the contrary, developing the material.
  • Give freedom to students to express opinions.
  • Being able to place the teacher in the right, respectable position in the whole learning process.

Learning Method Function

According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain, the functions of the learning method include:

  • As a Tool of Extrinsic Motivation
  • As a Learning Strategy
  • As a Tool to Achieve Goals.

Learning Method Objectives

The purpose of the learning method or learning method is:

  • To help students develop their individual abilities so they can overcome their problems with breakthrough alternative solutions.
  • To help find, test, and compile the data needed in an effort to develop a scientific discipline.
  • To assist the teaching and learning process so that the implementation of learning activities can be carried out in the best way.
  • So that the learning process can run in a fun and motivated atmosphere so that learning material is more easily understood by students.
  • To facilitate the learning process with good results so that teaching objectives can be achieved.
  • To deliver learning in an ideal direction precisely, quickly, and as expected.

Types of Learning Methods

The following types of learning methods include:

  • Lecture method.

namely the learning method by conveying information verbally to students. The advantages and disadvantages of the lecture method include:

The disadvantages of the lecture method include:

    • Students are more passive because they only listen to the teacher.
    • Teaching and learning activities tend to be boring.
    • Some students who prefer visual learning will find it difficult to accept lessons.
    • The teaching process is more focused on understanding words only.

The advantages of the lecture method include:

    • The teaching staff can completely control the class.
    • Encourage students to try to train focus.
    • The learning process is easier to do.
    • Learning activities can be followed by many students.
  • Discussion Method.

namely a teaching method that prioritizes student discussion activities in learning to solve problems. This learning method is carried out by forming discussion groups to discuss a problem.

The advantages of the discussion method, namely:

    • Encourage students to think critically.
    • Encourage students to express their opinions.
    • Train students about tolerance and respect for the opinions of others.

Disadvantages of the discussion method, namely:

    • It tends to be dominated by students who like to talk.
    • A formal way of expressing opinions is required.
    • The themes in the discussion are usually limited.
    • Only suitable for small groups.
  • Demonstration Method.

namely the teaching method which is carried out in a practicum form so that students see firsthand what is being learned. Usually this learning method is more interesting and makes students more focused on the subject matter.

The advantages of the demonstration method, namely:

    • Information is easier to understand because it is through direct practice.
    • Can minimize the possibility of misunderstanding because concrete evidence is visible.
    • Students more easily understand the information conveyed by the teacher.

Disadvantages of the demonstration method, namely:

    • Not all subject matter can be demonstrated.
    • The teaching staff must be people who really understand the material being taught.
    • Only effective when students are not too many.
  • Lecture Plus Method

namely a learning method that is similar to the lecture method in general, but accompanied by other methods of delivering subject matter. For example like:

    • Lecture plus question and answer method.
    • Lecture method plus discussion and assignments.
    • Lecture method plus demonstration and practice.
  • Recitation Learning Method.

namely a method that requires students to make a resume regarding the material that has been delivered by the teacher. The resume is written on paper using the students' own words.

The advantages of the recitation learning method are:

    • Encourage students to practice good writing.
    • Students tend to remember the subject matter delivered by the teacher.
    • Train students to be responsible and take initiative.

Weaknesses of the recitation learning method, namely:

    • Some students copy resumes belonging to friends, or done by someone else.
    • It is difficult to evaluate whether students really understand the resume they have made.
  • Experimental Method.

namely the method carried out with practicum activities or lab experiments so that students can see the subject matter directly.

The advantages of the experimental method, namely:

    • Students can explore and develop themselves through their experiments.
    • Make students think that the subject matter can be proven by experiments.
    • Producing students who have a research spirit for scientific development.

Disadvantages of the experimental method, namely:

    • Students cannot do experiments if there is a shortage of tools.
    • Not all subject matter can be done with the experimental method.
    • The activities of this method can only be carried out in certain fields of study and within a limited time.
  • The Work Tour Method.

namely learning methods by utilizing the environment or certain places that have a source of knowledge for students. This method must receive direct supervision from the teacher.

The advantages of the field trip method are:

    • Utilizing direct interaction with the natural environment and certain places.
    • Teaching activities are more fun and interesting.
    • Stimulate students to be more creative in thinking and expressing opinions.

Disadvantages of the field trip method, namely:

    • Requires a large amount of money.
    • Activities must be carefully planned.
    • Must go through the approval of many parties, both the school, parents, and other parties.
    • The safety factor is very important to note.
    • Many students prioritize recreational goals rather than learning goals.
  • Training Method.

namely teaching methods that are carried out by training the skills (soft skills) of students by designing, making, or utilizing something.

The advantages of the training method, namely:

    • Can train students' motor and cognitive skills.
    • Can train creativity in students.
    • Can train focus, speed, and accuracy of students.

Disadvantages of training methods, namely:

    • Some students who are not interested will find it difficult to adapt.
    • There is a possibility of inhibiting other talents contained in students.
    • Can make students bored because this activity requires quite a long time.
  • Design Method.

namely a method aimed at stimulating students to be able to make a project that will later be studied.

The advantages of the design method, namely:

    • Encourage students to think critically and be able to solve problems.
    • Train students to be able to integrate knowledge, attitudes, and skills in an integrated manner.

Disadvantages of the design method, namely:

    • Can only be done when there is a competition event.
    • Requires special teaching staff to plan and carry out activities.
    • Requires considerable resources and facilities.
  • Debate Method.

namely the learning method in which students argue with each other, both individually and in groups. The debate is carried out formally with certain rules where the aim is to discuss a problem and how to solve the problem.

The advantages of the debate method, namely:

    • Train cooperation and group work of students.
    • Train students to convey and defend their arguments.
    • Encourage students to seek information to strengthen their arguments.
    • Train the ability to express opinions and self-confidence of students.

Disadvantages of the debate method, namely:

    • Often lead to arguments that have no resolution.
    • Only certain students do debate activities.
    • Opinions expressed often do not have the essence and only contain rebuttals.
  • Cooperative Script Method.

namely the learning method by pairing students and demanding students to convey the essence of the subject matter orally. At the end of the session, the teacher will provide a conclusion from the subject matter.

The advantages of the cooperative script method, namely:

    • Train students in listening, concluding, and conveying the essence of the material.
    • Train students to be more courageous and confident in class.
    • Students are more actively participating as a whole.

Disadvantages of the cooperative script method, namely:

    • This method can only be applied to certain fields of study.
      Can only be done with two groups and two people in pairs.
  • Mind Map Learning Method.

namely a method that applies a coherent way of thinking to a problem, how the problem occurs, and how to solve it. With this method, students can increase their analytical power and critical thinking so that they understand the problem from start to finish.

The advantages of the mind mapping method are:

    • This learning method is considered more effective and efficient.
    • The emergence of a new idea depicted in the diagram.
    • The flow of students' thinking is more effective so that it is beneficial for their lives.

Disadvantages of the mind mapping method, namely:

    • It takes knowledge with a lot of reading before making a mapping.
    • Not all students can be involved in activities.
    • Some detailed information may be lost from the mapping.
    • Most likely other people don't understand the mind map made by their friend because it only contains the main points.
Definition of Learning Methods: Characteristics, Purpose, Types and Discussion
  • Inquiry Learning Method.

namely learning methods that can encourage students to realize what has been obtained during learning. This method involves intellectually and encourages students to understand that what they have learned is something valuable.

The Discovery Learning Method, which is a learning method that is carried out by developing active, independent student learning methods, and has a better understanding. In this case, students look for answers to their own questions so that they remember them better.

The advantages of the discovery method, namely:

    • Develop students' cognitive abilities.
    • Students can think wider and more independently.
    • Increase students' motivation and self-confidence through the discoveries they make.
    • Improve mutual relations between students and teachers.

Disadvantages of the discovery method, namely:

    • This method is only suitable for small classes.
    • Students must have metal preparation in the learning process.
    • Students care more about their findings rather than paying attention to skills and attitudes.
    • Not all inventions can solve problems.
  • Role Sharing Method

namely the learning method by sharing roles (role playing) is done by involving students to portray a particular character or situation. This method can train students' communication in interacting with others.

The advantages of the method of sharing roles, namely:

    • Students can practice the subject matter directly.
    • Train students' self-confidence by performing certain roles in front of the class.
    • Students better understand the subject matter.

Disadvantages of the method of sharing roles, namely:

    • Some students do not like this method.
    • Introverted students generally find it difficult to follow the role playing method.

Thus the review from About the about Definition of Learning Methods, hopefully can add to your insight and knowledge. Thank you for visiting and don't forget to read other articles.

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